Via Teg Aer |
Astral |
This circle is available to Martial Wilders and Religious Wilders.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vta01 |
Survival |
4 |
In response to all their time spent outdoors, studious wilders will find their ability to sustain themselves in the wild increased. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vta03 |
Trackless |
3 |
The wilder is so in tune with Thrael that the very ground refuses to betray its passage. |
vta04 |
Windborn Guidance |
5 |
The wilder entrusts itself to the wind, guiding its movements away from harm. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vta07 |
Thrael's Bounty |
7 |
Drawing upon its attunement with Thrael, the wilder gains the ability to partake of its bounty. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vta11 |
Barkskin |
8 |
Causes the caster to meld into a plant, rendering it effectively invisible and increasing vitality regeneration. Taking any action other than casting on oneself or sniping will break the spell. The vitality regeneration scales with Wisdom, Channeling, wilder staff quality, and the duration of the barkskin. |
vta13 |
Echoes on the Wind |
15 |
Links outdoor rooms through the wind, causing anything spoken to be carried between them. If cast on a remote target, the spell will link the room the target is standing in. The number of rooms permitted to be linked scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and wilder staff quality. The wilder may cast purge to remove all existing echoes it has cast. |
Via Ars Av |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Wizards.
This circle deals with the art of the counterspell, defeating spells before and while they are being cast. It is a very complex circle and has remained the linchpin of wizard supremacy throughout the ages. The road of Ars Av, while small, is composed entirely of meta-spells that are extremely powerful and encompass ancient principles.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vaa01 |
Essence Eye |
1 |
Gives the caster information about the target's spellcasting skills relative to the caster's, as well as what spell the target is currently preparing, if any. Instant cast and 0 RT. |
vaa04 |
Feedback |
3 |
Causes the target to lose a prepared spell and does additional damage based on the spell's essence cost. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vaa07 |
Baleful Dispel |
8 |
Warding spell that removes spell efects from the targeted person. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vaa10 |
Essence Bending |
11 |
A self-cast only spell that provides a defensive bonus against warding spells of the specified type of magic that increases with sorcery skill and reasoning. cast astral , cast arcane , or cast vedic to use. |
vaa13 |
Aethershield |
10 |
Provides a temporary essence resistance and a physical bonus to defense against physical attacks that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. |
Via Vas Zem |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Bards.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vvz02 |
Song of Bravery |
5 |
Provides a mental dexterity bonus to the bard's group. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vvz04 |
Song of Inspiration |
4 |
Provides a mental evasion bonus to the bard's group. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vvz09 |
Song of the Stalwart |
5 |
Provides a bonus to vitality and stamina to the bard's group. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vvz12 |
Song of Battle |
7 |
Provides a mental bonus to conditioning, melee, and tactics to the bard's group. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vvz15 |
Song of Marksmanship |
7 |
Group mental archery, kinesis, and thrown bonus. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
Via Flam |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Wizards.
One of the four standard elemental circles, fire magicks are considered some of the oldest known to mage-kind. It was a dedicated study of this circle that lead illusionists to the outgrowth of their specialized magic (and subsequent forsaking a sole dedication to the Arcane sphere). This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Glas.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vf01 |
Fire Cantrip |
1 |
Ignites flammable objects or heats up object that are not flammable. |
vf03 |
Fire Star |
1 |
Fire offensive bolt spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vf06 |
Blinding Flash |
5 |
Blinds a target. You must wait a short while after casting this spell before you may cast it again. You may charge this spell to have it take additional roundtime and inflict a longer blind. A second roll against Conditioning and Endurance is made following a successful hit. Should the roll succeed, the blind will last for four times the length taken to cast it. Should the roll fail, the blind will last for three times the length taken to cast it. |
vf09 |
Blaze |
5 |
Warding spell that lights the target on fire, dealing fire damage to random limbs over time. |
vf12 |
Emberwreath |
8 |
By casting this spell, a shield of fire surrounds the caster and lashes out when the caster is successfully attacked. Gives a magical bonus to evasion that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
vf15 |
Instill Flame |
12 |
Adds a temporary fire flare to a weapon that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
Adds a temporary fire resistance to armor equal to its cutting resistance.
Adds a temporary fire resistance to a person that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
When cast on the wizard, allows the wizard to build affinity to its element by successfully casting offensive Via Flam spells and on a successful emberwreath retaliation. At 10 charges of affinity, the wizard's next Via Flam spell will be modified as follows:
- Fire Star - Negates a portion of aiming penalties that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
- Blinding Flash - Causes the target to fall prone as well as be blinded.
- Blaze - Adds an amount to offense that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
Via Miras |
Hybrid Arcane-Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane-vedic hybrid with the exception of vm03 (pure vedic).
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vm01 |
Light Field |
5 |
This spell uses basic illusionary concepts of light manipulation and flux conversion to create a defensive shield of light around the caster. Boosts physical defense in an amount that scales with the appropriate skill. |
vm03 |
Create Focus |
15 |
Allows an illusionist to create a focus with a quality that scales with Focus, Will, gem quality, and focus quality.
Casting this with the focus in one's primary hand and a gem in one's offhand will recharge the focus and rescale it. Recharging a focus with another focus will allow the second focus's recharged value to be added to the focus being recharged. Foci that have acheived a certain amount of value from creation and recharging relative to their focus quality may cease to consume charges until their quality rises further.
Casting this spell requires that it be night for those who know Via Nox Kol Mar or day for those who do not. Sufficient skill or being in an illusionist light room removes the day/night requirement.
Foci have a maximum quality they can achieve, though this quality is further extended by creating or making a currently unknown gem, a currently unknown gem, a nox spinel (in the case of null foci), or an aiglass (in the case of prismatic foci).
This spell is purely vedic. |
vm05 |
Sight |
8 |
By creating connections from external light to the mind, this spell can cure blindness and allows the caster to always see magically invisible people. |
vm07 |
Fade |
3 |
Causes the caster to become magically undetectable (invisible) to the perceptions of others. Moving from the room or assailing a target in any way breaks the effect. |
vm11 |
Armor Fantastique |
11 |
By using his abilities to fool the mind, the caster uses this spell to create an illusionary suit of armor that does not come with penalties to anything but martial arts. The type of armor scales with the appropriate skill and the armor quality scales with the quality of the focus. |
vm15 |
Zyzyl's Defense |
11 |
Provides a defensive resistance against arcane warding spells similar to primary defensive abilities. |
Via Ful Flux |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Wizards.
This via is a study of pure displays of essence, and to a lesser extent, electricity. Extrovert spells, as is their nature, affect others and gather no small amount of interference from the caster's aura. The road of Ful Flux deals with electrical storms and gross displays of aether.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vff02 |
Essence Burst |
3 |
Essence bolt spell that also deals damage to the target's essence. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vff05 |
Essence Theft |
3 essence, 5 willpower |
Warding spell that steals essence from the target and gives it to the caster. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vff08 |
Essence Saturation |
6 |
Warding spell that gives a magical penalty to the target's Gnosis that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus items. |
vff11 |
Essence Surge |
4 |
Bolt spell that gives a penalty to essence costs and prep time. The penalty to essence costs scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus items. |
vff14 |
Essence Rupture |
3 essence, 1 willpower |
Essence warding spell that receives a bonus to damage and offense based on the number of curses on a target. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
Via In Onus |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics, Empaths, and Religious Wilders.
Via In Onus spells may be learned from Brother Demilo in the Lyceum.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vio01 |
Bless Weapon |
1 |
Calling upon the gods, the caster has the ability to bless a weapon, making it fit for use against the undead. The number of uses scales with Wisdom and Channeling. |
vio04 |
Cleanse |
7 |
The caster cleanses a target's body of a single poison or curse effect. |
vio06 |
Soul Sight |
3 |
The caster remains in tune with death itself, perceiving those who perish. |
vio07 |
Clear Sight |
8 |
Cures or removes a single blindness effect from the target and causes the target to attempt to pierce concealment about it using the caster's Channeling and Wisdom. Also provides a spiritual bonus to Observation that scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vio10 |
Stability |
6 |
Removes the stunned status from the target and grants the target a one-time 6-second reduction to the duration of disables. Instant-cast. |
vio13 |
Astral Meditation |
1 |
The caster connects with the astral plane on a deeper level, increasing its essence regeneration significantly until it takes any other action. The amount of essence regeneration scales with Wisdom, Channeling and the duration of the meditation. |
vio15 |
Soften |
6 |
By focusing on their deity, the caster of soften will grant its target relief from the perils and discomforts of petrification. Grants the target a one-time 6-second reduction to the duration of disables and stacks with vio10. |
Via Glas |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Wizards.
The road of Glas involves cold, one of the four elemental forces. An indepth study of cold magick lead to deeper studies into the power of the void, and (as some magi theoreticize), the creation of the channeler profession. This spell circle primarily deals with shields, offensive effects, and some minor water effects, all within the domain of elemental cold. This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Flam.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vg01 |
Chill |
1 |
Lowers the temperature of the target. |
vg03 |
Freezing Shard |
1 |
Ice offensive bolt spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vg06 |
Freeze |
5 |
Instant cast warding spell that paralyzes the target with cold. You must wait a short while after casting this spell before you may cast it again. You may charge this spell to have it take additional roundtime and inflict a longer petrify. A second roll against Conditioning and Endurance is made following a successful hit. Should the roll succeed, the petrify will last for four times the length taken to cast it. Should the roll fail, the petrify will last for three times the length taken to cast it. |
vg09 |
Fetters of Rime |
7 |
Warding spell that gives a magical defensive penalty to the target that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
vg12 |
Frost Lash |
8 |
A shield of ice protects the caster, occasionally doing damage to an attacker. Gives a magical bonus to Evasion that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
vg15 |
Instill Frost |
12 |
Adds a temporary ice flare to a weapon that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
Adds a temporary ice resistance to armor equal to its cutting resistance.
Adds a temporary ice resistance to a person that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
When cast on the wizard, allows the wizard to build affinity to its element by successfully casting offensive Via Glas spells and on a successful frost lash retaliation. At 10 charges of affinity, the wizard's next Via Glas spell will be modified as follows:
- Freezing Shard - Negates a portion of aiming penalties that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
- Freeze - Causes the target to fall prone as well as be paralyzed.
- Fetters of Rime - Adds an amount to offense that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
Via Fas Sani |
Hybrid Astral-Vedic |
This circle is available to Empaths.
This circle is astral-vedic hybrid.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfs03 |
Cauterize |
3 |
Stops a limb from bleeding. |
vfs06 |
Anesthetize |
5 |
Stuns the target. You must wait a short while after casting this spell before you may cast it again. You may charge this spell to have it take additional roundtime and inflict a longer stun. A second roll against Conditioning and Endurance is made following a successful hit. Should the roll succeed, the stun will last for four times the length taken to cast it. Should the roll fail, the stun will last for three times the length taken to cast it. |
vfs09 |
Refresh |
7 essence, 1 willpower |
Chargeable spell that restores vitality to the caster or target. This spell invokes an empath's regeration if used on on an empath. |
vfs12 |
Cannibalize |
0 |
Damages one of the caster's limbs in return for essence. The limb is random unless the target is specified. The spell may be charged for additional damage and essence. |
vfs15 |
Unempathy |
9 essence, 1 willpower |
Deals holy typed damage to a target, healing the most wounded limb and starting empathic regeneration if applicable. This spell requires that the caster have a wound in order to be cast. |
Via In Flux |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Wizards.
Like similar introvert spell circles, the road of In Flux concentrates on the influence of flux and electrical magic within the caster's aura and body-form. The circle typically is muted in its displays of pure energy, in direct opposition to its sister circle, Via Ful Flux. Flux Magicks, Introvert is known especially for some of the more complex manipulations of individual's essence pools.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vif03 |
Displacement |
5 |
Gives a magical bonus to Reflexes that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
vif06 |
GlassSteel |
3 |
Creates a protective dome around the caster and party. pound will break the dome. |
vif09 |
Lock Weakening |
18 |
Lowers a lock's difficulty by an amount that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
vif12 |
Essence Conservation |
12 |
Reduces the essence cost of successful offensive spells by 1. |
vif15 |
Aethersight |
13 |
Provides a mental bonus to Enchanting, Evasion, and Gnosis that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
Via Ira Zem |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Bards.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
viz01 |
Shriek of the Gryphon |
1 |
Chargable warding spell that deals sonic damage. |
viz03 |
Song of Aggression |
1 |
Chargable spellbolt that deals sonic damage. |
viz06 |
Song of Stunning |
5 |
Stuns the target. Instant cast. This spell has its own cooldown. |
viz09 |
Song of Silence |
5 |
Afflicts the target with silence. This spell has a target-based cooldown. |
viz12 |
Song of the Willow |
5 |
Slows the actions of the target. |
viz15 |
Resonance |
12 |
Adds a temporary sonic flare to a weapon. The damage on the flare scales with focus skill. |
Via In Rik |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Channelers.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vir03 |
Binding Glyph |
3 |
The binding glyph magically seals a container. Casting binding glyph again will magically unseal it. |
vir06 |
Rune of Fortification |
5 |
The rune of fortification magically boosts a sub-quality item to average quality. |
vir09 |
Rune of Enhancement |
5 |
The rune of enhancement magically augments a single specified skill on a target. The magical bonus scales with sorcery and reasoning. This spell may be self-cast. |
vir12 |
Rune of Physical Diminution |
12 |
The rune of physical diminution reduces all physical damage dealt to the caster. The amount of damage reduction scales with sorcery and reasoning. This spell is self-cast only. |
vir15 |
Summoning Rune |
15 essence, 3 willpower |
The Summoning Rune allows a channeler to summon a single person into a red summoning circle from a great distance. The target may opt to refuse the summoning. Success is not assured, though sorcery and reasoning can make up for distance. Benefits from the strength of the summoning circle (a function of its quality and number of points). |
Via Fide Onu |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics of the Onu.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Fide Nivi.
Via Fide Onu may be learned from a zombie in a crypt in Kemstead Abbey.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfon02 |
Litany of Protection |
3 |
A swarm of insects protect the caster, occassionally retaliating against those who would harm it. This chance scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vfon05 |
Covet |
5 |
The envy of Aorre fills the caster, sucking the breath and life out of its target to fill the caster with but a fraction of it. |
vfon07 |
Subsume |
1 |
Shaellis's dark waters consume a corpse, restoring the caster's essence. Essence regen scales with the target's level. |
vfon10 |
Corrupt Ventriloquism |
5 |
The target's words are redirected by Taqe's mischief, rendering it effectively silent. Provides a penalty to the time to prep spells after the silence ends. |
vfon13 |
Revel |
5 |
The spirit of Leta's destructive revelry overtakes the target, causing them to add unnecessary flourishes to every movement, increasing roundtime. |
vfon15 |
Decay |
8 |
Causes the target's limb to decay rapidly. This does not cause bleeding or vitality damage, but the horror inflicted upon the limb is truly massive. Scales with Channeling and Wisdom, causing more damage over a shorter period of time. |
Via Jus |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Wizards.
One of the four elemental magicks, this via deals with the elemental force of wind. This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Teg.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vj01 |
Gust |
1 |
Can extinguish a lit object, remove wetness, and remove unusual scents. |
vj03 |
Spark |
1 |
Electricity offensive bolt spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vj06 |
Gale |
5 |
Stuns the target. You must wait a short while after casting this spell before you may cast it again. You may charge this spell to have it take additional roundtime and inflict a longer stun. A second roll against Conditioning and Endurance is made following a successful hit. Should the roll succeed, the stun will last for four times the length taken to cast it. Should the roll fail, the stun will last for three times the length taken to cast it. |
vj09 |
Arc Impulse |
5 |
Deals electricity damage over time to random limbs on the target. |
vj12 |
Wind Shear |
8 |
A shield of wind that protects the caster, occasionally strengthening in response to the caster being attacked. Gives a magical bonus to defense that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. If the caster is attacked, has a chance to give a temporary reduction to all damage. |
vj15 |
Instill Electricity |
12 |
Adds a temporary electricity flare to a weapon that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
Adds a temporary electricity resistance to armor equal to its cutting resistance.
Adds a temporary electricity resistance to a person that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
When cast on the wizard, allows the wizard to build affinity to its element by successfully casting offensive Via Jus spells and on a successful wind shear hardening. At 10 charges of affinity, the wizard's next Via Jus spell will be modified as follows:
- Spark - Negates a portion of aiming penalties that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
- Gale - Causes the target to fall prone as well as be stunned.
- Arc Impulse - Adds an amount to offense that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
Via Kel Onyr |
Astral |
This circle is available to Qai Monks.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vko02 |
Tsau Hung's Call |
2 |
Allows the monk's unarmed attacks to hit spirits. |
vko05 |
Tsu Phang's Teachings |
6 |
Provides a spiritual bonus to the unarmed skill that scales with the channeling skill and wisdom stat. |
vko08 |
Gie Jai's Call |
11 |
Provides a defense against vedic warding spells similar to a primary defensive ability that scales with the channeling skill and wisdom stat. |
vko11 |
Qin Su's Call |
11 |
Provides physical damage mitigation that scales with the channeling skill and wisdom stat. |
vko15 |
First Glorious Martial Form |
15 |
Provides a variety of bonuses that may or may not scale with the channeling skill and wisdom stat based on the martial art that the monk is using:
- Tiger – An extra move per second as though mounted as well as increased stamina and vitality regeneration..
- Crane – A spiritual bonus to reflexes, wisdom, and gnosis as well as an increased likelihood that mobs will prefer targets other than the monk.
- Bear – A bonus to maximum stamina and vitality, a reduction to bleeding rate, and a slight shaving off of the time of any stuns the monk incurs.
- Any other style – A slight resistance to damage of all types.
Via Pauz Port |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Wizards.
The road of Pauz Port is a well-studied circle amongst wizards and the more intellectual alchemists. Inertial Magicks deal with the magick of movement and the restriction of the same. This spell list contains several movement and teleportation spells — as well as a few spells which prevent any sort of magickal transportation. This is a very storied via and many of its spells are well known amongst the general public.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vpp01 |
Grab |
1 |
Allows the caster to retrieve an item at any distance to its hands. |
vpp03 |
Shaky Hands |
5 |
Provides a magical bonus to Dexterity that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
vpp06 |
Ripple |
5 |
Allows the caster to instantly retreat from a target by using ripple <target> . |
vpp09 |
Sloth |
5 |
Adds 3 seconds of additional roundtime to all of the target's actions. |
vpp12 |
Levitation |
5 |
Allows the caster to levitate. Levitation can be accessed by using fly and ended by using land . |
vpp15 |
Teleportation |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
Allows the caster to teleport to a target or room it has anchored to. Casting to bind will cause the caster to attempt to anchor teleportation to the room caster is standing in. This will only work at certain monoliths throughout Thrael. Casting to release will attempt to remove a teleportation anchor to the room the caster is standing in, and will cost 1000 arcana. The number of anchors a wizard may simultaneously maintain scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
vpp19 |
Teleportation Hinder |
5 |
Blocks teleportation and summoning attempts upon individuals or upon a room. |
vpp31 |
Tesseract |
25 essence, 4 willpower |
Allows the caster to teleport to the location where the spell was previously cast. Casting the spell for the first time sets the location. Casting the spell in the location that it is anchored to will clear the anchor. |
vpp45 |
Group Teleportation |
25 essence, 9 willpower |
Allows the caster to teleport its group to a target, room it has left a tesseract beacon in, or room it has anchored to. |
vpp60 |
Portal |
25 essence, 10 willpower |
Allows the caster to open a small portal to a target, room it has left a tesseract beacon in, or room it has anchored to. This portal will allow anyone to peer, speak, or put items into it. |
vpp75 |
Gate |
25 essence, 25 willpower |
Allows the caster to open a magical gate to a target, room it has left a tesseract beacon in, or room it has anchored to. |
Via Avyr |
Hybrid Astral-Vedic |
This circle is available to Empaths.
This circle is astral-vedic hybrid and is mutually exclusive to Via Bin Vir.
Via Avyr may be learned from the anatomical model in the Fas Sani Theater in the Seminary of Astral Learning.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
va03 |
Fatigue |
3 |
The caster conjures toxic bodily fluids that spatter over a target. If the target fails to resist a warding attack, they will quickly lose stamina and grow tired. |
va06 |
Haemoderm |
6 |
The empath can draw forth some of their blood to fill an empty container they are holding. Not specifying an amount will default to 1 ounce. |
va09 |
Seizures |
5 |
A warding spell that causes the target to lose control of their body, incur frequent roundtime, and fall over for a short duration. |
va12 |
Scarration |
12 |
The caster's body manifests large bands of scars, improving resistance to physical attacks by a decent amount. |
va15 |
Stroke |
9 |
The caster focuses on a target, making a warding attack. If successful, the target will fall over and be unable to stand for the duration of the spell. |
Via Res Ars |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists.
Via Res Ars spells may be learned from Arbis in the Tower of Dhond.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Vir Res.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vra03 |
Efficiency |
3 |
Causes some spells to affect every appropriate item worn by or in the hands of the target or target's owner. Currently works only with ap04 and vrv01. |
vra06 |
Instill Slowness |
12 |
Adds a temporary flare to any weapon. Hitting targets with this weapon makes the attacker perform an arcane warding spell attack against the target. Success causes the target to be slowed for an additional 1 rt for all actions. |
vra09 |
Degrade |
5 |
Creates a penalty to an item's quality that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. May be targeted at living beings. |
vra12 |
Dismantle |
6 |
This bolt spell not only deals damage but causes the target to receive a penalty to its armor against all damage types that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. This penalty can push a target into negative resistances. |
vra15 |
Repair |
5 |
Consumes coinage of any type to repair an item below 100 quality back up to 100. |
Via Glas Nihil |
Hybrid Arcane-Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers.
This circle is arcane-astral hybrid.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vgn03 |
Frigid Lance |
2 |
A chargeable bolt spell with a bonus to its to hit that does either water or cold damage. |
vgn06 |
Void Shunt |
5 |
A warding spell that temporarily shunts the target into the void. The duration of time spent in the void scales with the appropriate skill and stat. This spell may be self-cast. |
vgn09 |
Compression |
0 |
An instant cast spell that compresses some of the animus stored in the well of souls into essence. |
vgn12 |
Aetherfreeze |
5 |
A warding spell that dispels magic on living targets. This spell may be self-cast. |
vgn15 |
Dislocation |
7 |
A warding spell that causes a massive spiritual penalty to dexterity and reflexes that scales with the appropriate skill and stat. |
Via Res Mox |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane and is mutually exclusive to Via Dram Sani.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vrm03 |
Spatial Distortion |
3 |
A basic "fetch" spell that allows the caster to get an item without using the get verb. Instant cast. |
vrm06 |
Extradimensional Space |
6 |
Causes a container to ignore weight limits for the purposes of holding items, reduce the effective weight of items within, and to be able to hold more items overall. The reduction in weight and item increase scales with Sorcery, Reasoning, and Focus Quality. |
vrm09 |
Internal Bleeding |
5 |
An arcane warding spell that opens a wound in the target that bleeds heavily. |
vrm12 |
Internal Rift |
5 |
A chargable warding spell that deals slashing damage and may bypass armor and armor-like effects. |
vrm15 |
Pocket Dimension |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
This spell opens and closes a saving room with extremely limited space in an outdoor room. The space of the Pocket Dimension scales with the sorcery skill and reasoning statistic. This room, like druid groves, may be customized as if it were an inn room through use of fame. |
Via Qel |
Hybrid Arcane-Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers.
This circle is arcane-astral hybrid.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vq01 |
Lesser Bind |
1 |
This spell adds actual magic to red summoning circles so that they may contain demons and other creatures. Summoning demons without using this spell is a very bad idea. |
vq02 |
Summoning |
2 |
This spell calls all currently summoned creatures to the Channeler. |
vq03 |
Harvest |
3 |
This spell steals the animus from a corpse, storing it in the Well of Souls, and causes the corpse to decay immediately. |
vq06 |
Eldritch Breath |
6 |
This spell allows the channeler to breathe while underwater and provides a spiritual bonus to the conditioning skill that scales with the spell's appropriate stat and skill combination. |
vq09 |
Unfetter |
4 |
This warding spell severely damages spirits, growing even more powerful once the spirit is close to death. |
vq12 |
Spirit Veil |
8 |
This spell grants the channeler resistance to spiritual damage as well as causes occasional spiritual damage to those that attack the channeler. The resistance to spiritual damage scales with the spell's appropriate stat and skill combination. |
vq15 |
Whispers of the Veil |
4 |
This spell expends stored animus to forge a connection to something in the void, giving a spiritual bonus to Intelligence at the cost of a spiritual penalty to the conditioning skill. The magnitude of both the bonus and penalty scale with the appropriate stat and skill combination. |
Via Res Vadis |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists.
Basic Via Res Vadis spells may be learned from the copper automaton in the Tower of Dhond.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vrv01 |
Craftsman's Tools |
3 |
Prevents an item, such as lockpick, tool, etc. from degrading through use. Does not prevent an item from being destroyed. |
vrv03 |
Bioarchanomechanical Integration |
3 |
Activates a bioarcanomechanical device, bonding it with the arcanist's flesh. |
vrv08 |
Conservation |
8 |
Provides a chance to use rechargable magical items without using charges based on Sorcery and Reasoning. Self-cast. |
vrv10 |
Skyfire Evocation |
1 |
Bolt spell. You may charge this spell by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. Gains a bonus from the quality of a Skyfire Topaz or Electric Prod, if held in the caster's primary hand. |
vrv13 |
Pyre Diamond Evocation |
5 |
The arcanist evokes flame from a pyre diamond or fire starting gloves, bringing forth a gout of flame that sets an enemy on fire. The gout of flame gains benefit from the quality of the pyre diamond or fire starting gloves. The duration of the flames scales with sorcery skill. |
Via Min Zem |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Bards.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vmz01 |
Dance of the Spirite |
4 |
Provides a physical bonus to the evasion skill. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vmz04 |
Song of Kenning |
8 |
Drawing upon years of practice and worldly knowledge, the bard can weave threads of essence around an item through this song and interpret certain hidden attributes or traits. |
vmz10 |
Song of Renewal |
12 |
The bard uses his or her words to draw upon the very weave, causing it to mold around the bard and group to cause an increased renewal of magical energies. |
vmz12 |
Song of Reflection |
11 |
By singing the time-proven lyrics of this song, the bard weaves an invisible shield of essence around his or her group, creating a chance for incoming arcane and warding attacks to be somewhat hampered. |
vmz15 |
Song of Sonic Weapon |
12 |
Provides the ability to create sonic darts by snapping, which can then be thrown at a target. |
Via Teg |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Wizards.
One of the four elemental circles, Via Teg involves the manipulation of earth, metal, and matter. This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Jus.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vt01 |
Earthworks |
1 |
A minor display in earth magicks, this spell delves into the ground, plucking out heavy rocks and spewing them about. The rocks conjured up by this receive a small quality boost based on sorcery skill and can be used as thrown weapons. |
vt03 |
Hurl Earth |
1 |
Crushing offensive bolt spell that ignores a percentage of the target's armor that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. You may charge this spell by adding a 1 , 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vt06 |
Petrify |
5 |
Petrifies a target. You must wait a short while after casting this spell before you may cast it again. You may charge this spell to have it take additional roundtime and inflict a longer petrify. A second roll against Conditioning and Endurance is made following a successful hit. Should the roll succeed, the petrify will last for four times the length taken to cast it. Should the roll fail, the petrify will last for three times the length taken to cast it. |
vt09 |
Vitreous Curse |
6 |
Increases the target's susceptibility to damage. The amount of increased damage scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. |
vt12 |
Mud Melding |
8 |
A shield of hardened mud protects the caster, occasionally strengthening in response to the caster being attacked. Gives a magical bonus to defense that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning. If the caster is attacked, has a chance to give a temporary reduction to all damage. |
vt15 |
Instill Acid |
12 |
Adds a temporary acid flare to a weapon that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
Adds a temporary acid resistance to armor equal to its cutting resistance.
Adds a temporary acid resistance to a person that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
When cast on the wizard, allows the wizard to build affinity to its element by successfully casting offensive Via Teg spells and on a successful mud melding hardening. At 10 charges of affinity, the wizard's next Via Teg spell will be modified as follows:
- Hurl Earth - Negates a portion of aiming penalties that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
- Petrify - Causes the target to fall prone as well as be paralyzed.
- Vitreous Curse - Adds an amount to offense that scales with Sorcery and Reasoning.
Arcane Prime |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists, Channelers, Illusionists, and Wizards.
The Arcane Prime spell circle encompasses all the basic precepts of the Arcane sphere. Generally prime lists have many simple spells that demonstrate the general rotes and rules of the sphere in question. Arcane Prime spells are divided up into two catagories: cantrips and rotes. Arcane Prime cantrips are smaller spells known particularly for flashier effects; while Arcane Prime rotes are simply minor spells which demonstrate Arcane concepts.
Basic Arcane Prime spells may be learned from Chaemim in the Lyceum. Intermediate Arcane Prime spells may be learned from the arcane prime tome sold in the Lyceum.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
ap01 |
Arcane Twist |
1 |
Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info . This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
ap02 |
Arcane Shock |
1 |
The caster builds up the essence in his own body and then forcefully expels it towards his enemy, causing damage.
This can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime. |
ap03 |
Motes Cantrip |
3 |
Provides a magical bonus to a mental stat that scales with Reasoning, Sorcery, and focus item quality. You may specify the mental stat to receive the bonus. You cannot boost the same mental stat with another prime school stat bonus spell. |
ap04 |
Lesser Instill |
4 |
Slightly and temporarily improves the quality of an item, allowing the item to perform its purpose more effectively. The bonus scales with Reasoning and Sorcery, and caps at 800 Sorcery. |
ap05 |
Rigid Essence |
3 |
Instant-cast spell that allows the mage to disrupt the essence within the target, giving the target round time. |
ap07 |
Arcane Mastery |
6 |
The wizard traces a series of arcane symbols in the air and becomes more in touch with the arcane realm. There is an increase in the sorcery skill. The bonus scales with sorcery skill. |
ap09 |
Elemental Protection |
8 |
This rote is the manipulation of essence into a form that impedes the progression of centralized elemental substances within the barrier. Through essence-bending, or the localized and unstable formation of essence around the caster, an elemental substance such as fire is interfered and thus diminished, although not quite nullified. Unstable is key, for a stable shell of essence in the same form will allow incorporeal substances to pass freely.
The amount of resistance scales with sorcery skill. |
ap11 |
Force Field |
11 |
This self-cast spell allows a mage to use his essence to build and maintain a wall that absorbs attacks. While it prevents critical wounds, the wall is not perfect and depends upon the mage's sorcery skill for its defensive capabilities.
Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Reasoning and Sorcery. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability. |
ap13 |
Create Glyph |
4 |
Pure essence, without proper manipulation, is disruptive. If such unrefined essence is made to contact with certain materials — especially metals — on a certain fixed area, the create glyph cantrip will rearrange a tiny fraction of the surface of the substance in tune with the caster's personal essence flow. This coin-sized area on the object is known as a glyph, and is often used to show ownership. It is invisible to the naked eye; however, if the item upon which this spell is cast already has a glyph, this spell will reveal the glyph's ownership. With lengthy study in this circle, the glyph can remain permanent. |
ap15 |
Dispel |
7 |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality. |
ap17 |
Essence Field |
12 |
This spell gives the wizard a stronger connection to the weave, allowing him to replenish his essence at a faster rate so as not to slow down his procedures and spells. |
ap19 |
Lesser Equilibrium |
4 |
This spell alters the flow of essence within the wizard, increasing its essence reserves. The spell's effect scales with sorcery skill. |
Via Vas Glym |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vvg01 |
Alchemical Arcana |
3 |
This spell allows the alchemist to gain greater insight into the weave, opening up alchemical feats that would be otherwise impossible. |
vvg02 |
Metal Essence Infusion |
15 |
This spell allows the alchemist to infuse generic powder with the essence of a metal ingot or ore the alchemist is holding. |
vvg03 |
Lesser Metal Control |
10 |
This spell allows the alchemist to modify his internal chemistry, unlocking the defensive benefits of metal essence elixirs. |
vvg06 |
Dissolution |
6 |
Strips the target of a temporary magical effect. |
vvg09 |
Alchemical Purge |
5 |
Strips the target of any alchemical potion effects. |
vvg12 |
Alchemical Proliferation |
10 |
Allows the arcanist to be under the effects of more than one potion. The number of potions increases with Sorcery and Reasoning. |
vvg15 |
Osmosis |
15 essence, 1 willpower |
Casting this spell on a potion, the alchemist receives the effects of drinking the brew without actually consuming it. He does incur a chance of destroying the potion. |
Via Ful Onus |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfo02 |
Frighten |
3 |
When the target is hit by this spell, they are scared and run away. If the success is strong enough, the target will pass out. |
vfo04 |
Defile |
5 |
The caster blights its target with poison. |
vfo07 |
Blindness |
5 |
The caster has the power to render his target blind. |
vfo10 |
Flensing |
5 |
This spell has the reputation for being one of the most painful ways to die. Starting off slowly, the targets skin beings to strip away, causing bleeding, pain, and possibly death. Duration scales with Channeling skill. |
vfo13 |
Astral Instill |
12 |
With ones knowledge of how the soul, the astral plane, and the physical plane all work in conjunction, the caster is able to use a portion of the energy from his soul to instill weapons, armor, or individuals. When cast on a weapon, the weapon is instilled with a temporary holy flare. When cast on armor, the armor receives a holy resistance equal to the armor's slashing resistance. When cast on an individual the individual receives an armor resistance to holy damage that scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
Via Vir Res |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists.
Via Vir Res spells may be learned from Ellyo in the Tower of Dhond.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Res Ars.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vvr03 |
Lesser Animus |
3 |
Allows the caster to emote through objects by using whisper <target> <message> . |
vvr06 |
Dysfunction |
5 |
Unchargeable acid-type bolt spell that causes the target to take additional damage from all damage sources. |
vvr09 |
Betrayal |
5 |
Warding spell that creates a large penalty to an item's quality and usage penalties that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. May be used against living beings. |
vvr12 |
Loyalty |
11 |
Provides a bonus to an item's quality and usage that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. Rechargable magical items have a chance not to consume a charge upon use based on Reasoning and Sorcery. |
vvr15 |
Mimicry |
15 essence, 1 willpower |
Causes an item to mimic the material bonuses of a piece of ore or of an ingot, consuming the metal in the process. If no metal is provided, the spell will default to the same effect as a tiny lead ingot. When used on the equipment of a living being not in one's group, the spell is a warding spell and has its duration drastically reduced. When used in any other manner, larger amounts of metal provide even greater durations on a scale equal to the amount of metal consumed (8x for small ingots, 64x for medium ingots, and 512x for large ingots). |
Via Kel Nivir |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers and Spiritual Clerics of the Onu.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Sabu Onyr.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vkn01 |
Manifestation |
5 |
This spell summons a lesser spirit to attack the target, dealing holy damage over time. Targets under the effects of Sever Spirit take an additional point of damage per pulse. |
vkn04 |
Sever Spirit |
4 |
The caster is able to surround the target with waves of astral energy, which rips away their spirit and attacks them with glowing tendrils of essence. Gives the target a spiritual penalty to Gnosis that scales with Channeling and Wisdom, and applies the Sever Spirit effect, which grants unholy bonuses to other VKN spells. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. |
vkn09 |
Spirit Mount |
15 |
The caster is able to summon from beyond the veil a ghostly horse that they can ride. Casting the spell again refreshes its duration and calls the horse to you. Using the command say to <mount> '<destination> when mounted will teleport you to a variety of graveyards. |
vkn11 |
Derange |
8 |
Paranoia fills the target of this spell, causing them to hear and see things, leaving them mentally unstable. Gives a penalty to the target's Intelligence, Reasoning, Reflexes and Wisdom, as well as occasionally giving the target 1 second of roundtime. Targets under the effects of Sever Spirit suffer an even larger penalty. |
vkn14 |
Hoarfrost |
6 |
This spell brings forth spirits of ice to assault the target and hamper its movement. Provides an additional spiritual penalty to defense when its target is under the effects of Sever Spirit. |
Via Arm Nivi |
Astral |
This circle is available to Martial Clerics.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Arm Onu.
Via Arm Nivi may be learned from Ramona in Kaezar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
van02 |
Blessed Vitality |
8 |
Provides additional vitality regeneration. |
van05 |
Flyne's Touch |
5 |
Cures the corpse of all bleeding, maims, and mutilations, providing healing to the cleric based on the amount of healing done. |
van08 |
Haggulum's Razor |
8 |
Smite spell that causes a penalty to the target's armor resistances scaling with Channeling, Wisdom, and relic quality. This effect can cause the resistances to go into the negatives. The duration of the spell is modified by the roundtime of the weapon used to inflict it. |
van12 |
Camadare's Blessing |
4 |
Provides a bonus to an item's material bonus that scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and relic quality. |
van14 |
Mortal Chaining |
7 |
Smite spell that causes a spiritual penalty to the target's Conditioning and Endurance that scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and relic quality. Spirits are also forced into corporeality. The duration of the spell is modified by the roundtime of the weapon used to inflict it. |
van17 |
Plydia's Scourge |
7 |
Smite spell that causes a fire damage over time. The damage of the spell is modified by the roundtime of the weapon used to inflict it. |
Via Sabu Onyr |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers and Spiritual Clerics of the Nivi.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Kel Nivir.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vso01 |
Purge |
2 |
Holy spell that deals damage to undead. The bonus damage scales with how much vitality the undead is missing. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell receives an offensive bonus in Hallowed rooms. |
vso04 |
Bless |
8 |
Provides an additional 1 vitality regen. This spell's effect is doubled in Hallowed rooms. |
vso09 |
Hallow |
3 |
The cleric places a glyph upon the ground that provides penalties to undead, Via Fide Onu spells, and Via Kel Nivir Spells. The glyph also provides bonuses to Via Sabu Onyr spells. The penalties and bonuses scale with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vso11 |
Brand of the Heathen |
8 |
Provides a spiritual penalty to Endurance, Strength, and Reflexes that scale with Channeling and Wisdom. This spell receives an offensive bonus and additional scaling in a Hallowed room. |
vso14 |
Shackles of Faith |
6 |
The cleric summons the spirits of the unjustly imprisoned to hamper the movements of its non-flying target. Prevents non-players from wandering. In a Hallowed room, this spell receives an offensive bonus and inflicts a spiritual penalty to defense that scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
Via Arm Onu |
Astral |
This circle is available to Martial Clerics.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Arm Nivi.
Via Arm Onu may be learned from Captain Morden in Kaezar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vao02 |
Mourning Essence |
8 |
Provides additional essence regeneration after killing an enemy. |
vao05 |
Careon's Balance |
5 |
Cures a corpse of all bleeding, maims, and mutilations, providing the ability to execute enemies after a successful attack that scales with the amount of healing done to the corpse. |
vao08 |
Mark of Vos'Siddix |
8 |
Smite spell that causes a penalty to the target's armor resistances scaling with Channeling, Wisdom, and relic quality. This effect can cause the resistances to go into the negatives. The duration of the spell is modified by the roundtime of the weapon used to inflict it. |
vao12 |
Rallona's Spurning |
7 |
Smite spell that causes a spiritual penalty defense scaling with Channeling, Wisdom, and relic quality. The duration of the spell is modified by the roundtime of the weapon used to inflict it. |
vao14 |
Ogriyth's Kiss |
7 |
Smite spell that causes the target to suffer from poison. The strength of the poison is modified by the roundtime of the weapon used to inflict it. |
vao17 |
Xillvim's Balance |
5 |
Smite spell that deals cold damage to the target and heals the cleric based on the amount dealt. The damage dealt is modified by the roundtime of the weapon used to inflict it. |
Via Xan Esut |
Astral |
This circle is available to Martial Wilders.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vxe01 |
Serpent's Fangs |
1 |
Allows the wilder to have a guaranteed chance to inflict poisons from its attacks with natural-material weapons for a limited period of time that ends when a poison is successfully delivered. Also adds a second roll to inflict poisons using Outdoorsman + Wisdom. |
vxe03 |
Camouflage |
5 |
The wilder's skin and garments blend in with its surroundings, allowing it to hide far better than it normally could. Allows the wilder to make defensive instead of offensive rolls for hiding and sneaking. |
vxe07 |
Animal Understanding |
6 |
Through diligent training and concentration, the wilder is able to identify with and better understand the motivation and desires of the animals in his or her environment. Grants a spiritual bonus to Animal Handling that scales with Channeling and Wisdom and allows the wilder to instantly mount and dismount. |
vxe10 |
Essential Nature |
8 |
Grants a material bonus to items made of natural materials (skins, leather, non-alloyed metals, etc.) used by the wilder that scales with Channeling and Wisdom. An additional bonus is added based on the natural material's inherent capabilities. |
vxe13 |
Call Animal |
5 |
When cast, this can have multiple effects depending on the target:
- Changes the wilder's pet into a wilder familiar when cast on the wilder's pet.
- Summon's the wilder's current pet or mount to the wilder when cast without a target.
- Summons a new pet that can be tamed by the wilder when cast in special rooms.
- Dismisses an untamed special pet when cast on it in the room it was summoned in.
Special rooms can be identified with discern here . |
vxe15 |
Natural Savagery |
8 |
Grants a bonus to the damage of arrows or weapons made of natural materials used by the wilder that scales with Channeling, Wisdom. An additional bonus is added based on the natural material's inherent capabilities. In the case of melee weapons, this spell also grants a bonus to offense that scales with the wilder's Outdoorsman skill. |
Astral Prime |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers, Martial Clerics, Spiritual Clerics, Empaths, Qai Monks, Martial Wilders and Religious Wilders.
Basic Astral Prime spells may be learned from Ishne in the Lyceum. Intermediate Astral Prime spells may be learned from the Astral Prime tome sold in the Lyceum.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
sp01 |
Astral Charge |
1 |
Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info . This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
sp02 |
Spirit Strike |
1 |
The caster uses this orison to call to the surrounding invisible spirits for aid to help strike down a foe.
This spell can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime. |
sp03 |
Astral Lift |
3 |
The caster calls upon his deity to decrease the weight of heavy items, lowering his burden. |
sp04 |
Becalm |
3 |
The caster calls upon the heavens to calm the target, making it non-aggressive. This only works on simpler creatures. |
sp05 |
Vigor |
5 |
The caster calls upon the heavens to empower the target with stamina and fortitude. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
sp07 |
Astral Mastery |
6 |
This incantation puts the caster more in tune with his deity and the astral attributes that surround him, increasing his power over his magic. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
sp09 |
Astral Bound |
11 |
This spell allows the caster to give himself a protecting shield supplied by his deity that will prevent astral warding spells from harming him. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him. |
sp11 |
Astral Shell |
11 |
The caster calls upon his deity to surround him with a small bit of the god's power to protect him from physical harm. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him.
Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Wisdom and Channeling. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability. |
sp15 |
Spirit Sight |
15 |
The caster calls forth a shifting mist that searches the veil for its connection with the target. The mist then shows the area where the connection occurs. Without much practice, the exact location of the target's connection is not always accurate. |
sp17 |
Interdiction |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality. |
Via Bin Vir |
Hybrid Astral-Vedic |
This circle is available to Empaths.
This circle is astral-vedic hybrid and is mutually exclusive to Via Avyr.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vbv03 |
Caustic Bite |
2 |
By biting the tongue, the caster then causes the blood to become highly acidic so they can spit it at a target. |
vbv06 |
Bloodletting |
6 |
The empath can draw forth some of their blood to fill an empty container they are holding. Not specifying an amount will default to 1 ounce. |
vbv09 |
Horrid Transmutation |
5 |
A warding spell that turns the target's own blood into acid, attacking him from within with caustic damage over time. |
vbv12 |
Adrenalin |
12 |
The caster's adrenaline surges, allowing him to withstand more punishment. This gives the caster equivalent protection to very light armor. |
vbv15 |
Festering Blade |
12 |
The caster may cut himself and coat a blade in his acidic blood, which then causes extra acid damage when hitting a target. The temporary acid flare scales with Channeling and Wisdom or Focus and Will. |
Via Blym Cael |
Astral |
This circle is available to Religious Wilders.
Via Blym Cael spells may be learned from Mirelde in the Birchwoods.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vbc01 |
Mantle of the North |
11 |
The wilder takes on an affinity to the cold of the north, granting it a resistance to cold that scales with channeling skill. |
vbc03 |
Mantle of the Skyborne |
10 |
The wilder takes on an affinity to the winds of Thrael, granting it the ability to fly, and a bonus against physical attacks that scales with Wisdom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality. |
vbc05 |
Mantle of the Tides |
8 |
Taking on an affinity to the waters of Thrael, the wilder gains fire and water resistance that scales with Wisdom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality. Also allows the caster to breathe underwater and slightly mitigates the penalties for moving when not standing. |
vbc07 |
Mantle of the Storm |
10 |
Taking on an affinity to lightning, the wilder gains a spiritual bonus to parry skill and a resistance to electricity that scales with Wisdom and Channeling. |
vbc11 |
Wrath of the Storm |
6 |
The wilder calls upon the heavens, instantly calling down a stunning bolt of lightning. This spell requires that one have the Mantle of the Storm active and has a cooldown.
This can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage, stun time, and roundtime will scale accordingly. |
vbc15 |
Carried on the Wind |
15 |
The caster sends an object in its dominant hand to the specified player, or the caster's grove in the event that the grove is specified. This spell requires that the caster have the Mantle of the Skyborne active. The maximum weight of the object the caster may send scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and wilder staff quality. |
Via Flux Miras |
Hybrid Arcane-Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane-vedic hybrid.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfm03 |
Searing Bolt |
2 |
A chargable arcane-vedic hybrid bolt spell that deals fire damage. |
vfm06 |
Pyrokinesis |
5 |
An arcane-vedic hybrid warding spell that causes fire damage over time. The duration of the fire scales with the appropriate skill and stat combination. This spell may also be used to light flammable objects on fire. |
vfm09 |
Aether Damper |
6 |
An arcane-vedic hybrid warding spell that causes a magical penalty to the target's gnosis skill. This penalty scales with the appropriate skill and stat combination. |
vfm12 |
Essence Flame |
3 essence, 2 willpower |
A chargable arcane-vedic hybrid warding spell that drains essence from a target. |
vfm15 |
Instill Essence |
12 |
An arcane-vedic hybrid spell that adds a temporary essence flare to a weapon. The damage and uses of the essence flare scale with the appropriate skill and stat combination. |
Via Blym Florae |
Astral |
This circle is available to Religious Wilders.
Via Blym Florae spells may be learned from the eald in the Birchwoods.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vbf01 |
Create Staff |
15 essence, 1 willpower |
Improves a current wilder staff or creates a wilder staff from a twig or branch. The quality of the staff scales with Wisdom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality. Casting the spell upon an existing wilder staff will rescale it.
Wilder staves have a maximum quality dictated by how many sacrifices have been made to nature. A wilder can sacrifice something to its wilder staff by placing fish, pelts, or plants upon a cairn alongside the wilder staff, and then setting that cairn on fire.
Wilder staves have an additional maximum quality they can achieve, though this quality is further extended by sacrificing a nadis rootlet, a currently unknown object, or a currently unknown object. |
vbf02 |
Lash |
3 |
Brings a plant or wilder staff to life to lash out at an enemy. This spell causes double the normal bleed. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by Wilder Staves. You may charge this spell to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). |
vbf05 |
Staff Mastery |
5 |
The wilder imbues its staff with its own essence, making the staff an extension of itself and granting it the ability to parry spellbolts and ranged attacks without penalty, and provides a bonus to parrying with the staff that scales with Wisdom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality. |
vbf07 |
Florid Entanglement |
4 |
The wilder calls upon a plant to entangle its target, lowering the defense of its foe. The penalty to defense scales with channeling skill. |
vbf12 |
Viper Branch |
5 |
The wilder's staff briefly turns into a viper, biting and poisoning its foe. The poison duration scales with channeling skill. |
vbf14 |
The Forest Walks |
1 |
Upon the first casting, the wilder gains the ability to bring the forest to its aid. Any future castings call any of the wilder's plant allies to it. |
vbf15 |
Essence Spores |
12 |
The wilder summons a walking fern that exudes spores that grant essence regeneration to everyone in the room. |
Via Lor Kol Mar |
Hybrid Arcane-Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane-vedic hybrid and is mutually exclusive to Via Nox Kol Mar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vlkm02 |
Spectrum Blast |
1 |
This spell creates colored beams of light with various strength. A chargable essence bolt spell that receives a bonus to offense and damage from prismatic foci. |
vlkm04 |
Minor Illusion |
4 |
By manipulating light, this spell allows the caster to animate objects. |
vlkm05 |
Sunlight |
5 |
An instant-cast warding spell that creates a beam of bright light that causes the target to be blinded and receives a bonus to offense from prismatic foci. |
vlkm08 |
Sear |
8 |
Warding spell that strips spell effects off of the target. |
vlkm11 |
Prismatic Shield |
9 |
The caster creates a field around himself, a localized reality manipulation where vedic magic does not exist. Provides defense against vedic magic warding spells similar to primary defensive abilities. |
vlkm14 |
Fireflies |
5 |
Bolt spell that causes the target to receive damage over time. The duration of the time scales with focus skill and the will stat. This spell receives a bonus to offense and damage from prismatic foci. |
Via Fas Esut |
Astral |
This circle is available to Martial Clerics and Spiritual Clerics.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfe01 |
Astral Gauntlets |
5 |
Astral gauntlets causes the creation of spiritual hand armor that lend to one's ability to do dexterous activities. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vfe04 |
Astral Boots |
5 |
Astral boots causes the creation of spiritual footwear that lend to one's reflexes. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vfe06 |
Astral Helm |
4 |
Astral helm causes the creation of spiritual head armor that lend to one's magical defense. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vfe10 |
Astral Bracers |
5 |
Astral bracers causes the creation of spiritual arm protection that lend to one's strength. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vfe13 |
Astral Greaves |
4 |
Astral Greaves causes the creation of spiritual leg armor that lend to one's ability to defend oneself. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
Via Nox Kol Mar |
Hybrid Arcane-Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane-vedic hybrid and is mutually exclusive to Via Lor Kol Mar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vnkm02 |
Black Light |
2 |
This chargeable bolt spell shoots out a ray of energy that attempts to erase from reality where ever it goes. Like air into a vacuum, reality then rushes in to fill the space, causing void damage. Receives a bonus to damage and tohit from foci based on the bonus of the focus. |
vnkm04 |
Minor Illusion |
4 |
By manipulating reality, this spell allows the caster to animate objects. |
vnkm05 |
Pitch Black |
5 |
An instant-cast warding spell that causes blindness on the target. The spell receives a bonus to tohit from foci based on the bonus of the focus. |
vnkm08 |
Dissolve |
7 |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person or item. Dissolve receives a bonus to tohit from foci based on the bonus of the focus. |
vnkm11 |
Reality Field |
11 |
The caster creates a field around himself, a localized reality manipulation where vedic magic does not exist. Provides defense against vedic magic warding spells similar to primary defensive abilities. |
vnkm14 |
Shadow Betrayal |
6 |
A cold damage hybrid arcane-vedic warding spell that causes your shadow to cling to you, hindering your movement. The spell receives a bonus to tohit from foci based on the bonus of the focus. |
Via Fas Florae |
Astral |
This circle is available to Religious Wilders.
Via Fas Florae spells may be learned at the Altar in Beade's Forest.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vffl03 |
Natural Selection |
2 |
Chargeable warding spell that receives its damage type from the local weather. Additionally specifying burn , drown , freeze , or shock will change the spell's damage type dependent on having the appropriate mantle active. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by Wilder Staves. |
vffl06 |
Invigorate |
5 |
The wilder grants the vigor of thrael to itself or an ally, giving it a spiritual bonus to strength that scales with channeling skill. |
vffl08 |
Ray |
2 |
Chargeable bolt spell that receives its damage type from the local weather. Additionally specifying burn , drown , freeze , or shock will change the spell's damage type dependent on having the appropriate mantle active. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by Wilder Staves. |
vffl10 |
Consecreate Grove |
10 essence, 1 willpower |
This spell creates the wilder's grove in the room when initially cast. Subsequent casts open and close the archway to the wilder's grove as well as rescale the grove's item capacity. The grove's item capacity scales with Widsom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality. All groves have a cairn.
This spell must be cast in a room with five or more plants. Once cast, the wilder cannot move the entrance to the grove. |
vffl13 |
Wild Growth |
15 |
Within its grove, the wilder grows furniture from a seed. |
vffl15 |
Sink Roots |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
The wilder travels through the ground as a root, returning to its grove. |
Via Dram Sani |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is vedic and is mutually exclusive to Via Res Mox.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vds03 |
Mind Crush |
4 |
A chargable warding spell that does direct damage to vitality. |
vds06 |
Hallucination |
5 |
A warding spell that causes a damage over time effect to the opponent. The duration of the effect scales with the focus skill and will statistic. |
vds09 |
Feedback Loop |
7 |
A warding spell that causes a penalty to the opponent's will stat (lowering their resistance against vedic warding spells). The penalty scales with the focus skill and will statistic. |
vds12 |
Chaotic Learning |
10 |
A spell that provides a bonus to skill learning that scales with the focus skill and will statistic. This bonus is comparable to the human learning bonus at maximum skill. |
vds15 |
Mindscape |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
A spell that allows the caster to physically enter into the collective consciousness and emerge elsewhere in the world, with a bit of inaccuracy. Note that there is a delay after casting, and taking any action will cause it to fail. |
vds45 |
Group Mindscape |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
Allows the caster and its group to physically enter into the region's collective consciousness and emerge elsewhere in the world, with a bit of inaccuracy. There is a delay after casting. |
Via Fide Arm |
Astral |
This circle is available to Martial Clerics.
Via Fide Arm may be learned from Vigilante Branden in Kaezar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfa01 |
Instill Divinity |
2 |
Blesses a weapon, allowing it to strike undead. If the weapon is an active relic, also adds additional bonuses to the relic's offense that scales with the relic's relic quality. |
vfa04 |
Solemn Discipline |
6 |
Provides a spiritual bonus to melee that scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and relic quality. |
vfa07 |
Divine Shelter |
5 |
Provides a spiritual bonus to defense against physical attacks that scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and relic quality. |
vfa10 |
Smite |
3 |
Unlocks smiting, a way for martial clerics to store spells on their person and then cast that spell on hitting with a weapon. More information can be found in the tags information for smite.
The smite spell deals holy damage based on the roundtime of the weapon used to smite. This damage is increased against undead and spirits. If this is the last spell in the smite queue, it will not be removed upon expenditure. |
vfa13 |
Zeal |
4 |
Causes smites to use five times the relic quality for the purposes of hitting the smite effect. |
Via Mar Sani Qel |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Bards, Empaths, and Illusionists.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vmsq02 |
Thought Sever |
2 |
This spell removes telepathic connections and can be targeted to specific channels. |
vmsq05 |
Telepathic Projection |
10 |
With this spell, the caster is able to send his thoughts over distances. |
vmsq08 |
Dual Link |
8 |
This spell gives the caster the power to link his mind with another and share conversation. |
vmsq11 |
Thoughtnet |
11 |
This spell gives the caster the power to converse over the thoughtnet. |
vmsq13 |
Group Link |
13 |
This spell gives the caster the power to converse through telepathy to all in his group. |
vmsq17 |
Thought Block |
5 |
Closing his mind to the thoughts of others, this spell blocks telepathic thoughts to individuals or those in a room. |
vmsq28 |
Mental Bridge |
25 essence, 2 willpower |
This spell has not been documented. |
Via Fide Eternals |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics.
Via Fide Eternals may be learned from ghosts in the hidden basement of Eyssa's Temple.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfet01 |
Reclamation |
3 |
Calling to Eyssa, the cleric takes on part of the target's weakness of death. |
vfet04 |
Ng's Caress |
3 |
Exposing the target to the essence of Ng, the cleric turns some of its foe's essence to nothing.
You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. |
vfet07 |
Life Cipher |
5 |
Exposing the target to the essence of Ng, the cleric banishes some of its foe's life force to oblivion.
You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. |
vfet10 |
Deferred Demise |
5 |
The grace of Eyssa quells all bleeding on a target close to death, but not without a price. Any action that incurs roundtime or preparation of any spell will break the effect. Requires the target to be below half its maximum vitality or suffering over 10 points of bleeding per tick. |
vfet13 |
Nullification |
5 |
Provides a defensive bonus against physical attacks that scales with Wisdom and Channeling. |
vfet15 |
Soul Travel |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
The cleric travels to a fallen target upon the mists of Ul'Mydar. Casting the spell again within the spell's duration will return the caster to his previous location. |
Via Vas Thespis |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Bards.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vvt01 |
Writing Cantrips |
20 |
When cast, this can have multiple effects depending on what you have in your offhand:
- Create a piece of ethereal vellum of a random color. You can specify this color by
cast <color> .
- Prepare a brush or quill for use by creating ink or paint.
- Wipe off the cover of a closed book.
- Wipe off the current page of an open book.
- Wipe off the exterior text of a rolled piece of parchment.
- Wipe off the interior text of an unrolled piece of parchment.
vvt03 |
Infinite Tune |
5 |
Prevents an instrument from detuning. Lasts an hour+. |
vvt06 |
Paint Dome |
6 |
The bard creates a protective dome around himself and his group with paint. |
vvt09 |
Polyglot |
18 |
Allows the bard to speak any language it can speak perfectly, and hear any language to perfection for the duration of the spell. |
vvt12 |
Stagefighting |
12 |
Provides the bard with physical damage resistance that scales with focus skill. |
vvt15 |
Prestidigitation |
15 |
You store a single item in your mind, able to be called out when you cast this spell again. |
Via Fide Nivi |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics of the Nivi.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Fide Onu.
Via Fide Nivi may be learned from a ghost that appears intermittently in the basement of the Ossuary in Kaezar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfni02 |
Lyra's Embrace |
3 |
Lyra warms your heart, sometimes restoring some of your body when you are attacked. Scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vfni05 |
Compassion |
5 |
The cleric invokes the essence of Serene, healing some of the target's wounds. This spell is chargeable and can be self-cast. |
vfni07 |
Judgment |
1 |
By invoking Prinae, the caster preserves a corpse, preventing it from decaying for a time. Invoking Moibur will burn away the corpse and give essence to the caster. The default for players is Prinae. Essence regen scales with the target's level. |
vfni10 |
Ghent's Inspiration |
13 |
The target gains a spiritual bonus to wisdom and complex crafting skills. The bonus scales with channeling and wisdom. |
vfni13 |
Insight |
8 |
The target learns Very Bad and Bad skills as though they were normal. |
vfni15 |
From the Ashes |
15 essence, 25 willpower |
Upon death, the target immediately is consumed by flames and rises again at the nearest appropriate location with reduced experience buffer loss. This loss scales with Channeling and Wisdom as well as with the duration the ability has been active. |
Vedic Prime |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Bards, Empaths, and Illusionists.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vp01 |
Mental Intrusion |
1 |
Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info . This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vp02 |
Kinetic Compression |
1 |
Using only his willpower, the caster can strike out at his foe, causing damage to his enemy's physical self.
This spell can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime. |
vp03 |
Foresight |
5 |
This spell will allow the caster to invest the ability to predict what actions may take place, thus improving the ability to defend reflexively. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vp05 |
Glimpse |
15 essence, 1 willpower |
Upon focusing to a single target, this spell will allow the caster to glimpse where he or she is at the present time. |
vp07 |
Vedic Mastery |
6 |
Causing the workings of the mind to be clearer, this spell will improve the ability of the caster to focus on his or her vedic spells. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vp10 |
Empowerment |
8 |
This spell grants an increase in strength for purposes of carrying, dragging, lifting, and swinging weapons. The bonus scales with focus skill, and can be cast on oneself, others, or one's group. |
vp11 |
Precognition |
11 |
Like foresight, this great vedic exercise will give the caster a great view into the future. Unlike foresight, this spell grants vastly superior ability to dodge incoming assaults dependent on the caster's focus skill.
Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Will and Focus. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability. |
vp13 |
Serenity |
4 |
Reaching into the mind of a target, this spell will render him, her or it in a serene-like state, lacking the motivation to attack. |
vp15 |
Repudiation |
7 |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality scales with focus quality. |
vp17 |
Signature Alter |
5 |
Altering the mental signature of himself or those around him, the vedic blocks scrying attempts upon individuals or upon a room. |