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Available Spell Circles and Recipes

Arcanist Mechanist

Combining arcane theory with tools, gears, levers, and machine ideals, the arcane mechanist is a creator of unique and unusual inventions within Thrael. The mechanist's skill with anything mechanical is just short of amazing, and they are handy to have in the fray with their exploding devices and whirling gizmos. Whether it is the relative simplicity found in a locked box's trap, or the complexity of a flying machine, it is well known by all that a mechanist is the master of his domain.

The arcanist relies on its mechanism weapons with a tiny smattering of spells offensively and its evasion defensively. Arcanists should concentrate on dexterity and reasoning.

Available Spell Circles and Recipes

Arcanist Mechanists begin with 3 spell circles. An additional circle is available at levels 15, 30, and 40.

Arcanist Mechanists can use certain recipes natively.

Click on the column header to sort by that column, or click on the circle name to see details about that circle. For an explanation of magic and its use, see the About Magic page. For a complete list of recipes, see the Recipes page.

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Name Type Info
Alchemical Arcana Recipe Category

These recipes are available to mechanists that have taken the arcanist specialization. The recipes may be displayed with the recipes or recipes full command.

Name Tool Ingredients Description
Lead Essence Elixir Retort Lead essence powder
Basic solution
Creates an elixir that provides an alchemical bonus to conditioning, tactics, and essence armor resistance. The duration and bonuses scale with the quality of the elixir. Lesser Metal Control significantly boosts the tactics and resistance bonuses of the elixir.
Pewter Essence Elixir Retort Pewter essence powder
Basic solution
Creates an elixir that provides an alchemical bonus to lockpicking, metallurgy, and fire armor resistance. The duration and bonuses scale with the quality of the elixir. Lesser Metal Control significantly boosts the metallurgy and resistance bonuses of the elixir.
Tin Essence Elixir Retort Tin essence powder
Basic solution
Creates an elixir that provides an alchemical bonus to archery, evasion, thrown weapons, and sonic armor resistance. The duration and bonuses scale with the quality of the elixir. Lesser Metal Control significantly boosts the archery, thrown weapons, and resistance bonuses of the elixir.
Copper Essence Elixir Retort Copper essence powder
Basic solution
Creates an elixir that provides an alchemical bonus to observation, stealth, and electricity armor resistance. The duration and bonuses scale with the quality of the elixir. Lesser Metal Control significantly boosts the stealth and resistance bonuses of the elixir.
Brass Essence Elixir Retort Brass essence powder
Basic solution
Creates an elixir that provides an alchemical bonus to gnosis, sorcery, and acid armor resistance. The duration and bonuses scale with the quality of the elixir. Lesser Metal Control significantly boosts the sorcery and resistance bonuses of the elixir.
Bronze Essence Elixir Retort Bronze essence powder
Basic solution
Creates an elixir that provides an alchemical bonus to melee, parry, shields, and cold armor resistance. The duration and bonuses scale with the quality of the elixir. Lesser Metal Control significantly boosts the melee and resistance bonuses of the elixir.
Arcane Prime Arcane Magic

This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists, Channelers, Illusionists, and Wizards.

The Arcane Prime spell circle encompasses all the basic precepts of the Arcane sphere. Generally prime lists have many simple spells that demonstrate the general rotes and rules of the sphere in question. Arcane Prime spells are divided up into two catagories: cantrips and rotes. Arcane Prime cantrips are smaller spells known particularly for flashier effects; while Arcane Prime rotes are simply minor spells which demonstrate Arcane concepts.

Basic Arcane Prime spells may be learned from Chaemim in the Lyceum. Intermediate Arcane Prime spells may be learned from the arcane prime tome sold in the Lyceum.

Shortname Name Cost Description
ap01 Arcane Twist 1 Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items.
ap02 Arcane Shock 1 The caster builds up the essence in his own body and then forcefully expels it towards his enemy, causing damage.

This can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime.
ap03 Motes Cantrip 3 Provides a magical bonus to a mental stat that scales with Reasoning, Sorcery, and focus item quality. You may specify the mental stat to receive the bonus. You cannot boost the same mental stat with another prime school stat bonus spell.
ap04 Lesser Instill 4 Slightly and temporarily improves the quality of an item, allowing the item to perform its purpose more effectively. The bonus scales with Reasoning and Sorcery, and caps at 800 Sorcery.
ap05 Rigid Essence 3 Instant-cast spell that allows the mage to disrupt the essence within the target, giving the target round time.
ap07 Arcane Mastery 6 The wizard traces a series of arcane symbols in the air and becomes more in touch with the arcane realm. There is an increase in the sorcery skill. The bonus scales with sorcery skill.
ap09 Elemental Protection 8 This rote is the manipulation of essence into a form that impedes the progression of centralized elemental substances within the barrier. Through essence-bending, or the localized and unstable formation of essence around the caster, an elemental substance such as fire is interfered and thus diminished, although not quite nullified. Unstable is key, for a stable shell of essence in the same form will allow incorporeal substances to pass freely.

The amount of resistance scales with sorcery skill.
ap11 Force Field 11 This self-cast spell allows a mage to use his essence to build and maintain a wall that absorbs attacks. While it prevents critical wounds, the wall is not perfect and depends upon the mage's sorcery skill for its defensive capabilities.

Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Reasoning and Sorcery. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability.
ap13 Create Glyph 4 Pure essence, without proper manipulation, is disruptive. If such unrefined essence is made to contact with certain materials — especially metals — on a certain fixed area, the create glyph cantrip will rearrange a tiny fraction of the surface of the substance in tune with the caster's personal essence flow. This coin-sized area on the object is known as a glyph, and is often used to show ownership. It is invisible to the naked eye; however, if the item upon which this spell is cast already has a glyph, this spell will reveal the glyph's ownership. With lengthy study in this circle, the glyph can remain permanent.
ap15 Dispel 7 Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality.
ap17 Essence Field 12 This spell gives the wizard a stronger connection to the weave, allowing him to replenish his essence at a faster rate so as not to slow down his procedures and spells.
ap19 Lesser Equilibrium 4 This spell alters the flow of essence within the wizard, increasing its essence reserves. The spell's effect scales with sorcery skill.
Via Vir Res Arcane Magic

This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists.

Via Vir Res spells may be learned from Ellyo in the Tower of Dhond.

This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Res Ars.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vvr03 Lesser Animus 3 Allows the caster to emote through objects by using whisper <target> <message>.
vvr06 Dysfunction 5 Unchargeable acid-type bolt spell that causes the target to take additional damage from all damage sources.
vvr09 Betrayal 5 Warding spell that creates a large penalty to an item's quality and usage penalties that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. May be used against living beings.
vvr12 Loyalty 11 Provides a bonus to an item's quality and usage that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. Rechargable magical items have a chance not to consume a charge upon use based on Reasoning and Sorcery.
vvr15 Mimicry 15 essence, 1 willpower Causes an item to mimic the material bonuses of a piece of ore or of an ingot, consuming the metal in the process. If no metal is provided, the spell will default to the same effect as a tiny lead ingot. When used on the equipment of a living being not in one's group, the spell is a warding spell and has its duration drastically reduced. When used in any other manner, larger amounts of metal provide even greater durations on a scale equal to the amount of metal consumed (8x for small ingots, 64x for medium ingots, and 512x for large ingots).
Arcanist Mechanisms Recipe Category

These recipes are available to mechanists that have taken the arcanist specialization. The recipes may be displayed with the recipes or recipes full command.

Name Tool Ingredients Description
Essence Combustion Actuator Workbench Two plates of the same material
Two rivets
Four wires
Creates a device that provides a magic bonus to gnosis and allows the arcanist to cast spells while wearing up to heavy leather without disruption of the arcanist's spells. The device must be integrated into the flesh of its user by means of Bioarcanomechanical Integration in order to function. The bonus to gnosis scales with user's sorcery, reasoning, quality of the essence combustion actuator, and material of the essence combustion actuator (determined by the material of the plates).
Elemental Agitator Workbench One plate
Four rivets
One wire
One yard of silk or spunsilk
Creates a device that provides a chance for elemental damage backlashes to strike attackers when the arcanist is under the effects of Elemental Protection. The device must be integrated into the flesh of its user by means of Bioarcanomechanical Integration in order to function. The additional armor scales with user's sorcery, reasoning, quality of the elemental agitator, and material of the elemental agitator (determined by the material of the plate).
Kinetic Field Manipulator Workbench One plate
Two tubes
Four wires
One essence combustion actuator
Creates a device that functions as an essence combustion actuator and provides additional armor resistance when the arcanist is under the effects of Force Field. The device must be integrated into the flesh of its user by means of Bioarcanomechanical Integration in order to function. The additional armor scales with user's sorcery, reasoning, quality of the kinetic field manipulator, and material of the kinetic field manipulator (determined by the material of the plate).
Gyrocopter Workbench Six gears
Four plates
Two rivets
Two rods of the same material
Two screws
One skyfire topaz
Two springs
One Wire
Five yards of batiste, cambric, canvas, cotton, dowlas, linen, lockeram, muslin, silk, or spunsilk
Creates a gyrocopter that allows its wearer to fly when worn and used. The duration of the flight scales with the user's reasoning, mechanisms, quality of the gyrocopter, and material of the gyrocopter (determined by the material of the rods).
Reflexive Arc Responder Workbench One plate
Two screws
Six wires of the same material
Two skyfire topazes
Creates a device that provides a magic bonus to evasion when the arcanist is under the effects of motes cantrip. The device must be integrated into the flesh of its user by means of Bioarcanomechanical Integration in order to function. The bonus to evasion scales with user's sorcery, reasoning, quality of the reflexive arc responder, and material of the reflexive arc responder (determined by the material of the wires).
Via Vas Glym Arcane Magic

This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vvg01 Alchemical Arcana 3 This spell allows the alchemist to gain greater insight into the weave, opening up alchemical feats that would be otherwise impossible.
vvg02 Metal Essence Infusion 15 This spell allows the alchemist to infuse generic powder with the essence of a metal ingot or ore the alchemist is holding.
vvg03 Lesser Metal Control 10 This spell allows the alchemist to modify his internal chemistry, unlocking the defensive benefits of metal essence elixirs.
vvg06 Dissolution 6 Strips the target of a temporary magical effect.
vvg09 Alchemical Purge 5 Strips the target of any alchemical potion effects.
vvg12 Alchemical Proliferation 10 Allows the arcanist to be under the effects of more than one potion. The number of potions increases with Sorcery and Reasoning.
vvg15 Osmosis 15 essence, 1 willpower Casting this spell on a potion, the alchemist receives the effects of drinking the brew without actually consuming it. He does incur a chance of destroying the potion.
Via Res Vadis Arcane Magic

This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists.

Basic Via Res Vadis spells may be learned from the copper automaton in the Tower of Dhond.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vrv01 Craftsman's Tools 3 Prevents an item, such as lockpick, tool, etc. from degrading through use. Does not prevent an item from being destroyed.
vrv03 Bioarchanomechanical Integration 3 Activates a bioarcanomechanical device, bonding it with the arcanist's flesh.
vrv08 Conservation 8 Provides a chance to use rechargable magical items without using charges based on Sorcery and Reasoning. Self-cast.
vrv10 Skyfire Evocation 1 Bolt spell. You may charge this spell by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. Gains a bonus from the quality of a Skyfire Topaz or Electric Prod, if held in the caster's primary hand.
vrv13 Pyre Diamond Evocation 5 The arcanist evokes flame from a pyre diamond or fire starting gloves, bringing forth a gout of flame that sets an enemy on fire. The gout of flame gains benefit from the quality of the pyre diamond or fire starting gloves. The duration of the flames scales with sorcery skill.
Via Res Ars Arcane Magic

This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists.

Via Res Ars spells may be learned from Arbis in the Tower of Dhond.

This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Vir Res.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vra03 Efficiency 3 Causes some spells to affect every appropriate item worn by or in the hands of the target or target's owner. Currently works only with ap04 and vrv01.
vra06 Instill Slowness 12 Adds a temporary flare to any weapon. Hitting targets with this weapon makes the attacker perform an arcane warding spell attack against the target. Success causes the target to be slowed for an additional 1 rt for all actions.
vra09 Degrade 5 Creates a penalty to an item's quality that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. May be targeted at living beings.
vra12 Dismantle 6 This bolt spell not only deals damage but causes the target to receive a penalty to its armor against all damage types that scales with Reasoning and Sorcery. This penalty can push a target into negative resistances.
vra15 Repair 5 Consumes coinage of any type to repair an item below 100 quality back up to 100.


Click on the column header to sort by that column. For an explanation of skills and their values, see the Skills page.

Skill Value
Alchemy Very Good
Animal Handling Bad
Archery Normal
Armor Very Bad
Channeling Bad
Conditioning Good
Enchanting Good
Evasion and Dodging Good
First Aid Bad
Fishing Normal
Focus Bad
Foraging Normal
Gnosis Good
Kinesis Very Good
Larceny Very Bad
Lockpicking Very Good
Lore Good
Mechanisms Very Good
Melee Weapons Normal
Metallurgy Normal
Observation Normal
Outdoorsman Bad
Parry Normal
Shields Normal
Skinning Normal
Sorcery Good
Stealth Very Bad
Tactics Good
Thrown Weapons Normal
Unarmed Combat Bad