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Available Spell Circles
In Thrael's past, a group of Glas Wizards broke from tradition to combine arcane and astral energies, and utilized the strength of theories forged between the two separate magics to open small holes in the Veil. Able to summon forth demons and spirits from this mysterious outer-world, Channelers use their knowledge and skill to bind these unusual creatures and force them to do their bidding. Failing a summoning can be a deadly, gruesome experience for a Channeler and others nearby, depending upon which demon answers the call. Note: Outside of the spells listed below, summoned demons and spirits are not currently implemented.
As Astral and Arcane hybrids, Wisdom and Reasoning are primary attributes for Channelers. Dexterity is also important as it is to any arcane spell caster.
The channeler uses its spells and summons offensively and relies on its evasion defensively.
Available Spell Circles
Channelers begin with 4 spell circles. An additional circle is available at levels 15, 30, and 40.
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Circle Name |
Sphere |
Info |
Arcane Prime |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists, Channelers, Illusionists, and Wizards.
The Arcane Prime spell circle encompasses all the basic precepts of the Arcane sphere. Generally prime lists have many simple spells that demonstrate the general rotes and rules of the sphere in question. Arcane Prime spells are divided up into two catagories: cantrips and rotes. Arcane Prime cantrips are smaller spells known particularly for flashier effects; while Arcane Prime rotes are simply minor spells which demonstrate Arcane concepts.
Basic Arcane Prime spells may be learned from Chaemim in the Lyceum. Intermediate Arcane Prime spells may be learned from the arcane prime tome sold in the Lyceum.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
ap01 |
Arcane Twist |
1 |
Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info . This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
ap02 |
Arcane Shock |
1 |
The caster builds up the essence in his own body and then forcefully expels it towards his enemy, causing damage.
This can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime. |
ap03 |
Motes Cantrip |
3 |
Provides a magical bonus to a mental stat that scales with Reasoning, Sorcery, and focus item quality. You may specify the mental stat to receive the bonus. You cannot boost the same mental stat with another prime school stat bonus spell. |
ap04 |
Lesser Instill |
4 |
Slightly and temporarily improves the quality of an item, allowing the item to perform its purpose more effectively. The bonus scales with Reasoning and Sorcery, and caps at 800 Sorcery. |
ap05 |
Rigid Essence |
3 |
Instant-cast spell that allows the mage to disrupt the essence within the target, giving the target round time. |
ap07 |
Arcane Mastery |
6 |
The wizard traces a series of arcane symbols in the air and becomes more in touch with the arcane realm. There is an increase in the sorcery skill. The bonus scales with sorcery skill. |
ap09 |
Elemental Protection |
8 |
This rote is the manipulation of essence into a form that impedes the progression of centralized elemental substances within the barrier. Through essence-bending, or the localized and unstable formation of essence around the caster, an elemental substance such as fire is interfered and thus diminished, although not quite nullified. Unstable is key, for a stable shell of essence in the same form will allow incorporeal substances to pass freely.
The amount of resistance scales with sorcery skill. |
ap11 |
Force Field |
11 |
This self-cast spell allows a mage to use his essence to build and maintain a wall that absorbs attacks. While it prevents critical wounds, the wall is not perfect and depends upon the mage's sorcery skill for its defensive capabilities.
Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Reasoning and Sorcery. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability. |
ap13 |
Create Glyph |
4 |
Pure essence, without proper manipulation, is disruptive. If such unrefined essence is made to contact with certain materials — especially metals — on a certain fixed area, the create glyph cantrip will rearrange a tiny fraction of the surface of the substance in tune with the caster's personal essence flow. This coin-sized area on the object is known as a glyph, and is often used to show ownership. It is invisible to the naked eye; however, if the item upon which this spell is cast already has a glyph, this spell will reveal the glyph's ownership. With lengthy study in this circle, the glyph can remain permanent. |
ap15 |
Dispel |
7 |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality. |
ap17 |
Essence Field |
12 |
This spell gives the wizard a stronger connection to the weave, allowing him to replenish his essence at a faster rate so as not to slow down his procedures and spells. |
ap19 |
Lesser Equilibrium |
4 |
This spell alters the flow of essence within the wizard, increasing its essence reserves. The spell's effect scales with sorcery skill. |
Astral Prime |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers, Martial Clerics, Spiritual Clerics, Empaths, Qai Monks, Martial Wilders and Religious Wilders.
Basic Astral Prime spells may be learned from Ishne in the Lyceum. Intermediate Astral Prime spells may be learned from the Astral Prime tome sold in the Lyceum.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
sp01 |
Astral Charge |
1 |
Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info . This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
sp02 |
Spirit Strike |
1 |
The caster uses this orison to call to the surrounding invisible spirits for aid to help strike down a foe.
This spell can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime. |
sp03 |
Astral Lift |
3 |
The caster calls upon his deity to decrease the weight of heavy items, lowering his burden. |
sp04 |
Becalm |
3 |
The caster calls upon the heavens to calm the target, making it non-aggressive. This only works on simpler creatures. |
sp05 |
Vigor |
5 |
The caster calls upon the heavens to empower the target with stamina and fortitude. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
sp07 |
Astral Mastery |
6 |
This incantation puts the caster more in tune with his deity and the astral attributes that surround him, increasing his power over his magic. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
sp09 |
Astral Bound |
11 |
This spell allows the caster to give himself a protecting shield supplied by his deity that will prevent astral warding spells from harming him. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him. |
sp11 |
Astral Shell |
11 |
The caster calls upon his deity to surround him with a small bit of the god's power to protect him from physical harm. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him.
Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Wisdom and Channeling. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability. |
sp15 |
Spirit Sight |
15 |
The caster calls forth a shifting mist that searches the veil for its connection with the target. The mist then shows the area where the connection occurs. Without much practice, the exact location of the target's connection is not always accurate. |
sp17 |
Interdiction |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality. |
Via Qel |
Hybrid Arcane-Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers.
This circle is arcane-astral hybrid.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vq01 |
Lesser Bind |
1 |
This spell adds actual magic to red summoning circles so that they may contain demons and other creatures. Summoning demons without using this spell is a very bad idea. |
vq02 |
Summoning |
2 |
This spell calls all currently summoned creatures to the Channeler. |
vq03 |
Harvest |
3 |
This spell steals the animus from a corpse, storing it in the Well of Souls, and causes the corpse to decay immediately. |
vq06 |
Eldritch Breath |
6 |
This spell allows the channeler to breathe while underwater and provides a spiritual bonus to the conditioning skill that scales with the spell's appropriate stat and skill combination. |
vq09 |
Unfetter |
4 |
This warding spell severely damages spirits, growing even more powerful once the spirit is close to death. |
vq12 |
Spirit Veil |
8 |
This spell grants the channeler resistance to spiritual damage as well as causes occasional spiritual damage to those that attack the channeler. The resistance to spiritual damage scales with the spell's appropriate stat and skill combination. |
vq15 |
Whispers of the Veil |
4 |
This spell expends stored animus to forge a connection to something in the void, giving a spiritual bonus to Intelligence at the cost of a spiritual penalty to the conditioning skill. The magnitude of both the bonus and penalty scale with the appropriate stat and skill combination. |
Via Glas Nihil |
Hybrid Arcane-Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers.
This circle is arcane-astral hybrid.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vgn03 |
Frigid Lance |
2 |
A chargeable bolt spell with a bonus to its to hit that does either water or cold damage. |
vgn06 |
Void Shunt |
5 |
A warding spell that temporarily shunts the target into the void. The duration of time spent in the void scales with the appropriate skill and stat. This spell may be self-cast. |
vgn09 |
Compression |
0 |
An instant cast spell that compresses some of the animus stored in the well of souls into essence. |
vgn12 |
Aetherfreeze |
5 |
A warding spell that dispels magic on living targets. This spell may be self-cast. |
vgn15 |
Dislocation |
7 |
A warding spell that causes a massive spiritual penalty to dexterity and reflexes that scales with the appropriate skill and stat. |
Via Kel Nivir |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers and Spiritual Clerics of the Onu.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Sabu Onyr.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vkn01 |
Manifestation |
5 |
This spell summons a lesser spirit to attack the target, dealing holy damage over time. Targets under the effects of Sever Spirit take an additional point of damage per pulse. |
vkn04 |
Sever Spirit |
4 |
The caster is able to surround the target with waves of astral energy, which rips away their spirit and attacks them with glowing tendrils of essence. Gives the target a spiritual penalty to Gnosis that scales with Channeling and Wisdom, and applies the Sever Spirit effect, which grants unholy bonuses to other VKN spells. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. |
vkn09 |
Spirit Mount |
15 |
The caster is able to summon from beyond the veil a ghostly horse that they can ride. Casting the spell again refreshes its duration and calls the horse to you. Using the command say to <mount> '<destination> when mounted will teleport you to a variety of graveyards. |
vkn11 |
Derange |
8 |
Paranoia fills the target of this spell, causing them to hear and see things, leaving them mentally unstable. Gives a penalty to the target's Intelligence, Reasoning, Reflexes and Wisdom, as well as occasionally giving the target 1 second of roundtime. Targets under the effects of Sever Spirit suffer an even larger penalty. |
vkn14 |
Hoarfrost |
6 |
This spell brings forth spirits of ice to assault the target and hamper its movement. Provides an additional spiritual penalty to defense when its target is under the effects of Sever Spirit. |
Via In Rik |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Channelers.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vir03 |
Binding Glyph |
3 |
The binding glyph magically seals a container. Casting binding glyph again will magically unseal it. |
vir06 |
Rune of Fortification |
5 |
The rune of fortification magically boosts a sub-quality item to average quality. |
vir09 |
Rune of Enhancement |
5 |
The rune of enhancement magically augments a single specified skill on a target. The magical bonus scales with sorcery and reasoning. This spell may be self-cast. |
vir12 |
Rune of Physical Diminution |
12 |
The rune of physical diminution reduces all physical damage dealt to the caster. The amount of damage reduction scales with sorcery and reasoning. This spell is self-cast only. |
vir15 |
Summoning Rune |
15 essence, 3 willpower |
The Summoning Rune allows a channeler to summon a single person into a red summoning circle from a great distance. The target may opt to refuse the summoning. Success is not assured, though sorcery and reasoning can make up for distance. Benefits from the strength of the summoning circle (a function of its quality and number of points). |
Via Sabu Onyr |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers and Spiritual Clerics of the Nivi.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Kel Nivir.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vso01 |
Purge |
2 |
Holy spell that deals damage to undead. The bonus damage scales with how much vitality the undead is missing. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell receives an offensive bonus in Hallowed rooms. |
vso04 |
Bless |
8 |
Provides an additional 1 vitality regen. This spell's effect is doubled in Hallowed rooms. |
vso09 |
Hallow |
3 |
The cleric places a glyph upon the ground that provides penalties to undead, Via Fide Onu spells, and Via Kel Nivir Spells. The glyph also provides bonuses to Via Sabu Onyr spells. The penalties and bonuses scale with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vso11 |
Brand of the Heathen |
8 |
Provides a spiritual penalty to Endurance, Strength, and Reflexes that scale with Channeling and Wisdom. This spell receives an offensive bonus and additional scaling in a Hallowed room. |
vso14 |
Shackles of Faith |
6 |
The cleric summons the spirits of the unjustly imprisoned to hamper the movements of its non-flying target. Prevents non-players from wandering. In a Hallowed room, this spell receives an offensive bonus and inflicts a spiritual penalty to defense that scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
Click on the column header to sort by that column. For an explanation of skills and their values, see the Skills page.
Skill |
Value |
Alchemy |
Normal |
Animal Handling |
Bad |
Archery |
Very Bad |
Armor |
Very Bad |
Channeling |
Very Good |
Conditioning |
Good |
Enchanting |
Very Good |
Evasion and Dodging |
Good |
First Aid |
Normal |
Fishing |
Normal |
Focus |
Very Bad |
Foraging |
Normal |
Gnosis |
Very Good |
Kinesis |
Very Good |
Larceny |
Very Bad |
Lockpicking |
Very Bad |
Lore |
Very Good |
Mechanisms |
Very Bad |
Melee Weapons |
Bad |
Metallurgy |
Normal |
Observation |
Normal |
Outdoorsman |
Bad |
Parry |
Normal |
Shields |
Very Bad |
Skinning |
Normal |
Sorcery |
Very Good |
Stealth |
Very Bad |
Tactics |
Good |
Thrown Weapons |
Bad |
Unarmed Combat |
Very Bad |