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Available Spell Circles
Spiritual Cleric
There are two paths a spiritual cleric can take, those who draw upon the Nivi or those who draw upon the Onu.
Those who choose to follow the Nivi lend themselves to the brighter aspects of Astral Magic, taking on abilities to bolster their allies and banish the darkness. Those who choose to follow the Onu lend themselves to the darker aspects of Astral Magic, taking on horrific powers to punish their foes.
Spiritual clerics need intelligence and wisdom to manipulate their astral spells.
To resurrect a fallen character, type raise <person>
to bring them back to life. Raising another player gives experience, including instantly-absorbed experience based on the target's level.
Available Spell Circles
Spiritual clerics begin with 4 spell circles. An additional circle is available at levels 15, 30, and 40.
Click on the column header to sort by that column, or click on the circle name to see details about that circle. For an explanation of magic and its use, see the About Magic page.
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Circle Name |
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Info |
Via Kel Nivir |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers and Spiritual Clerics of the Onu.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Sabu Onyr.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vkn01 |
Manifestation |
5 |
This spell summons a lesser spirit to attack the target, dealing holy damage over time. Targets under the effects of Sever Spirit take an additional point of damage per pulse. |
vkn04 |
Sever Spirit |
4 |
The caster is able to surround the target with waves of astral energy, which rips away their spirit and attacks them with glowing tendrils of essence. Gives the target a spiritual penalty to Gnosis that scales with Channeling and Wisdom, and applies the Sever Spirit effect, which grants unholy bonuses to other VKN spells. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. |
vkn09 |
Spirit Mount |
15 |
The caster is able to summon from beyond the veil a ghostly horse that they can ride. Casting the spell again refreshes its duration and calls the horse to you. Using the command say to <mount> '<destination> when mounted will teleport you to a variety of graveyards. |
vkn11 |
Derange |
8 |
Paranoia fills the target of this spell, causing them to hear and see things, leaving them mentally unstable. Gives a penalty to the target's Intelligence, Reasoning, Reflexes and Wisdom, as well as occasionally giving the target 1 second of roundtime. Targets under the effects of Sever Spirit suffer an even larger penalty. |
vkn14 |
Hoarfrost |
6 |
This spell brings forth spirits of ice to assault the target and hamper its movement. Provides an additional spiritual penalty to defense when its target is under the effects of Sever Spirit. |
Via Fas Esut |
Astral |
This circle is available to Martial Clerics and Spiritual Clerics.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfe01 |
Astral Gauntlets |
5 |
Astral gauntlets causes the creation of spiritual hand armor that lend to one's ability to do dexterous activities. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vfe04 |
Astral Boots |
5 |
Astral boots causes the creation of spiritual footwear that lend to one's reflexes. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vfe06 |
Astral Helm |
4 |
Astral helm causes the creation of spiritual head armor that lend to one's magical defense. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vfe10 |
Astral Bracers |
5 |
Astral bracers causes the creation of spiritual arm protection that lend to one's strength. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
vfe13 |
Astral Greaves |
4 |
Astral Greaves causes the creation of spiritual leg armor that lend to one's ability to defend oneself. The spiritual bonus scales with channeling skill. |
Via Ful Onus |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfo02 |
Frighten |
3 |
When the target is hit by this spell, they are scared and run away. If the success is strong enough, the target will pass out. |
vfo04 |
Defile |
5 |
The caster blights its target with poison. |
vfo07 |
Blindness |
5 |
The caster has the power to render his target blind. |
vfo10 |
Flensing |
5 |
This spell has the reputation for being one of the most painful ways to die. Starting off slowly, the targets skin beings to strip away, causing bleeding, pain, and possibly death. Duration scales with Channeling skill. |
vfo13 |
Astral Instill |
12 |
With ones knowledge of how the soul, the astral plane, and the physical plane all work in conjunction, the caster is able to use a portion of the energy from his soul to instill weapons, armor, or individuals. When cast on a weapon, the weapon is instilled with a temporary holy flare. When cast on armor, the armor receives a holy resistance equal to the armor's slashing resistance. When cast on an individual the individual receives an armor resistance to holy damage that scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
Via Fide Eternals |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics.
Via Fide Eternals may be learned from ghosts in the hidden basement of Eyssa's Temple.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfet01 |
Reclamation |
3 |
Calling to Eyssa, the cleric takes on part of the target's weakness of death. |
vfet04 |
Ng's Caress |
3 |
Exposing the target to the essence of Ng, the cleric turns some of its foe's essence to nothing.
You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. |
vfet07 |
Life Cipher |
5 |
Exposing the target to the essence of Ng, the cleric banishes some of its foe's life force to oblivion.
You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. |
vfet10 |
Deferred Demise |
5 |
The grace of Eyssa quells all bleeding on a target close to death, but not without a price. Any action that incurs roundtime or preparation of any spell will break the effect. Requires the target to be below half its maximum vitality or suffering over 10 points of bleeding per tick. |
vfet13 |
Nullification |
5 |
Provides a defensive bonus against physical attacks that scales with Wisdom and Channeling. |
vfet15 |
Soul Travel |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
The cleric travels to a fallen target upon the mists of Ul'Mydar. Casting the spell again within the spell's duration will return the caster to his previous location. |
Astral Prime |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers, Martial Clerics, Spiritual Clerics, Empaths, Qai Monks, Martial Wilders and Religious Wilders.
Basic Astral Prime spells may be learned from Ishne in the Lyceum. Intermediate Astral Prime spells may be learned from the Astral Prime tome sold in the Lyceum.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
sp01 |
Astral Charge |
1 |
Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info . This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
sp02 |
Spirit Strike |
1 |
The caster uses this orison to call to the surrounding invisible spirits for aid to help strike down a foe.
This spell can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime. |
sp03 |
Astral Lift |
3 |
The caster calls upon his deity to decrease the weight of heavy items, lowering his burden. |
sp04 |
Becalm |
3 |
The caster calls upon the heavens to calm the target, making it non-aggressive. This only works on simpler creatures. |
sp05 |
Vigor |
5 |
The caster calls upon the heavens to empower the target with stamina and fortitude. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
sp07 |
Astral Mastery |
6 |
This incantation puts the caster more in tune with his deity and the astral attributes that surround him, increasing his power over his magic. The bonus scales with channeling skill. |
sp09 |
Astral Bound |
11 |
This spell allows the caster to give himself a protecting shield supplied by his deity that will prevent astral warding spells from harming him. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him. |
sp11 |
Astral Shell |
11 |
The caster calls upon his deity to surround him with a small bit of the god's power to protect him from physical harm. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him.
Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Wisdom and Channeling. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability. |
sp15 |
Spirit Sight |
15 |
The caster calls forth a shifting mist that searches the veil for its connection with the target. The mist then shows the area where the connection occurs. Without much practice, the exact location of the target's connection is not always accurate. |
sp17 |
Interdiction |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality. |
Via Fide Nivi |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics of the Nivi.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Fide Onu.
Via Fide Nivi may be learned from a ghost that appears intermittently in the basement of the Ossuary in Kaezar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfni02 |
Lyra's Embrace |
3 |
Lyra warms your heart, sometimes restoring some of your body when you are attacked. Scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vfni05 |
Compassion |
5 |
The cleric invokes the essence of Serene, healing some of the target's wounds. This spell is chargeable and can be self-cast. |
vfni07 |
Judgment |
1 |
By invoking Prinae, the caster preserves a corpse, preventing it from decaying for a time. Invoking Moibur will burn away the corpse and give essence to the caster. The default for players is Prinae. Essence regen scales with the target's level. |
vfni10 |
Ghent's Inspiration |
13 |
The target gains a spiritual bonus to wisdom and complex crafting skills. The bonus scales with channeling and wisdom. |
vfni13 |
Insight |
8 |
The target learns Very Bad and Bad skills as though they were normal. |
vfni15 |
From the Ashes |
15 essence, 25 willpower |
Upon death, the target immediately is consumed by flames and rises again at the nearest appropriate location with reduced experience buffer loss. This loss scales with Channeling and Wisdom as well as with the duration the ability has been active. |
Via In Onus |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics, Empaths, and Religious Wilders.
Via In Onus spells may be learned from Brother Demilo in the Lyceum.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vio01 |
Bless Weapon |
1 |
Calling upon the gods, the caster has the ability to bless a weapon, making it fit for use against the undead. The number of uses scales with Wisdom and Channeling. |
vio04 |
Cleanse |
7 |
The caster cleanses a target's body of a single poison or curse effect. |
vio06 |
Soul Sight |
3 |
The caster remains in tune with death itself, perceiving those who perish. |
vio07 |
Clear Sight |
8 |
Cures or removes a single blindness effect from the target and causes the target to attempt to pierce concealment about it using the caster's Channeling and Wisdom. Also provides a spiritual bonus to Observation that scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vio10 |
Stability |
6 |
Removes the stunned status from the target and grants the target a one-time 6-second reduction to the duration of disables. Instant-cast. |
vio13 |
Astral Meditation |
1 |
The caster connects with the astral plane on a deeper level, increasing its essence regeneration significantly until it takes any other action. The amount of essence regeneration scales with Wisdom, Channeling and the duration of the meditation. |
vio15 |
Soften |
6 |
By focusing on their deity, the caster of soften will grant its target relief from the perils and discomforts of petrification. Grants the target a one-time 6-second reduction to the duration of disables and stacks with vio10. |
Via Fide Onu |
Astral |
This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics of the Onu.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Fide Nivi.
Via Fide Onu may be learned from a zombie in a crypt in Kemstead Abbey.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfon02 |
Litany of Protection |
3 |
A swarm of insects protect the caster, occassionally retaliating against those who would harm it. This chance scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vfon05 |
Covet |
5 |
The envy of Aorre fills the caster, sucking the breath and life out of its target to fill the caster with but a fraction of it. |
vfon07 |
Subsume |
1 |
Shaellis's dark waters consume a corpse, restoring the caster's essence. Essence regen scales with the target's level. |
vfon10 |
Corrupt Ventriloquism |
5 |
The target's words are redirected by Taqe's mischief, rendering it effectively silent. Provides a penalty to the time to prep spells after the silence ends. |
vfon13 |
Revel |
5 |
The spirit of Leta's destructive revelry overtakes the target, causing them to add unnecessary flourishes to every movement, increasing roundtime. |
vfon15 |
Decay |
8 |
Causes the target's limb to decay rapidly. This does not cause bleeding or vitality damage, but the horror inflicted upon the limb is truly massive. Scales with Channeling and Wisdom, causing more damage over a shorter period of time. |
Via Sabu Onyr |
Astral |
This circle is available to Channelers and Spiritual Clerics of the Nivi.
This circle is mutually exclusive to Via Kel Nivir.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vso01 |
Purge |
2 |
Holy spell that deals damage to undead. The bonus damage scales with how much vitality the undead is missing. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. This spell receives an offensive bonus in Hallowed rooms. |
vso04 |
Bless |
8 |
Provides an additional 1 vitality regen. This spell's effect is doubled in Hallowed rooms. |
vso09 |
Hallow |
3 |
The cleric places a glyph upon the ground that provides penalties to undead, Via Fide Onu spells, and Via Kel Nivir Spells. The glyph also provides bonuses to Via Sabu Onyr spells. The penalties and bonuses scale with Channeling and Wisdom. |
vso11 |
Brand of the Heathen |
8 |
Provides a spiritual penalty to Endurance, Strength, and Reflexes that scale with Channeling and Wisdom. This spell receives an offensive bonus and additional scaling in a Hallowed room. |
vso14 |
Shackles of Faith |
6 |
The cleric summons the spirits of the unjustly imprisoned to hamper the movements of its non-flying target. Prevents non-players from wandering. In a Hallowed room, this spell receives an offensive bonus and inflicts a spiritual penalty to defense that scales with Channeling and Wisdom. |
Click on the column header to sort by that column. For an explanation of skills and their values, see the Skills page.
Skill |
Value |
Alchemy |
Very Bad |
Animal Handling |
Bad |
Archery |
Bad |
Armor |
Bad |
Channeling |
Very Good |
Conditioning |
Good |
Enchanting |
Very Good |
Evasion and Dodging |
Normal |
First Aid |
Very Good |
Fishing |
Normal |
Focus |
Bad |
Foraging |
Normal |
Gnosis |
Very Good |
Kinesis |
Very Good |
Larceny |
Very Bad |
Lockpicking |
Very Bad |
Lore |
Good |
Mechanisms |
Very Bad |
Melee Weapons |
Normal |
Metallurgy |
Normal |
Observation |
Normal |
Outdoorsman |
Bad |
Parry |
Bad |
Shields |
Good |
Skinning |
Normal |
Sorcery |
Bad |
Stealth |
Very Bad |
Tactics |
Good |
Thrown Weapons |
Bad |
Unarmed Combat |
Bad |