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Available Spell Circles

Religious Wilder (Druid)

Priests of Beade, the Mother of All, the druids religiously tend to Thrael; the vegetation, the wildlife, all things that grow are under their domain. Each member of this holy sect cultivates a forest grove and maintains that which flourishes there.

This path relies on its spells offensively and its decent parry defensively.

Available Spell Circles

Religious Wilders begin with 3 spell circles. An additional circle is available at levels 15, 30, and 40.

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Circle Name Sphere Info
Astral Prime Astral

This circle is available to Channelers, Martial Clerics, Spiritual Clerics, Empaths, Qai Monks, Martial Wilders and Religious Wilders.

Basic Astral Prime spells may be learned from Ishne in the Lyceum. Intermediate Astral Prime spells may be learned from the Astral Prime tome sold in the Lyceum.

Shortname Name Cost Description
sp01 Astral Charge 1 Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items.
sp02 Spirit Strike 1 The caster uses this orison to call to the surrounding invisible spirits for aid to help strike down a foe.

This spell can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime.
sp03 Astral Lift 3 The caster calls upon his deity to decrease the weight of heavy items, lowering his burden.
sp04 Becalm 3 The caster calls upon the heavens to calm the target, making it non-aggressive. This only works on simpler creatures.
sp05 Vigor 5 The caster calls upon the heavens to empower the target with stamina and fortitude. The bonus scales with channeling skill.
sp07 Astral Mastery 6 This incantation puts the caster more in tune with his deity and the astral attributes that surround him, increasing his power over his magic. The bonus scales with channeling skill.
sp09 Astral Bound 11 This spell allows the caster to give himself a protecting shield supplied by his deity that will prevent astral warding spells from harming him. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him.
sp11 Astral Shell 11 The caster calls upon his deity to surround him with a small bit of the god's power to protect him from physical harm. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him.

Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Wisdom and Channeling. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability.
sp15 Spirit Sight 15 The caster calls forth a shifting mist that searches the veil for its connection with the target. The mist then shows the area where the connection occurs. Without much practice, the exact location of the target's connection is not always accurate.
sp17 Interdiction 15 essence, 2 willpower Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality.
Via In Onus Astral

This circle is available to Spiritual Clerics, Empaths, and Religious Wilders.

Via In Onus spells may be learned from Brother Demilo in the Lyceum.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vio01 Bless Weapon 1 Calling upon the gods, the caster has the ability to bless a weapon, making it fit for use against the undead. The number of uses scales with Wisdom and Channeling.
vio04 Cleanse 7 The caster cleanses a target's body of a single poison or curse effect.
vio06 Soul Sight 3 The caster remains in tune with death itself, perceiving those who perish.
vio07 Clear Sight 8 Cures or removes a single blindness effect from the target and causes the target to attempt to pierce concealment about it using the caster's Channeling and Wisdom. Also provides a spiritual bonus to Observation that scales with Channeling and Wisdom.
vio10 Stability 6 Removes the stunned status from the target and grants the target a one-time 6-second reduction to the duration of disables. Instant-cast.
vio13 Astral Meditation 1 The caster connects with the astral plane on a deeper level, increasing its essence regeneration significantly until it takes any other action. The amount of essence regeneration scales with Wisdom, Channeling and the duration of the meditation.
vio15 Soften 6 By focusing on their deity, the caster of soften will grant its target relief from the perils and discomforts of petrification. Grants the target a one-time 6-second reduction to the duration of disables and stacks with vio10.
Via Blym Cael Astral

This circle is available to Religious Wilders.

Via Blym Cael spells may be learned from Mirelde in the Birchwoods.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vbc01 Mantle of the North 11 The wilder takes on an affinity to the cold of the north, granting it a resistance to cold that scales with channeling skill.
vbc03 Mantle of the Skyborne 10 The wilder takes on an affinity to the winds of Thrael, granting it the ability to fly, and a bonus against physical attacks that scales with Wisdom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality.
vbc05 Mantle of the Tides 8 Taking on an affinity to the waters of Thrael, the wilder gains fire and water resistance that scales with Wisdom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality. Also allows the caster to breathe underwater and slightly mitigates the penalties for moving when not standing.
vbc07 Mantle of the Storm 10 Taking on an affinity to lightning, the wilder gains a spiritual bonus to parry skill and a resistance to electricity that scales with Wisdom and Channeling.
vbc11 Wrath of the Storm 6 The wilder calls upon the heavens, instantly calling down a stunning bolt of lightning. This spell requires that one have the Mantle of the Storm active and has a cooldown.

This can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3). Damage, stun time, and roundtime will scale accordingly.
vbc15 Carried on the Wind 15 The caster sends an object in its dominant hand to the specified player, or the caster's grove in the event that the grove is specified. This spell requires that the caster have the Mantle of the Skyborne active. The maximum weight of the object the caster may send scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and wilder staff quality.
Via Fas Florae Astral

This circle is available to Religious Wilders.

Via Fas Florae spells may be learned at the Altar in Beade's Forest.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vffl03 Natural Selection 2 Chargeable warding spell that receives its damage type from the local weather. Additionally specifying burn, drown, freeze, or shock will change the spell's damage type dependent on having the appropriate mantle active. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by Wilder Staves.
vffl06 Invigorate 5 The wilder grants the vigor of thrael to itself or an ally, giving it a spiritual bonus to strength that scales with channeling skill.
vffl08 Ray 2 Chargeable bolt spell that receives its damage type from the local weather. Additionally specifying burn, drown, freeze, or shock will change the spell's damage type dependent on having the appropriate mantle active. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by Wilder Staves.
vffl10 Consecreate Grove 10 essence, 1 willpower This spell creates the wilder's grove in the room when initially cast. Subsequent casts open and close the archway to the wilder's grove as well as rescale the grove's item capacity. The grove's item capacity scales with Widsom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality. All groves have a cairn.

This spell must be cast in a room with five or more plants. Once cast, the wilder cannot move the entrance to the grove.
vffl13 Wild Growth 15 Within its grove, the wilder grows furniture from a seed.
vffl15 Sink Roots 15 essence, 2 willpower The wilder travels through the ground as a root, returning to its grove.
Via Blym Florae Astral

This circle is available to Religious Wilders.

Via Blym Florae spells may be learned from the eald in the Birchwoods.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vbf01 Create Staff 15 essence, 1 willpower Improves a current wilder staff or creates a wilder staff from a twig or branch. The quality of the staff scales with Wisdom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality. Casting the spell upon an existing wilder staff will rescale it.

Wilder staves have a maximum quality dictated by how many sacrifices have been made to nature. A wilder can sacrifice something to its wilder staff by placing fish, pelts, or plants upon a cairn alongside the wilder staff, and then setting that cairn on fire.

Wilder staves have an additional maximum quality they can achieve, though this quality is further extended by sacrificing a nadis rootlet, a currently unknown object, or a currently unknown object.
vbf02 Lash 3 Brings a plant or wilder staff to life to lash out at an enemy. This spell causes double the normal bleed. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by Wilder Staves. You may charge this spell to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3).
vbf05 Staff Mastery 5 The wilder imbues its staff with its own essence, making the staff an extension of itself and granting it the ability to parry spellbolts and ranged attacks without penalty, and provides a bonus to parrying with the staff that scales with Wisdom, Channeling, and wilder staff quality.
vbf07 Florid Entanglement 4 The wilder calls upon a plant to entangle its target, lowering the defense of its foe. The penalty to defense scales with channeling skill.
vbf12 Viper Branch 5 The wilder's staff briefly turns into a viper, biting and poisoning its foe. The poison duration scales with channeling skill.
vbf14 The Forest Walks 1 Upon the first casting, the wilder gains the ability to bring the forest to its aid. Any future castings call any of the wilder's plant allies to it.
vbf15 Essence Spores 12 The wilder summons a walking fern that exudes spores that grant essence regeneration to everyone in the room.
Via Teg Aer Astral

This circle is available to Martial Wilders and Religious Wilders.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vta01 Survival 4 In response to all their time spent outdoors, studious wilders will find their ability to sustain themselves in the wild increased. The bonus scales with channeling skill.
vta03 Trackless 3 The wilder is so in tune with Thrael that the very ground refuses to betray its passage.
vta04 Windborn Guidance 5 The wilder entrusts itself to the wind, guiding its movements away from harm. The bonus scales with channeling skill.
vta07 Thrael's Bounty 7 Drawing upon its attunement with Thrael, the wilder gains the ability to partake of its bounty. The bonus scales with channeling skill.
vta11 Barkskin 8 Causes the caster to meld into a plant, rendering it effectively invisible and increasing vitality regeneration. Taking any action other than casting on oneself or sniping will break the spell. The vitality regeneration scales with Wisdom, Channeling, wilder staff quality, and the duration of the barkskin.
vta13 Echoes on the Wind 15 Links outdoor rooms through the wind, causing anything spoken to be carried between them. If cast on a remote target, the spell will link the room the target is standing in. The number of rooms permitted to be linked scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and wilder staff quality. The wilder may cast purge to remove all existing echoes it has cast.


Click on the column header to sort by that column. For an explanation of skills and their values, see the Skills page.

Skill Value
Alchemy Normal
Animal Handling Very Good
Archery Good
Armor Normal
Channeling Very Good
Conditioning Good
Enchanting Very Good
Evasion and Dodging Normal
First Aid Very Good
Fishing Normal
Focus Bad
Foraging Normal
Gnosis Very Good
Kinesis Very Good
Larceny Very Bad
Lockpicking Very Bad
Lore Good
Mechanisms Very Bad
Melee Weapons Normal
Metallurgy Normal
Observation Normal
Outdoorsman Very Good
Parry Good
Shields Normal
Skinning Normal
Sorcery Bad
Stealth Normal
Tactics Good
Thrown Weapons Normal
Unarmed Combat Normal