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Available Abilities

Qai Monk

Masters of martial arts and the powers of the mind, these enlightened warriors use their inner senses rather than brute strength to rule the battlefield. Magic users as well, they can train their bodies to heal by means of the art of meditation.

A Qai Monk relies on its unarmed skill offensively and its evasion and unarmed defensively.

Available Abilities

Qai Monks begin with 2 spell circles and one martial art. Additional martial arts are available at certain levels of Unarmed skill.

Click on the column header to sort by that column, or click on the circle name to see details about that ability. For an explanation of magic and its use, see the About Magic page. For an explanation of martial arts and their use, see the Martial Arts page.

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Name Type Info
Astral Prime Astral Magic

This circle is available to Channelers, Martial Clerics, Spiritual Clerics, Empaths, Qai Monks, Martial Wilders and Religious Wilders.

Basic Astral Prime spells may be learned from Ishne in the Lyceum. Intermediate Astral Prime spells may be learned from the Astral Prime tome sold in the Lyceum.

Shortname Name Cost Description
sp01 Astral Charge 1 Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info. This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items.
sp02 Spirit Strike 1 The caster uses this orison to call to the surrounding invisible spirits for aid to help strike down a foe.

This spell can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime.
sp03 Astral Lift 3 The caster calls upon his deity to decrease the weight of heavy items, lowering his burden.
sp04 Becalm 3 The caster calls upon the heavens to calm the target, making it non-aggressive. This only works on simpler creatures.
sp05 Vigor 5 The caster calls upon the heavens to empower the target with stamina and fortitude. The bonus scales with channeling skill.
sp07 Astral Mastery 6 This incantation puts the caster more in tune with his deity and the astral attributes that surround him, increasing his power over his magic. The bonus scales with channeling skill.
sp09 Astral Bound 11 This spell allows the caster to give himself a protecting shield supplied by his deity that will prevent astral warding spells from harming him. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him.
sp11 Astral Shell 11 The caster calls upon his deity to surround him with a small bit of the god's power to protect him from physical harm. The effect depends on the caster's channeling skill to protect him.

Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Wisdom and Channeling. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability.
sp15 Spirit Sight 15 The caster calls forth a shifting mist that searches the veil for its connection with the target. The mist then shows the area where the connection occurs. Without much practice, the exact location of the target's connection is not always accurate.
sp17 Interdiction 15 essence, 2 willpower Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality.
Via Kel Onyr Astral Magic

This circle is available to Qai Monks.

Shortname Name Cost Description
vko02 Tsau Hung's Call 2 Allows the monk's unarmed attacks to hit spirits.
vko05 Tsu Phang's Teachings 6 Provides a spiritual bonus to the unarmed skill that scales with the channeling skill and wisdom stat.
vko08 Gie Jai's Call 11 Provides a defense against vedic warding spells similar to a primary defensive ability that scales with the channeling skill and wisdom stat.
vko11 Qin Su's Call 11 Provides physical damage mitigation that scales with the channeling skill and wisdom stat.
vko15 First Glorious Martial Form 15 Provides a variety of bonuses that may or may not scale with the channeling skill and wisdom stat based on the martial art that the monk is using:
  1. Tiger – An extra move per second as though mounted as well as increased stamina and vitality regeneration..
  2. Crane – A spiritual bonus to reflexes, wisdom, and gnosis as well as an increased likelihood that mobs will prefer targets other than the monk.
  3. Bear – A bonus to maximum stamina and vitality, a reduction to bleeding rate, and a slight shaving off of the time of any stuns the monk incurs.
  4. Any other style – A slight resistance to damage of all types.
Qai Sun Monkey Martial Art

These tags are available to Qai Monks. Their abilities may be displayed with the monkey info command.

Qai Sun Monkey may be learned at Unarmed skill level 144 from Sempai Junosuke in the Qai Monastery in Koje.

# Move Name RT Limbs Hit Locations Type Effect
1 Leappunch 6 One Arm low, mid, high Hybrid
2 Mulekick 6 Two Legs low, mid, high Hybrid
3 Flip 2 Two Legs mid Hybrid Knockdown
4 Tumble 3 Other low Hybrid Knockdown
5 Spinsweep 1 One Leg low Hybrid Knockdown
6 Legthrow 2 One Leg high Hybrid Knockdown
7 Hipthrow 5 Two Arms high Hybrid Knockdown
8 Speartackle 4 Other mid Hybrid Knockdown
Qai Sun Bear Martial Art

These tags are available to Qai Monks. Their abilities may be displayed with the bear info command.

Qai Sun Bear may be learned at Unarmed skill level 135 from Sempai Cyr in the Qai Monastery in Koje.

# Move Name RT Limbs Hit Locations Type Effect
1 Punch 2 One Arm mid Power
2 Backfist 3 One Arm high Power
3 Crosspunch 3 One Arm high Power Stun
4 Elbow 4 One Arm mid Power
5 Uppercut 4 One Arm high Power
6 Shoulderthrow 2 Two Arms mid Power Knockdown
7 Overhandpunch 6 One Arm mid, high Power
Qai Sun Mantis Martial Art

These tags are available to Qai Monks. Their abilities may be displayed with the mantis info command.

Qai Sun Mantis may be learned at Unarmed skill level 261 from Juzo Fukuda in the Qai Monastery in Koje.

# Move Name RT Limbs Hit Locations Type Effect
1 Spearstrike 3 One Arm mid, high Hybrid
2 Knifestrike 2 One Arm low, high Hybrid
3 Hammerstrike 3 One Arm mid, high Hybrid
4 Jointstrike 4 One Leg low Hybrid
5 Ridgestrike 4 One Arm high Hybrid
6 Mantisstrike 6 Two Arms mid Hybrid
Qai Sun Crane Martial Art

These tags are available to Qai Monks. Their abilities may be displayed with the crane info command.

Qai Sun Crane may be learned at Unarmed skill level 63 from Jinny at Jinny Ch'ee's Takee Cup in the Vashan Bazaar in Kaezar.

# Move Name RT Limbs Hit Locations Type Effect
1 Crescentkick 2 One Leg high Precision
2 Spinkick 3 One Leg low, mid, high Precision
3 Roundhouse 4 One Leg low, mid, high Hybrid
4 Sweep 1 One Leg low Precision Knockdown
5 Flutter 2 One Arm mid Precision
6 Buffet 3 Two Arms mid Precision Stun
7 Peck 2 One Arm high Precision Blind
Qai Sun Tiger Martial Art

These tags are available to Qai Monks. Their abilities may be displayed with the tiger info command.

# Move Name RT Limbs Hit Locations Type Effect
1 Jab 1 One Arm mid, high Hybrid Stun
2 Clawstrike 2 One Arm high Hybrid
3 Lowpunch 2 One Arm mid Hybrid
4 Frontkick 3 One Leg low, mid Hybrid
5 Sidekick 4 One Leg low, mid Power
6 Sweep 1 One Leg low Hybrid Knockdown


Click on the column header to sort by that column. For an explanation of skills and their values, see the Skills page.

Skill Value
Alchemy Very Bad
Animal Handling Bad
Archery Very Bad
Armor Very Bad
Channeling Normal
Conditioning Very Good
Enchanting Normal
Evasion and Dodging Very Good
First Aid Good
Fishing Normal
Focus Bad
Foraging Normal
Gnosis Good
Kinesis Very Bad
Larceny Very Bad
Lockpicking Very Bad
Lore Good
Mechanisms Very Bad
Melee Weapons Bad
Metallurgy Normal
Observation Good
Outdoorsman Normal
Parry Normal
Shields Very Bad
Skinning Normal
Sorcery Bad
Stealth Normal
Tactics Good
Thrown Weapons Normal
Unarmed Combat Very Good