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Available Spell Circles
Once Wizards, the Illusionists who broke off to follow Grand Mage Zyzyl have come forth into the public's eye, ready to prove themselves to all those who have question their skills. Having access to both vedic and arcane lists, these hybrids bring scientific order to the untapped potential of the mind. Through use of light and shadows, as well as a healthy dose of mental magic, these mages are able to reshape reality into whatever form they desire, forcing others to believe as they do as they bend minds to their will. Beware, for the Wizard Council does not approve of their magics, as they spit in the face of "conventional" arcane science.
An Illusionist relies on its spells offensively and its Evasion defensively.
Available Spell Circles
Illusionists begin with 4 spell circles. An additional circle is available at levels 15, 30, and 40.
Many illusionist spells benefit from the use of foci, which give a bonus similar to how quality affects items. You can change whether spells use foci automatically (if optional) by typing settings components <on|off>
. When the Use Components setting is off, you can add the argument #f
when casting spells to use a focus charge.
Click on the column header to sort by that column, or click on the circle name to see details about that circle. For an explanation of magic and its use, see the About Magic page.
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Circle Name |
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Info |
Via Nox Kol Mar |
Hybrid Arcane-Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane-vedic hybrid and is mutually exclusive to Via Lor Kol Mar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vnkm02 |
Black Light |
2 |
This chargeable bolt spell shoots out a ray of energy that attempts to erase from reality where ever it goes. Like air into a vacuum, reality then rushes in to fill the space, causing void damage. Receives a bonus to damage and tohit from foci based on the bonus of the focus. |
vnkm04 |
Minor Illusion |
4 |
By manipulating reality, this spell allows the caster to animate objects. |
vnkm05 |
Pitch Black |
5 |
An instant-cast warding spell that causes blindness on the target. The spell receives a bonus to tohit from foci based on the bonus of the focus. |
vnkm08 |
Dissolve |
7 |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person or item. Dissolve receives a bonus to tohit from foci based on the bonus of the focus. |
vnkm11 |
Reality Field |
11 |
The caster creates a field around himself, a localized reality manipulation where vedic magic does not exist. Provides defense against vedic magic warding spells similar to primary defensive abilities. |
vnkm14 |
Shadow Betrayal |
6 |
A cold damage hybrid arcane-vedic warding spell that causes your shadow to cling to you, hindering your movement. The spell receives a bonus to tohit from foci based on the bonus of the focus. |
Vedic Prime |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Bards, Empaths, and Illusionists.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vp01 |
Mental Intrusion |
1 |
Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info . This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
vp02 |
Kinetic Compression |
1 |
Using only his willpower, the caster can strike out at his foe, causing damage to his enemy's physical self.
This spell can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime. |
vp03 |
Foresight |
5 |
This spell will allow the caster to invest the ability to predict what actions may take place, thus improving the ability to defend reflexively. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vp05 |
Glimpse |
15 essence, 1 willpower |
Upon focusing to a single target, this spell will allow the caster to glimpse where he or she is at the present time. |
vp07 |
Vedic Mastery |
6 |
Causing the workings of the mind to be clearer, this spell will improve the ability of the caster to focus on his or her vedic spells. The bonus scales with focus skill. |
vp10 |
Empowerment |
8 |
This spell grants an increase in strength for purposes of carrying, dragging, lifting, and swinging weapons. The bonus scales with focus skill, and can be cast on oneself, others, or one's group. |
vp11 |
Precognition |
11 |
Like foresight, this great vedic exercise will give the caster a great view into the future. Unlike foresight, this spell grants vastly superior ability to dodge incoming assaults dependent on the caster's focus skill.
Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Will and Focus. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability. |
vp13 |
Serenity |
4 |
Reaching into the mind of a target, this spell will render him, her or it in a serene-like state, lacking the motivation to attack. |
vp15 |
Repudiation |
7 |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality scales with focus quality. |
vp17 |
Signature Alter |
5 |
Altering the mental signature of himself or those around him, the vedic blocks scrying attempts upon individuals or upon a room. |
Via Mar Sani Qel |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Bards, Empaths, and Illusionists.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vmsq02 |
Thought Sever |
2 |
This spell removes telepathic connections and can be targeted to specific channels. |
vmsq05 |
Telepathic Projection |
10 |
With this spell, the caster is able to send his thoughts over distances. |
vmsq08 |
Dual Link |
8 |
This spell gives the caster the power to link his mind with another and share conversation. |
vmsq11 |
Thoughtnet |
11 |
This spell gives the caster the power to converse over the thoughtnet. |
vmsq13 |
Group Link |
13 |
This spell gives the caster the power to converse through telepathy to all in his group. |
vmsq17 |
Thought Block |
5 |
Closing his mind to the thoughts of others, this spell blocks telepathic thoughts to individuals or those in a room. |
vmsq28 |
Mental Bridge |
25 essence, 2 willpower |
This spell has not been documented. |
Via Dram Sani |
Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is vedic and is mutually exclusive to Via Res Mox.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vds03 |
Mind Crush |
4 |
A chargable warding spell that does direct damage to vitality. |
vds06 |
Hallucination |
5 |
A warding spell that causes a damage over time effect to the opponent. The duration of the effect scales with the focus skill and will statistic. |
vds09 |
Feedback Loop |
7 |
A warding spell that causes a penalty to the opponent's will stat (lowering their resistance against vedic warding spells). The penalty scales with the focus skill and will statistic. |
vds12 |
Chaotic Learning |
10 |
A spell that provides a bonus to skill learning that scales with the focus skill and will statistic. This bonus is comparable to the human learning bonus at maximum skill. |
vds15 |
Mindscape |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
A spell that allows the caster to physically enter into the collective consciousness and emerge elsewhere in the world, with a bit of inaccuracy. Note that there is a delay after casting, and taking any action will cause it to fail. |
vds45 |
Group Mindscape |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
Allows the caster and its group to physically enter into the region's collective consciousness and emerge elsewhere in the world, with a bit of inaccuracy. There is a delay after casting. |
Arcane Prime |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Arcanist Mechanists, Channelers, Illusionists, and Wizards.
The Arcane Prime spell circle encompasses all the basic precepts of the Arcane sphere. Generally prime lists have many simple spells that demonstrate the general rotes and rules of the sphere in question. Arcane Prime spells are divided up into two catagories: cantrips and rotes. Arcane Prime cantrips are smaller spells known particularly for flashier effects; while Arcane Prime rotes are simply minor spells which demonstrate Arcane concepts.
Basic Arcane Prime spells may be learned from Chaemim in the Lyceum. Intermediate Arcane Prime spells may be learned from the arcane prime tome sold in the Lyceum.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
ap01 |
Arcane Twist |
1 |
Basic offensive warding spell. You may charge this spell by adding a 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ) to have it take additional roundtime and do more damage. You may specify the spell's element from the list available to you in abilities info . This spell's offensive and damage quality are improved by focus items. |
ap02 |
Arcane Shock |
1 |
The caster builds up the essence in his own body and then forcefully expels it towards his enemy, causing damage.
This can be invested with extra effort by adding 1, 2 or 3 modifier when cast (e.g. cast <target> 3 ). Damage will scale accordingly, as will roundtime. |
ap03 |
Motes Cantrip |
3 |
Provides a magical bonus to a mental stat that scales with Reasoning, Sorcery, and focus item quality. You may specify the mental stat to receive the bonus. You cannot boost the same mental stat with another prime school stat bonus spell. |
ap04 |
Lesser Instill |
4 |
Slightly and temporarily improves the quality of an item, allowing the item to perform its purpose more effectively. The bonus scales with Reasoning and Sorcery, and caps at 800 Sorcery. |
ap05 |
Rigid Essence |
3 |
Instant-cast spell that allows the mage to disrupt the essence within the target, giving the target round time. |
ap07 |
Arcane Mastery |
6 |
The wizard traces a series of arcane symbols in the air and becomes more in touch with the arcane realm. There is an increase in the sorcery skill. The bonus scales with sorcery skill. |
ap09 |
Elemental Protection |
8 |
This rote is the manipulation of essence into a form that impedes the progression of centralized elemental substances within the barrier. Through essence-bending, or the localized and unstable formation of essence around the caster, an elemental substance such as fire is interfered and thus diminished, although not quite nullified. Unstable is key, for a stable shell of essence in the same form will allow incorporeal substances to pass freely.
The amount of resistance scales with sorcery skill. |
ap11 |
Force Field |
11 |
This self-cast spell allows a mage to use his essence to build and maintain a wall that absorbs attacks. While it prevents critical wounds, the wall is not perfect and depends upon the mage's sorcery skill for its defensive capabilities.
Provides a chance to block physical attacks and bolt spells and grants additional armor resistance against physical damage based on Reasoning and Sorcery. Armor too heavy for one's profession interferes with this effect. This is a primary defensive ability. |
ap13 |
Create Glyph |
4 |
Pure essence, without proper manipulation, is disruptive. If such unrefined essence is made to contact with certain materials — especially metals — on a certain fixed area, the create glyph cantrip will rearrange a tiny fraction of the surface of the substance in tune with the caster's personal essence flow. This coin-sized area on the object is known as a glyph, and is often used to show ownership. It is invisible to the naked eye; however, if the item upon which this spell is cast already has a glyph, this spell will reveal the glyph's ownership. With lengthy study in this circle, the glyph can remain permanent. |
ap15 |
Dispel |
7 |
Warding spell that removes spell effects from the targeted person, item, or room. This spell's offensive quality is improved by focus item quality. |
ap17 |
Essence Field |
12 |
This spell gives the wizard a stronger connection to the weave, allowing him to replenish his essence at a faster rate so as not to slow down his procedures and spells. |
ap19 |
Lesser Equilibrium |
4 |
This spell alters the flow of essence within the wizard, increasing its essence reserves. The spell's effect scales with sorcery skill. |
Via Flux Miras |
Hybrid Arcane-Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane-vedic hybrid.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vfm03 |
Searing Bolt |
2 |
A chargable arcane-vedic hybrid bolt spell that deals fire damage. |
vfm06 |
Pyrokinesis |
5 |
An arcane-vedic hybrid warding spell that causes fire damage over time. The duration of the fire scales with the appropriate skill and stat combination. This spell may also be used to light flammable objects on fire. |
vfm09 |
Aether Damper |
6 |
An arcane-vedic hybrid warding spell that causes a magical penalty to the target's gnosis skill. This penalty scales with the appropriate skill and stat combination. |
vfm12 |
Essence Flame |
3 essence, 2 willpower |
A chargable arcane-vedic hybrid warding spell that drains essence from a target. |
vfm15 |
Instill Essence |
12 |
An arcane-vedic hybrid spell that adds a temporary essence flare to a weapon. The damage and uses of the essence flare scale with the appropriate skill and stat combination. |
Via Miras |
Hybrid Arcane-Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane-vedic hybrid with the exception of vm03 (pure vedic).
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vm01 |
Light Field |
5 |
This spell uses basic illusionary concepts of light manipulation and flux conversion to create a defensive shield of light around the caster. Boosts physical defense in an amount that scales with the appropriate skill. |
vm03 |
Create Focus |
15 |
Allows an illusionist to create a focus with a quality that scales with Focus, Will, gem quality, and focus quality.
Casting this with the focus in one's primary hand and a gem in one's offhand will recharge the focus and rescale it. Recharging a focus with another focus will allow the second focus's recharged value to be added to the focus being recharged. Foci that have acheived a certain amount of value from creation and recharging relative to their focus quality may cease to consume charges until their quality rises further.
Casting this spell requires that it be night for those who know Via Nox Kol Mar or day for those who do not. Sufficient skill or being in an illusionist light room removes the day/night requirement.
Foci have a maximum quality they can achieve, though this quality is further extended by creating or making a currently unknown gem, a currently unknown gem, a nox spinel (in the case of null foci), or an aiglass (in the case of prismatic foci).
This spell is purely vedic. |
vm05 |
Sight |
8 |
By creating connections from external light to the mind, this spell can cure blindness and allows the caster to always see magically invisible people. |
vm07 |
Fade |
3 |
Causes the caster to become magically undetectable (invisible) to the perceptions of others. Moving from the room or assailing a target in any way breaks the effect. |
vm11 |
Armor Fantastique |
11 |
By using his abilities to fool the mind, the caster uses this spell to create an illusionary suit of armor that does not come with penalties to anything but martial arts. The type of armor scales with the appropriate skill and the armor quality scales with the quality of the focus. |
vm15 |
Zyzyl's Defense |
11 |
Provides a defensive resistance against arcane warding spells similar to primary defensive abilities. |
Via Lor Kol Mar |
Hybrid Arcane-Vedic |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane-vedic hybrid and is mutually exclusive to Via Nox Kol Mar.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vlkm02 |
Spectrum Blast |
1 |
This spell creates colored beams of light with various strength. A chargable essence bolt spell that receives a bonus to offense and damage from prismatic foci. |
vlkm04 |
Minor Illusion |
4 |
By manipulating light, this spell allows the caster to animate objects. |
vlkm05 |
Sunlight |
5 |
An instant-cast warding spell that creates a beam of bright light that causes the target to be blinded and receives a bonus to offense from prismatic foci. |
vlkm08 |
Sear |
8 |
Warding spell that strips spell effects off of the target. |
vlkm11 |
Prismatic Shield |
9 |
The caster creates a field around himself, a localized reality manipulation where vedic magic does not exist. Provides defense against vedic magic warding spells similar to primary defensive abilities. |
vlkm14 |
Fireflies |
5 |
Bolt spell that causes the target to receive damage over time. The duration of the time scales with focus skill and the will stat. This spell receives a bonus to offense and damage from prismatic foci. |
Via Res Mox |
Arcane |
This circle is available to Illusionists.
This circle is arcane and is mutually exclusive to Via Dram Sani.
Shortname |
Name |
Cost |
Description |
vrm03 |
Spatial Distortion |
3 |
A basic "fetch" spell that allows the caster to get an item without using the get verb. Instant cast. |
vrm06 |
Extradimensional Space |
6 |
Causes a container to ignore weight limits for the purposes of holding items, reduce the effective weight of items within, and to be able to hold more items overall. The reduction in weight and item increase scales with Sorcery, Reasoning, and Focus Quality. |
vrm09 |
Internal Bleeding |
5 |
An arcane warding spell that opens a wound in the target that bleeds heavily. |
vrm12 |
Internal Rift |
5 |
A chargable warding spell that deals slashing damage and may bypass armor and armor-like effects. |
vrm15 |
Pocket Dimension |
15 essence, 2 willpower |
This spell opens and closes a saving room with extremely limited space in an outdoor room. The space of the Pocket Dimension scales with the sorcery skill and reasoning statistic. This room, like druid groves, may be customized as if it were an inn room through use of fame. |
Click on the column header to sort by that column. For an explanation of skills and their values, see the Skills page.
Skill |
Value |
Alchemy |
Normal |
Animal Handling |
Bad |
Archery |
Very Bad |
Armor |
Very Bad |
Channeling |
Very Bad |
Conditioning |
Good |
Enchanting |
Very Good |
Evasion and Dodging |
Good |
First Aid |
Normal |
Fishing |
Normal |
Focus |
Very Good |
Foraging |
Normal |
Gnosis |
Very Good |
Kinesis |
Very Good |
Larceny |
Bad |
Lockpicking |
Very Bad |
Lore |
Good |
Mechanisms |
Very Bad |
Melee Weapons |
Bad |
Metallurgy |
Normal |
Observation |
Normal |
Outdoorsman |
Bad |
Parry |
Normal |
Shields |
Very Bad |
Skinning |
Normal |
Sorcery |
Very Good |
Stealth |
Bad |
Tactics |
Good |
Thrown Weapons |
Bad |
Unarmed Combat |
Very Bad |