Use speak <language>
to switch languages. If you want to go back to Common you would type: speak common
If you use quotes in an emote
or act
, the spoken text will automatically be converted to your currently selected language.
To learn another language, you must listen to someone else speak it. You learn it slowly and can understand it when you know 20% of the tongue, you can begin to speak it at a higher percentile. Experiment.
Type languages
to see what languages you know, and speak
to see what language you are currently using.
The basic languages of Thrael at this time are:
Anjour — The language of the Anjou people.
Bijapuran — The language of the Bija people.
Carabello — The language of the Carabello people.
Common — The language of the Kivian people.
Dwarvish — The language of the Druim'dwers.
Dyari — The language of the Il'lthyes. It is forbidden to speak this language to or around one not of the il'lthye race.
Elpa — The language of the elpa sylph.
Elvish — Universal language of all elves, including half-elf, sylvans, and il'lthye, and of the bramble and dryad sylphs.
Gharish — The language of the gharkins.
Gnomish — The language of the gnomes.
Goblic — The language of the Goblins.
Grawlik — The language of the Vulfen.
Haish — The language of the Haefdins.
Koblan — The language of the Kobolds.
Murkhish — The language of the Murkhish people.
Orcish — The language of the orcish race.
Rehari — The language of the Re'har.
Trollish — The language of the trolls.
Vashan — The language of the continent of Vash.
See also the section on speaking for additional information.