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Common Commands
Buying & Selling
Eating & Drinking

Commands & Interaction

Welcome to Thrael.

Our world is rich with detail and unexpected surprises. To look at a person or item, simply type look <person's name> or look <name of item>. For example, look Dyannah will show you what she looks like physically as well as all her visible items (don't be surprised if you see scary stuff when you gaze upon her!). look table will give you a description of the table. You can also look on, in, behind and under certain objects. look on table will show you anything that is on the table, and look in backpack will show you what is in the backpack, etc.

Using the pronoun "my" will eliminate a good bit of confusion. If you have a pouch on your body and there is another lying on the ground, look in pouch will default to the one on the ground, but look in my pouch will let you look in yours.

If you have more than one pouch, look in my pouch will show you the contents of your first pouch, however to see the contents of a second pouch, you need to type look in my other pouch or look in my red pouch or look in my second pouch.

Similarly, when there is more than one of the same type of item in a room, you need to specify with either a number or an adjective, which one of the items you wish to examine. look on table will show you the contents of the first table, look on other table will show the contents of the second table as will look on second table. If there are more than two of the same items in the room, and they use descriptive adjectives, you can use them like this: look at red door, look at green door, etc.

The parser recognizes possessives, but only if you use apostrophes. Therefore, look dyannah's pouch will specify her pouch. The possessive variation on verbs will work with items and mobs, also, such as look rack's sword, tap orc's shield, and can be combined with numerical descriptors, such as look Imari's other pouch or steal Ione's third purse. In order to strike at a creature's body parts, you will need to use apostrophes, such as kill orc's arm.

You can also interact with items in a room with a surprising degree of realism. look at the things you see in the room. Many can be manipulated in some way. Try to interact with verbs like touch, drink, lean, get, kick, and so forth. All chairs can be sat on, you can lie on all beds and, in fact, you can interact with all the furniture in the world of Thrael either through lie, sit, stand, or kneel.

To get a list of verbs, type verblist. Just typing adverbs will tell you all the ones we have in game. Verbs that work with hidden exits such as holes and ladders and anything not listed in obvious exits are go, climb, crawl, jump, swim and wade.

All verbs in Unwritten Legends follow a special format for using adverbs, targets, and inputs. The following shows the generic order, then some examples: (adverb) (verb) (preposition) (target) (indirect preposition) (indirect target) (' or ") (input).

Remember that some verbs don't take adverbs at all, like the ones used for combat.

Many of the mobs throughout the world can be asked questions, pick the right questions and they can be helpful, the wrong will get you answers as well, but not what you seek. Many are trainers as well, so you might want to see if they can help you: train with <trainername>. Lecturers who will teach spells are found in special areas, your search for them will add to the fun of your gaming experience, but once found they will instruct you in how your spells work: ask <lecturer> about lecture to start the lecture, or to see how long it will be before the next lecture. You need to listen to the entire lecture to learn.

To find players in game, you might want to look in inns and pubs, our local lushes can usually be found there.

If you need to ask someone something that is considered ooc play in game, please use oocwhisper <person> <message> or ooc <person> <message>. Our players take their role play seriously, and we take our players seriously.

As far as hunting, new players would do well out the west gate of Kaezar on the walk between Kemstead and Kaezar. Also, easterly off Abbey Road in Kemstead and in the warehouse in Koje. On site, we have a list of creatures in the Bestiary and their levels. This should help you gauge who to hit and who to steer clear from in your travels.

Leveling happens naturally in UL. As your experience points go up, you automatically go up a level. The system notifies you with a "You have gained a level" system message.

We have two channels set up for ooc usage. By typing settings gamehelp on, you access the gamehelp channel where you can ask ooc questions about the game, such as gamehelp My defense goes down when wearing armor, is this correct? The second channel, chat is accessed by typing settings chat on. This channel is for ooc chatter but should be kept to a minimum. For example, you could type chat Today is my birthday! Please familiarize yourself with proper channel usage.

Have fun and enjoy the wonderful world of Unwritten Legends.

Common Commands

Some of the most commonly used commands are:

Type ask <npc> <question> to ask a question of a mob.

Type ask <lecturer> about lecture to start a lecture.

Type adverbs for adverb list.

Type assist for staff assistance.

Type background to add a 3000 character limit background for Interactions Staff to see.

Type bankaccounts to see how much money you have in each of your bank accounts.

Type block for Block command.

Type bug to mark a bug in game.

Type contents to see all inventory, including in closed containers.

Type contents here to see the inventory of an inn room when you are inside.

Type contents inns to see the inventory in all your inn rooms.

Type counter for Counter command.

Type debts to see money owed.

Type disband to break your group.

Type draw <weapon> to get out a weapon, and sheath <weapon> to put it away in a sheath.

Type exits to see what non-visible exits are available in a room. Does not work for hidden exits.

Type exp, experience, or xp to see current level, number of skill points, number of lessons, credit, fame, lifetime fame, experience, percentage to next level, buffer amount, and present condition of experience absorption.

Type fold <item> to fold an item into a smaller size for storage. You can unfold <item> to return it to normal dimensions.

Type give <item> <person> to pass an item onto another character.

Type go <direction> to move.

Type grab <person> or hold <person> to take their hand and bring them into your group. You may also use escort <person>.

Type health to check the status of your current health.

Type hold <person> to bring them into your group.

Type i, inv or inventory to see inventory, with exception of items in locked containers.

Type info to see your character's name, race, subrace, gender, age, profession, specialization, deity, patron moon, dominant hand, lift weight, swing weight, and current pose.

Type join <person> to become part of someone else's group. Type follow person for the same effect (especially monk characters to avoid the jointstrike attack).

Type languages to see known languages and percential understood.

Type leave to leave an existing group.

Type martialart to see your present martial art.

Type myact to do an action only the player and a staff npc or spc can see.

Type pathfind <word(s) in room title> to get directions to a destination. Be careful, pathfind will find the shortest possible route, which may take you through dangerous areas. Pathfind will not cross ferries or secret exits.

Type pay <soandso> to pay debts.

Type pose This is similar to emote, but with a 100 character limit and will only be seen when someone views the room (by looking, entering, scrying, or whatnot). To set your pose use pose <this is what you are doing. To clear your pose, simply use pose without any arguments, or leave the room. Pose, like emote, is a command. This means that you may use it when dead, to show yourself stabbed, beaten, dismembered, or otherwise dramatize your position and details of demise.

Type put <item> to place an item on the ground. You can also put <item in <person's> <container> or put <item> on <furniture>.

Type redeem ticket to redeem a ticket with custom merchant. Ticket must be in hand.

Type reply <message> to reply to a staff tell.

Type report to report a problem.

Type reroll to reroll your character. Doing so will not cause you to lose your pets, mounts, items on your person, your inn room(s), or items in your inn room(s).

Type restock <target> to have a shopkeeper change stock items.

Type say to <person> '<message>, including the apostrophe, to direct text at a character. You may also address <person> and <adverb> say to <person>.

Type search corpse after killing a monster to possibly get treasure.

Type skills to get a list of your skills.

Type spells to see a listing of the spells you possess.

Type stance to see the stance you are in.

Type stats to see your current stats.

Type tags to see a listing of the tags you possess.

Type time to see the in-game date and time.

Type toss to pass an object to another character by gently tossing it.

Type train with <npc> to train with a mob.

Type trash <item> to permanently get rid of an item. Does not work for expensive items, find a trash can instead.

Type typo to mark a typo in game.

Type verblist to see list of all verbs.

Type wares to see what display cases hold merchandise in shops.

Type wealth so see how much money you are carrying. Note that only wealth in your hands or open containers may be calculated with this command.

Type who to see players and their general whereabouts.


Type settings to see the settings menu for your character. From this menu you may change the following preferences by typing settings <settingname> <argument>:

  1. AutoEngage: Turn on or off to change whether you automatically engage hostiles.
  2. Chat: Turn on or off to subscribe or unsubscribe to the chat channel.
  3. Combat Messages: Toggle combat messages to be brief or extended.
  4. Emote Color: Choose a <#> to change what color emotes are displayed in. Typing settings emote or settings emote color without an argument will give you a list of valid color choices.
  5. Gamehelp: Turn on or off to subscribe or unsubscribe to the chat channel.
  6. Grouping: Turn on or off to allow or deny grouping with your character.
  7. Hybrid Magic: For hybrid magic professions, change which sphere you want to use for your spells. Valid options are arcane, astral, vedic, or none. none will automatically use the sphere you have a higher skill in.
  8. Prompt: Choose what character statistics to display in your prompt. Typing settings prompt without an argument will give you a list of valid statistics. default will set your prompt to the default, and none will set your prompt to nothing.
  9. Rolls: Turn on or off to show or hide any opposed checks made by your character.
  10. Speech Color: Choose a <#> to change what color speech is displayed in. Typing settings speech or settings speech color without an argument will give you a list of valid color choices.
  11. Training: Set which skill you train while offline. Typing settings training without an argument will give you a list of valid skill choices.
  12. Use Components: Turn components or usecomponents on or off to change whether you automatically use any material components or foci (if optional) to augment your spells. Illusionists can add the argument #f to spells that benefit from the use of foci to use a focus charge when Use Components is off.
  13. Who: settings who (on|show) will display your location on the who list, while settings who (off|hide) will always show your character as Out Adventuring. When who is turned off, all other players will appear to be Out Adventuring to you. There is a 15 minute wait before you can make the change again.


Before you can begin to enjoy our world you need to know how to speak. Simply type say hello to say "hello." You can also use an apostrophe in place of the word say, so you can type 'hello instead. You can say to <person> to direct text at a character. You may also address <person> '<message> and <adverb> say to <person> '<message>.

Other speaking styles are murmur, purr, hiss, growl, mumble and mutter. To be heard in adjacent rooms you would scream, bellow, shout, or yell. Note that it is important to follow with the ever important apostrophe. (i.e., loudly shout 'Hello would return You loudly shout, "Hello!")

In addition to the above, there are two methods of speaking privately to another person. You can type whisper <person's name> '<message>. This will send the typed text to only the person you whisper to, while others in game will see, "Imari whispers something to Pixalyn."

The second method is only for out of character communications. Type ooc <person's name> '<message> to speak to another individual privately and out of character (ooc). Other players will not be able to see you speaking in this manner. This command is especially useful if you are new and wish to ask another player about game mechanics or something else out of genre.

See also languages for additional information.

Buying & Selling

Off-The-Shelf Buying

When you walk into a shop, the description of the room will give you all the information you need to find where the merchandise is. For example, the shop may talk about racks or shelves or cabinets. You can use the wares command to see the various displays, and then look on or in to see the merchandise. If something is in a cabinet, you will not see it when you look at the cabinet, so don't forget to look inside.

To get information about a particular item, type appraise <item>.

Example: appraise silk vest will return, Lord Grilla says, "I will sell you a soft siskin silk vest for 35 sovereigns.

To buy a particular item, type buy <item>. (Make sure you have your coins in your hand.)

Example: buy siskin vest will return, You ask Lord Grilla about buying a soft siskin silk vest.
Lord Grilla takes your small pile of coins and hands you back your change.
Lord Grilla gives a soft siskin silk vest to you.

Since there may be several different varieties of a particular item, you will need to specify which one you want by using adjectives or numerical position. (I.e., appraise first jacket, appraise second jacket, appraise red jacket.)

Hints: To make sure you get the item you want, always appraise first. The salesperson will state the full name of the item, thus confirming that you have given enough information to insure that you get the exact item you want. Even a gentle tap on the item you want to buy before you buy will help avoid errors. For example, tap stitched pouch could tap the stitched red pouch and you wanted the stitched black pouch, so tap second stitched pouch would be the black. Then you would know to buy second stitched pouch.

Custom Ordering

For custom ordering, you will see a sign in the room's description stating what items are available for customization. After reading the sign and determining what item you want to order, you would type order <#>, and the merchant will then walk you through the complete process.

At the end, the merchant will tell you exactly what you have ordered and wait for your confirmation. If you accept the order, you will be given a ticket and told when to return. Most custom orders take a day to complete, so be sure to build this waiting period into your timeline. When the waiting time is complete, return to the merchant with the ticket in hand and type redeem ticket.

Warning: The merchants never give refunds, so make sure you choose carefully! You can always sell most bought items to the pawnbrokers, remember one man's trash is another's treasure!


Not all shops buy goods. You will find the pawnshops, herbalists, fishmongers and furriers ready to take unwanted items off your hands, but if you try to sell something back to a merchant like Grilla, be ready for the cold shoulder. No returns there, thank you!

The syntax to sell your unwanted item is sell <item>.

Example: sell tulip would sell the tulip in your hand to the herbalist.

You can also sell all items in containers by holding it in hand and typing sell <pouch> and Brom, Amelia, or any of the other pawnbrokers will empty your pouch and give it back to you with a hand full of coins. If your hands are full, they will put the coins into the now empty container.

Remember, gem dealers pay more for gems then your local pawnshop and the same is true with plants to herbalists, and pelts to furriers. These shops buy bundled goods as well, which can be done with the bundle <item> command while two identical are in hand.

Eating & Drinking

There are four commands for eating: nibble, bite, eat, and gobble. Each command may give you a different message for how you eat the food, with gobble always finishing the food in one bite (you uncouth heathen!).

There are four commands for drinking; sip, drink, gulp and guzzle. Guzzle will finish most drinks with one swallow, and will apply the highest alcohol penalty. Think carefully before you guzzle that Cobra Spit!

To fill a cup from a fountain or such, you fill <cup> from <fountain>. In addition, you may pour <bottle> into <cup>.

To get food from a tray or plate, you would get <item> on tray or get <item> on second tray or even get tray's <item>.

Food can also be in something, so you would get <item> in bowl.