Anjou Daun

Avg. Height: 5'10"

Avg. Weight: 180 lb

Avg. Lifespan: 100

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes:Round, same dark shades as their hair; violet hues are not unheard of.
Hair:Glossy and dark, lacking any hint of red; crisp walnut brown at the lightest.
Skin:Ranges from nutmeg brown to an almost ethereal pale gold.
Body Type:Tall, willowy, long-limbed; rounded faces with high cheekbones; women especially leggy with wide hips; men only slightly taller than women.
Clothing:Coat, waistcoat, and breeches for men, anywhere from full-skirted justaucorps to more casual coats; women's fashions range from corsets and stays to low-necked gowns and petticoats, both women and men may have elaborate hairstyles or wigs, fabrics tend towards colorful silks and linens replete with ruffles, frills, pleats, and lace. Lower classes are in wide-legged trousers and jackets with a soft cap or simple dresses and shifts. Historically the chiton or toga was common, but nowadays not often seen.
Notable:Tend to be tall.

Region: Indrejan

Languages: Common, Anjou

Stat Adjustments:


Dividing their small country of Indrejan into eleven kingdoms, the Anjou generally force other races to live in the north of the country, in the conglomeration of city-states known as Fountegne-Nouvrescent. It is not necessarily dislike that causes this behavior, but rather a deep-seated desire to keep the Anjou land to the Anjou. Thus, relationships with the few hundred valek gharkins that roam the plains and hills are strained, as the prideful daun go to any extremes to keep the gharkins from their nomadic progress through the kingdoms of Meilleusonier and Lasrière. Nonetheless, the Anjou enjoy showing off their accomplishments, and many make a fine living guiding tours about the capitol of d'Anjour, where the king's palace is situated. Poets refer to this exquisite marble metropolis as the earthly answer to the god's dwellings, often referring to d'Anjour as the "Aerial City." The city itself is elaborately appointed, with latticework and bas-relief sculpture decorating the outside of most buildings, while the insides are adorned with luscious frescoes and deep carpeting.

Physically, the Anjou tend to be almost elfin in build, standing quite tall for daun but with willowy and supple figures. They have small, rounded faces with high cheekbones and their limbs are long. The Anjou women are known to have elegant and almost disproportionately lengthy legs as well as wide hips and small bosoms. Both sexes are nearly the same height, males standing perhaps an inch or two taller, with their proportions being more "normal" than those of the women, although they tend to have long fingers. T'elt jewelry is favored by both sexes for its ability to complement their skin, which ranges from nutmeg brown to an almost ethereal pale gold, and their favorite mode of dress is the unbelted garments called togas. Clasped at one shoulder and leaving the other bare, these togas are comprised of a single sheet of fabric that drapes about the body, flowing with each movement to provide a pleasing shape to any watching eyes. It is common among the women of the Anjou to wear a toga with an irregular hem that is cut at about mid-thigh on the side of the covered shoulder, with a narrow tail that brushes the opposite ankle.

All Anjou have glossy dark hair that lacks any hint of red, the lightest shade being a crisp walnut brown. They generally have tight springy curls, though these are quite pliable and stretch out to be nearly straight as the thick hair grows. Their round eyes are of the same dark shades but violet hues are not unheard of and in rare cases, Anjou are born with bright golden eyes that match their favorite metal. Full eyelashes and brows with smooth arcs, along with narrow noses and plump rosebud pink lips, complete the appearance of the full-blooded Anjou daun.