Bija Daun

Avg. Height: 5'10"

Avg. Weight: 180 lb

Avg. Lifespan: 100

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes:Brilliant emerald, sapphire blue, and deep amethyst; rarely a deep shade of garnet that is almost black.
Hair:Very straight and black, blue-black, or dark brown, occasionally auburn and pale blonde.
Skin:Creamy golden tan through dark brown and rich ebony.
Body Type:
Clothing:Minimal; unsewn garments made of beautiful printed and beaded cottons and silks, wrapped and draped around the body.

Region: Vashan Empire

Languages: Common

Stat Adjustments:


Special: Bonus to Lore learn rate.

The Bija race of daun is native to the tropical climate of Southern Vash, occupying the island province of Bijapur and spreading throughout other islands in the Sea of Tamin. Culturally, the Bija are quite varied, ranging from small tribal societies of the Kamalo islands to the world-wise urbanites of the fabled lotus-domed city of Maijur.

A land of crowds and color, silks and jewels, rich spices and heavy perfumes, the center of high Bija culture is Bijapur. Once a subjugated civilization of the Tanshui Empire, the people of this region extend across the seas as far west as the coastal regions of Indrejan where descendants of Bija daun still predominant the island of Sajoi. The Bija have now been absorbed into the Vashan Empire, which is under the rule of Nagosan. The reigns of their Great Kings have been replaced by the rule of a Nagosan military governor, or Daimyo, and the province has been divided into a series of rajs, which are ruled by puppet rajahs dependent upon the Daimyo's pleasure. The land is thus heavily occupied by the Empire's samurai forces who are generally only bound to Celestial law, and not to the local Bijapuran laws or customs. The official capitol and seat of the Daimyo is the famed "Floating City" of Asha, a large port city and sprawling market on the southeastern coast.

The Bija value grace, eloquence, and a refined sense of taste above wealth. As in most daun cultures, a caste system defines one's role in society, however in Bijapur the caste system is rather rigid. Knowledge is of great importance to them. An acknowledged jewel of the east, the magnificent holdings of the Library at Asha have made that city a magnet for scholars from all over the Vashan Empire. Like the Tesugan, the Bija frequently import scholars from as far away as Xianghou and Taekota to instruct their young.

Skin tone among the Bija varies widely from creamy golden tan through dark brown and rich ebony, with the darker skin tones predominating in the southern islands. Hair is usually very straight and black, blue-black, or dark brown, though auburn and pale blonde tresses surface occasionally and do not elicit undue comment. Striking jewel-like shades of brilliant emerald, sapphire blue, and deep amethyst are the most common coloration for Bija eyes; rarely a child is born with eyes a deep shade of garnet that is almost black.

In all of the Bija cultures, tribal to urban, combinations of dazzling color and an abundance of jewelry is the norm. Bijapuran clothing consists largely of unsewn garments made of beautiful printed and beaded cottons and silks, which are wrapped and draped around the body in a number of characteristic styles. Most women wear some form of the toga-like sari often in combination with a cropped blouse, or choli, and a head scarf, or dhupatta. Men swathe their heads in colorful turbans and wear various styles of loose tunics, the angarkha and kurta being the most common. Both sexes favor dhoti, pants that are formed by winding a length of fabric around the thighs and then securing it at the waist. In the southern isles, dhupattas are worn with the choli over mirrored and embroidered tiered skirts, called ghagra.