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Melee & Thrown
There are four different types of damage that can be inflicted on your body.
Slashing — Inflicted primarily by edged blades, this type of damage is characterized by scratches or lacerations. These types of wounds often bleed heavily and cause a high loss of vitality.
Crushing — Usually demonstrated by bruises or broken bones, this type of damage is unique in that it causes no bleeding or loss of vitality. Arms and legs are especially susceptible to crushing damage.
Punctures — Perhaps the most dangerous type of wound, punctures are piercing wounds to your body. Even light puncture wounds can go deeply into the body and disrupt the vital organs. While arms and legs are at less at risk to serious puncture wounds, the eyes are very susceptible.
Burns — Caused by any type of intense heat or cold or even acid, burn wounds represent any type of burn to the skin (or deeper).
Melee & Thrown Weapons
Each melee or thrown weapon has its own capabilities for parrying and attacking. However, there are a few properties to take note of:
Material: The material of a weapon will affect not only its offensive capabilities, but also have a marginal effect on its damage.
Quality: The quality of a weapon will affect everything it is used for, from its offensive capabilities to its damage to its ability to parry.
Type: Each weapon gains a bonus from raw power, precision, or a balance of the two for damage. Power relies upon the strength stat, precision relies upon the dexterity stat, and a balance of the two relies upon the better of either your dexterity or strength stat. Weapons have bonuses and penalties associated with parrying against the different weapon types, and some special abilities require certain types of weapons.
Attack Verbs: Each melee weapon has its own set of attack verbs for use in combat.
Proficiency: Each melee weapon has its own associated proficiency. There are 5 proficiencies of weapons in Unwritten Legends:
- Bladed — Often made for thrusting or slashing, bladed weapons are a solid choice of an offensive weapon. Most bladed weapons have average damage and parrying capability.
- Knives and Rapiers — Though most weapons in this category do less damage than other types, they tend to rely on precision. Most of these weapons are used for thrusting and suffer penalties for parrying against power weapons.
- Axes — Built for maximum slashing damage, most axes are relatively slow.
- Crushing — Crushing weapons are used to break bones and cause painful bruises to your opponent.
- Polearm — Polearms are long weapons used to outreach your opponent. They can do high amounts of damage and vary greatly in their different attacks. Though less precise than other weapons, their long reach can be a great asset in battle. The majority of polearm weapons may be used from polearm range.
Ranged Weapons
Each ranged weapon has its own capabilities for attacking. However, there are a few properties to take note of:
Material: The material of a ranged weapon will affect not only its offensive capabilities. The material of the ammunition will marginally affect damage.
Quality: The quality of a ranged weapon will affect its offensive capabilities. The quality of its ammunition will affect its offensive capabilities and damage.
Unwritten Legends boasts a stunning array of historical and imaginative firearms that span many exciting eras of history.
Bows & Arrows
To use a bow, you get arrow
(to use the arrow in your quiver use get my arrow
, to get the one on the ground, just get arrow
), load bow with arrow, draw bow, fire <creature>
. You can also fire <creature>'s <body part>
. Make sure you have the apostrophes after the name of the critter. Bows can be used in bow shot, stone's throw, polearm, and melee. If you fire from a distance farther than melee and want to get the arrow on the ground, you will need to approach it, therefore it is best to use the arrows in your quiver until the creature is dead and you can retrieve your arrows safely. Make sure you have long arrows for your long bows, short arrows for short bows. Crossbows use bolts and quarrels.
If you decide not to shoot your bow and it is drawn, you release bow
, then unload bow
to get your arrow from it.
Automatic Crossbow
What you need: crossbow bolt, clip and automatic crossbow.
Load clip with bolt
Close clip
Load crossbow with clip
Cock crossbow
Shoot target
Wheellock Firearm
What you need: gunpowder horn, lead ball, ramrod, spanner and a wheellock firearm.
Pour horn into firearm
Load firearm with ball
Pack firearm with ramrod
Wind firearm with spanner
Shoot target
Flintlock Firearm
What you need: gunpowder horn, lead ball, ramrod and flintlock firearm.
Pour horn into firearm
Load firearm with ball
Pack firearm with ramrod
Cock firearm
Shoot target
Mechanical Musket
What you need: bullet cartridge and mechanical musket.
Open musket
Put bullet in musket
Close musket
Wind musket
Fire target