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Professions Usefulness Chart


Stats are your character's capabilities that cannot permanently change until you hit level 100. For this reason, making decisions on which stats you use is very important. Stats have three significant values: the stat itself, the bonus, and the roll bonus.

A stat's value is just that, the value of the stat. Stats have a range of 1 to 100 before racial modifiers and bonuses from abilities. 50 is the middle point for a stat, giving a bonus of 0.

A stat's bonus is its value minus 50. This is what gets applied to damage modifiers and to the scaling of abilities.

A stat's roll bonus is either its bonus or its bonus times your level divided by 50, and is used for in any contested rolls alongside a skill such as attack rolls, defense rolls, crafting rolls, and so on. This scaling roll bonus means that your stat bonuses and penalties will be significant even at higher levels.


Dexterity is your character's ability to deliberately act in a coordinated manner. Dexterity helps with accuracy with most weapons, accuracy with bolt spells, lockpicking, disarming traps, working with some mechanisms, collecting plants, skinning, stealth, stealing, and damage with hybrid, power, precision, and ranged weapons.

Dexterity is very useful for everyone.

Every point of dexterity bonus or penalty does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts a 0.5% bonus to your damage with hybrid weapons if your strength bonus is less than the average of your strength and dexterity bonuses and your strength is greater than your reflexes.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.5% bonus to your damage with hybrid weapons if your reflexes bonus is less than the average of your reflexes and dexterity bonuses and your reflexes is greater than your strength.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.5% bonus to your damage with power weapons if your strength bonus is less than the average of your strength and dexterity bonuses.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.5% bonus to your damage with precision and ranged weapons if your reflexes bonus is less than the average of your reflexes and dexterity bonuses.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 effective point of skill for abilities that scale with it.

Every point of dexterity roll bonus does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for hitting with most weapons and bolt spells.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls to lockpick, disarm traps, collect plants, skin, take any stealth action, and steal.


Endurance is your character's physical toughness. Endurance helps with having higher stamina, having higher vitality, bleeding less from taking damage, and resisting and reducing special physical effects like poison and disables.

Endurance is useful for everyone.

Every point of endurance bonus or penalty does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 2 to your character's maximum vitality.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 from your character's maximum stamina.
  • Adds or subtracts 1% to to vitality gained through conditioning skill.
  • Adds or subtracts 1% to stamina gained through conditioning skill.
  • Adds or subtracts 1% effective point of skill for abilities that scale with it, including bleeding less from being damaged.

Every point of endurance roll bonus does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for resisting poisons and disables.


Intelligence helps with having more essence, a greater capacity to retain experience, enchanting, and the damage of most spells and magical effects.

Intelligence is useful for Bards, Channelers, Clerics, Empaths, Illusionists, Arcanist specialized Mechanists, Monks, and Wizards.

Every point of intelligence bonus or penalty does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your arcane magic damage if your intelligence is higher than your reasoning.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your astral magic damage if your intelligence is higher than your wisdom.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your vedic magic damage if your intelligence is higher than your will.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your generic magic damage if your intelligence is higher than your reasoning, wisdom, and will.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your arcane magic damage if your intelligence is lower than your reasoning.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your astral magic damage if your intelligence is lower than your wisdom.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your vedic magic damage if your intelligence is lower than your will.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your generic magic damage if your intelligence is greater than your reasoning, wisdom, and will.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your character's maximum essence.
  • Adds or subtracts 1% to essence gained through gnosis skill.
  • Adds or subtracts 1% to your maximum experience buffer.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 effective point of skill for abilities that scale with it.

Every point of intelligence roll bonus does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for enchanting and disenchanting things.


Reasoning helps with using and resisting arcane magic, having higher essence if one uses arcane magic, alchemy, using some mechanisms, disabling traps, lockpicking, and metallurgy.

Reasoning is very useful for Channelers, Illusionists, Mechanists, Dirty Trick specialized Mercenaries, and Wizards. Reasoning is useful for Finesse specialized Mercenaries.

Every point of reasoning bonus or penalty does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your arcane magic damage if your reasoning is higher than your intelligence.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your generic magic damage if your reasoning is higher than your intelligence, wisdom, and will.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your arcane magic damage if your reasoning is lower than your intelligence.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your generic magic damage if your reasoning is lower than your intelligence but greater than your wisdom and will.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your character's maximum essence if you are a mechanist or wizard.
  • Adds or subtracts 0.75 to your character's maximum essence if you are a channeler or an illusionist.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 effective point of skill for abilities that scale with it.

Every point of reasoning roll bonus does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for hitting with arcane warding spells.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls to use alchemy, use some mechanisms, disable traps, lockpick, and use metallurgy.


Reflexes is your character's ability to react swiftly. Reflexes helps with dodging, riding mounts, avoiding physical danger that cannot be blocked or otherwise avoided, guarding others, parrying with hybrid and precision weapons, and inflicting more damaging attacks with hybrid, power, and ranged weapons.

Reflexes is very useful for bards, channelers, illusionists, mechanists, dirty tricks specialization mercenaries, finesse specialization mercenaries, monks, martial focus wilders, and wizards. Reflexes is also useful for spiritual focus clerics, religious focus wilders, empaths, and hybrid weapon users if you plan on having your strength lower than your reflexes.

Every point of reflexes bonus or penalty does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts a 1% bonus to your damage with hybrid weapons if your reflexes bonus is greater than your strength bonus and the average of your reflexes and dexterity bonuses.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.5% bonus to your damage with hybrid weapons if your reflexes bonus is less than the average of your reflexes and dexterity bonuses and your reflexes is greater than your strength.
  • Adds or subtracts a 1% bonus to your damage with precision and ranged weapons if your reflexes bonus is greater than the average of your reflexes and dexterity bonuses.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.5% bonus to your damage with precision and ranged weapons if your reflexes bonus is less than the average of your reflexes and dexterity bonuses.
  • Adds or subtracts to your armor skill for being able to wear heavier armor without defensive penalties.
  • Adds or subtracts to your shield skill for being able to use bigger shields without defensive penalties.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 effective point of skill for abilities that scale with it.

Every point of reflexes roll bonus does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for dodging.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for parrying with precision weapons.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for parrying with shields and hybrid weapons if your reflexes roll bonus is greater than your strength roll bonus.


Strength is your character's physical strength. It helps your character inflict more damaging attacks with power weapons and hybrid weapons, carry and drag heavier loads, swing heavier weapons, carry more items, wear armor, use larger shields, and parry with shields, power weapons, and hybrid weapons.

Strength is very useful for martial focused clerics, grit specialization mercenaries, and berserk specialization mercenaries. Strength is also useful for spiritual focus clerics, religious focus wilders, empaths, and hybrid weapon users if you plan on having your reflexes lower than your strength.

Every point of strength bonus or penalty does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 2 to your character's capacity to have items on its person over the base of 150.
  • Adds or subtracts a 1% bonus to your damage with hybrid weapons if your strength bonus is greater than your reflexes bonus and the average of your strength and dexterity bonuses.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.5% bonus to your damage with hybrid weapons if your strength bonus is less than the average of your strength and dexterity bonuses and your strength is greater than your reflexes.
  • Adds or subtracts a 1% bonus to your damage with power weapons if your strength bonus is greater than the average of your strength and dexterity bonuses.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.5% bonus to your damage with power weapons if your strength bonus is less than the average of your strength and dexterity bonuses.
  • Adds or subtracts to your armor skill for being able to wear heavier armor without defensive penalties.
  • Adds or subtracts to your shield skill for being able to use bigger shields without defensive penalties.
  • Subtracts from your ability to move about without suffering defensive penalties, only if your strength is negative.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 effective point of skill for abilities that scale with it.

Every point of strength roll bonus does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for parrying with power weapons.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for parrying with shields and hybrid weapons if your strength roll bonus is greater than your reflexes roll bonus.


Will helps with using and resisting vedic magic, having higher essence if one uses vedic magic, having higher willpower, and resisting a wide variety of mental effects.

Will is very useful for Bards, Empaths, Illusionists, and Berserk specialized Mercenaries. Will is useful for everyone else.

Every point of will bonus or penalty does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your vedic magic damage if your will is higher than your intelligence.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your generic magic damage if your will is higher than your intelligence, reasoning, and wisdom.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your vedic magic damage if your will is lower than your intelligence.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your generic magic damage if your will is lower than your intelligence but greater than your reasoning and wisdom.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your character's maximum willpower.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your character's maximum essence if you are a bard or mercenary.
  • Adds or subtracts 0.75 to your character's maximum essence if you are an empath or an illusionist.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 effective point of skill for abilities that scale with it.

Every point of will roll bonus does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for hitting with vedic warding spells.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls to resist a wide variety of mental effects


Wisdom helps with using and resisting astral magic, having higher essence if one uses astral magic, applying first aid, fishing, handling animals, identifying plants, seeing through concealment and tricks, and tracking.

Wisdom is very useful for Channelers, Clerics, Empaths, and Wilders.

Every point of wisdom bonus or penalty does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your astral magic damage if your wisdom is higher than your intelligence.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.75% bonus to your generic magic damage if your wisdom is higher than your intelligence, reasoning, and will.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your astral magic damage if your wisdom is lower than your intelligence.
  • Adds or subtracts a 0.25% bonus to your generic magic damage if your wisdom is lower than your intelligence but greater than your reasoning and will.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your character's maximum essence if you are a cleric or a wilder.
  • Adds or subtracts 0.75 to your character's maximum essence if you are a channeler or an empath.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 effective point of skill for abilities that scale with it, including healing herb and elixir efficacy.

Every point of wisdom roll bonus does the following:

  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls for hitting with astral warding spells.
  • Adds or subtracts 1 to your rolls to handle animals, fish, identify plants, see through concealment and tricks, and track.

Professions Usefulness Chart

By Stat

Stat Focus Most Useful For Also Useful For
Dexterity Physical Everyone
Endurance Physical Everyone
Intelligence Mental Bards, Channelers, Clerics, Empaths, Illusionists, Arcanist Mechanists, Qai Monks, Wizards
Reasoning Mental Channelers, Dirty Tricks Mercenaries, Illusionists, Mechanists, Wizards Finesse Mercenaries
Reflexes Physical Bards, Channelers, Dirty Tricks Mercenaries, Finesse Mercenaries, Illusionists, Martial Wilders, Mechanists, Qai Monks, Wizards Empaths, Religious Wilders, Spiritual Clerics, hybrid weapon users with lower strength than reflexes
Strength Physical Berserk Mercenaries, Grit Mercenaries, Martial Clerics Empaths, Religious Wilders, Spiritual Clerics, hybrid weapon users with lower reflexes than strength
Will Mental Bards, Berserk Mercenaries, Empaths, Illusionists Everyone
Wisdom Mental Channelers, Clerics, Empaths, Wilders

By Profession

Profession Most Useful Stat(s) Also Useful Stat(s)
Arcanist Mechanist Dexterity, Reasoning, Reflexes Endurance, Intelligence, Will
Bard Dexterity, Reflexes, Will Endurance, Intelligence
Berserker Mercenary Dexterity, Strength, Will Endurance
Channeler Dexterity, Reasoning, Reflexes, Wisdom Endurance, Intelligence, Will
Dirty Mercenary Dexterity, Reasoning, Reflexes Endurance, Will
Empath Dexterity, Will, Wisdom Endurance, Intelligence, Reflexes, Strength
Finesse Mercenary Dexterity, Reflexes Endurance, Reasoning, Will
Grit Mercenary Dexterity, Strength Endurance, Will
Illusionist Dexterity, Reasoning, Reflexes, Will Endurance, Intelligence
Martial Cleric Dexterity, Strength, Wisdom Endurance, Intelligence, Will
Martial Wilder Dexterity, Reflexes, Wisdom Endurance, Will
Qai Monk Dexterity, Reflexes Endurance, Intelligence, Will
Religious Wilder Dexterity, Wisdom Endurance, Reflexes, Strength, Will
Scientist Mechanist Dexterity, Reasoning, Reflexes Endurance, Will
Spiritual Cleric Dexterity, Wisdom Endurance, Intelligence, Reflexes, Strength, Will
Wizard Dexterity, Reasoning, Reflexes, Endurance, Intelligence, Will