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Crafting Tags
Innate Tags
General Tags


Tags encompass the vast range of non-spell abilities in Unwritten Legends, providing your character with new capabilities or augmenting existing abilities. Profession-specific tags often come in sets, with one tag allowing your character to learn all of the tags in that tag tree. Using the abilities command and the abilities info command will give you information about what your tags are doing for you as well as how to use tags and any class abilities your character has. Typing tags will show you all of your tags, and typing tags full will show you all tags available in the game.

Mechanist Scientists and Mercenaries start with 1 ability set each. An additional ability set is available at level 15. Mercenaries choose from Berserker, Grit, Finesse, or Dirty, and cap at 2 sets. Scientist Mechanists choose from Physics, Chemistry, or Invention, and cap at 3.

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Tag Name Profession Info
Hunter Specialization Martial Wilder

These tags are available to Martial Wilders.

This tag set is mutually exclusive to Animal Specialization.

These tags may be learned from the wandering woodsman in Kaezar.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Lead the Mark 30 Archery 1 stamina per shot When performing a bow or firearms attack, provides the wilder with a bonus to attack opponents in evasive stance or defaulting to evasive stance that scales with Outdoorsman and Wisdom.
Ranger 70 Outdoorsman Passive Passively provides a mental bonus to Alchemy, Animal Handling, and Stealth when outdoors. The bonus scales with Outdoorsman and Wisdom.
Pindown 90 Archery 5 stamina Allows the wilder to fire an arrow at a target's feet in an attempt to pin it down. If successful, the arrow fired will always embed (if possible), the target will fall prone, and the target be unable to stand for a short time.
Master Hunter 120 Outdoorsman None Allows the wilder to search out all other living things that are outside and in the same area, performing a defensive Outdoorsman and Wisdom check versus the living thing's Stealth and Dexterity. Living things under any form of concealment (hiding, invisibility, etc.), will not be found. This ability can only be used when outside.
Headshot 150 Outdoorsman 5 stamina Allows the wilder to mitigate aiming penalties on its next attack that scales with Outdoorsman and Wisdom. This mitigation is doubled when the target is not flying, levitating, or standing.
Berserker Berserker Mercenary

These tags are available to mercenaries that have taken the berserker specialization. Their abilities may be displayed with the Abilities command.

Berserker tags may be learned from Hurik in Kemstead.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Anti-Magick Aura Berserker Primary Specialization Variable Mercenaries with that take berserker as their primary specialization are surrounded by an anti-magick aura, prohibiting them from using magick but allowing the berserker an additional chance to absorb any spell with its gnosis. This ability consumes essence when a spell is absorbed.
Frenzy 20 Conditioning 10 Stamina Allows the mercenary to fly into a frenzy, bursting its magic absorb or losing its berserker secondary resistances, receiving a physical bonus to Strength and Endurance. When the frenzy is over, the mercenary suffers reduced stamina regeneration. The bonuses scale with the Conditioning skill and Will stat.
Victorious Resilience 30 Conditioning None Riding upon the thrill of victory, the mercenary shrugs off some damage after killing a foe. This is a damage reduction effect.
Furious Resilience 40 Conditioning Passive The mercenary's rage is so great that it shrugs off a fraction of damage while in a frenzy. Passively provides the mercenary with 4 damage reduction when it is in a rage, and 2 damage reduction when it is not raging.
Unstoppable Rage 50 Melee Passive Passively reduces the durations of disables by 4 seconds when the mercenary is in a rage, and by 2 when not raging. This can completely mitigate a stun effect.
Wallop 60 Melee 5 Stamina The mercenary hits its opponent so hard that it stuns the foe. A successful roll doubles the stun.
Momentum 90 Melee Passive A successful physical attack passively provides the mercenary with a physical bonus to Melee. The bonus resets upon an unsuccessful attack. The bonus scales with Tactics and Dexterity. Also passively eliminates penalties to parrying ranged attacks with weapons and allows the mercenary to parry spellbolts with weapons, regardless of activation status.
Bulwark 110 Conditioning 1 stamina per ignore The mercenary prepares itself for incoming blows, using its brutal toughness to grant a small chance to ignore attacks. This is a primary defensive ability. When active, Bulwark functions as body-wide armor against physical damage that scales with conditioning and endurance. This does not stack with any armor worn, but will replace bonuses from inferior armor. At level 100, this is roughly equivalent to iron plate armor.
Bludgeon 150 Melee 5 Stamina The mercenary strikes its opponent powerfully with a hybrid or power weapon, increasing all damage it receives. This is a protection-reducing effect.
Twitch 170 Conditioning 10 Stamina The mercenary flies into a frenzy, channeling its rage into increasing its dexterity and reflexes at the cost of stamina regeneration and defense once it calms down. The bonus scales with the will skill.
Battle Cry 210 Tactics   This ability burns stamina and grants an additional duration to the berserker's current frenzy that scales with the number of members in the berserker's group. The berserker's group members also gain half of the benefits of the berserker's current frenzy as mental bonuses.
Scientist Scientist Mechanist

These tags are available to Scientist Mechanists. Their abilities may be displayed with the Science command.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Deadshot None 1 stamina per hit Through careful study of anatomy, the scientist determines precise locations to strike, increasing its damage with mechanisms and firearms.
Chemistry 10 Alchemy None The scientist learns various chemical properties and how to combine them, giving it greater options for alchemy.
Superior Lockpicker 10 Lockpicking Passive Understanding the inner workings of locks, the scientist learns to pick them considerably faster while losing none of the benefits.
Marksman 19 Archery 1 stamina per hit Through considerable practice, the scientist learns to account for various conditions, increasing its accuracy with merchanisms and firearms.
Utility 28 Mechanisms Passive The scientist gains the ability to harvest traps it recovers and turn them into potent weapons.
Mechanical Advantage 82 Mechanisms 1 stamina per dodge By understanding the mechanics of bodily motion, the scientist learns to anticipate incoming attacks and respond accordingly, granting it a second chance at defense using its mechanisms skill.
Chemistry Scientist Mechanist

These tags are available to Scientist Mechanists. Their abilities may be displayed with the Abilities command.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Chemistry 10 Alchemy None The scientist learns various chemical properties and how to combine them, giving it greater options for alchemy. This tag is required to learn all other chemistry tags.
Mercenary Mercenary

These tags are available to all Mercenaries (berserker, dirty tricks, finesse, and grit).

Mercenary tags may be learned from any mercenary tag trainer.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Determination 70 Conditioning 10 Willpower The mercenary replenishes his stamina, finding greater physical reserves though force of will alone.
Discipline 130 Conditioning 20 Willpower The mercenary unites his mind with his body, pushing himself beyond his physical limits.
Defiance 190 Gnosis 5 Willpower The mercenary channels its fury and will into dispelling magical effects that are affecting it.
Cleric Martial Martial Cleric

These tags are available to Martial Clerics.

Cleric Martial tags may be learned from Frezel in Kaezar.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Smite Martial Cleric None Allows the martial cleric to channel its spells through a weapon. The martial cleric can store a number of spells in smite's queue that scales with Channeling, Wisdom, and relic quality. Using the ability purges spells from the queue.
Divine Guardian 10 Shields Passive Passively allows the cleric to guard a target in roundtime and to ignore the chance to fail to guard.
Shield Buffet 27 Shields 6 stamina Clips the target with the martial cleric's shield, applying a mental defensive penalty that scales with Shields and Strength.
Shield Strike 54 Shields 5 stamina The martial cleric strikes the target with its shield, knocking it prone and stunning it. Larger shields result in greater damage and stun.
Bastion of Faith 81 Shields Passive Passively grants the cleric damage reduction based on the class of shield it is using.
Righteous Offense 108 Channeling Passive Passively increases the cleric's chance to hit with smite spells with every failed attack. This effect decreases rapidly over time.
Divine Might 135 Channeling Passive Passively allows the cleric to swing two-handed weapons as though it were one-handed in its dominant hand and grants a spiritual bonus to attacking with weapons that scales with Channeling and Wisdom.
Animal Specialization Martial Wilder

These tags are available to Martial Wilders.

This tag set is mutually exclusive to Hunter Specialization.

These tags may be learned from an unusual trainer near the Via Teg Aer lecturer outside of Kaezar (bring slag!).

Name Requirements Cost Description
Trip 30 Animal Handling None Allows the wilder to command its familiar to trip a target, knocking the target prone and making the target unable to stand for a short period of time.
Familiar Synergy 60 Animal Handling Passive Passively provides a mental bonus to Alchemy, Outdoorsman, and Stealth when accompanied by one's familiar. The bonus scale with Animal Handling and Wisdom.
Spy 90 Animal Handling None Allows the wilder to command its familiar to spy on a location, giving the wilder full feedback available to the familiar's senses.
Scout 120 Animal Handling None Allows the wilder to command its familiar to scout, searching out all other living things that are outside and in the same area, performing a defensive Animals and Wisdom check versus the living thing's Stealth and Dexterity. Living things under any form of concealment (hiding, invisibility, etc.), will not be found. This ability can only be used when outside.
Ravage 150 Animal Handling 10 essence Allows the wilder to command its familiar to ravage a target, reopening a wound and causing that wound to bleed further for an amount that scales with the wound damage on that limb. If the target is undead, the limb is maimed or mutilated instead. This cannot be used on targets that are flying, levitating, or standing.
Dirty Tricks Dirty Tricks Mercenary

These tags are available to mercenaries that have taken the dirty tricks specialization. Their abilities may be displayed with the Abilities command.

Dirty Tricks tags may be learned from Doulb in Kaezar.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Shiv None 1 stamina per hit The mercenary's piercing attacks with a precision weapon hit weak points in armor and armor-like effects, allowing it to bypass some or all of the resistance. The amount bypassed scales with tactics skill and caps at ignoring 25% of the armor bonus.
Distract 20 Stealth None The mercenary distracts its target, lowering the target's observation and tactics. The penalty scales with larceny skill. Failing to distract may reveal one when hiding.
Vanish 30 Stealth Passive The mercenary becomes skilled in the art of hiding, greatly increasing its chances of concealing itself. Provides Good stealth to mercenaries with Dirty Tricks secondary.
Toxicology 36 Alchemy Passive Passively allows the mercenary to use toxicology formulae in alchemy. Mercenaries with a Dirty Tricks Secondary also gain Alchemy as a Normal skill prior to innates.
Steady Fingers 50 Lockpicking, 50 Mechanisms Passive Passively allows the mercenary to have a significantly smaller chance of setting off traps when failing an attempt to disarm one. Gives a bonus to disarming traps that scales with Lockpicking and Reflexes and allows the mercenary to learn Larceny while Lockpicking and disarming traps. Mercenaries with a Dirty Tricks Secondary also gain Lockpicking and Mechanism as a Normal skill prior to innates.
Ambush 60 Stealth None The mercenary ambushes its target, catching it by surprise, knocking it prone, and stunning it.
Puncture 90 Melee None Allows the mercenary to have a guaranteed chance to inflict poisons from its attacks for a limited period of time that ends when a poison is delivered. Also adds a second roll to inflict poisons using tactics + dexterity.
Deception 110 Stealth 1 Stamina per avoidance The mercenary moves in a manner confusing to its opponents, granting a small chance that its enemies will flat out miss. This is a primary defensive ability. The mercenary also gains an increase to its resistance to physical damage that scales with Stealth and Reflexes, but is disrupted by any armor heavier than heavy leather. This is an armor resistance effect.
Misdirection 150 Stealth 1 Stamina per second The mercenary moves in such a manner as to make its allies stand out more than itself, giving it less of a chance of being targeted. Also provides the mercenary with a physical bonus to Evasion that scales with Stealth and Reasoning.
Pilfer 170 Larceny Passive Allows the mercenary to passively attempt to pilfer from humanoid targets it searches, boosting the value of the treasure found from it by performing a Larceny + Dexterity vs Level check. The increased treasure scales with Larceny and Dexterity.
Chicanery 210 Larceny Passive Passively provides the mercenary with a physical bonus to Alchemy, Lockpicking, Mechanisms, and Stealth that scales with Larceny and Reasoning.
Invention Scientist Mechanist

These tags are available to Scientist Mechanists. Their abilities may be displayed with the Abilities command.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Invention 10 Mechanisms None The scientist learns various mechanical theories, allowing it to create a variety of devices to assist it and others. This tag is required to learn other invention tags.
Utility 20 Mechanisms Passive The scientist gains the ability to harvest traps it recovers and turn them into potent weapons.
Craft Advanced Boltclip 50 Mechanisms Passive This is an inherent ability granted by the Invention tag and does not need to be learned separately. The scientist can create advanced boltclips for autocrossbows that do not require tools, take roundtime to open, or require that one be a mechanist to open.
Finesse Finesse Mercenary

These tags are available to mercenaries that have taken the finesse specialization. Their abilities may be displayed with the Abilities command.

Finesse tags may be learned from Jael in Kemstead.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Dual Wield None Passive Passively eliminates all penalties for attacking with two weapons. An unsuccessful attack passively provides the mercenary with a physical bonus to melee that scales with Tactics and Reasoning. The bonus resets upon a successful attack.
Superior Parry 20 Melee 10 Stamina Provides the mercenary with a physical bonus to Parry that scales with Tactics and Reflexes.
Duelist's Insight 30 Conditioning Passive Passively provides a mental bonus to Reflexes and a physical bonus to Tactics. The bonuses scale with Tactics and Conditoning, respectively, and with Dexterity.
Feint 40 Melee 3 Stamina Allows the mercenary to feint at a target, giving the target a mental penalty to defense that scales with Tactics and Dexterity.
Ambidexterity 50 Melee Passive Passively allows the mercenary to attack with an offhand weapon even when not wielding a weapon in its dominant hand. Successfully avoiding an attack will give the mercenary a temporary physical bonus to Tactics that scales with Tactics and Reasoning.
Blade Kiss 60 Melee 5 Stamina Allows the mercenary to make an instant attack at a target's head, stunning it. This ability has a cooldown and works only with precision or hybrid weapons of the blades or knives and rapiers category.
Swashbuckling 90 Tactics   Mitigates melee and thrown defensive, and melee offensive penalties for being prone, kneeling, or sitting. Also automatically causes the mercenary to jump to its feet prior to attacking or being attacked, if possible.
Deflect 110 Parry Passive Allows the mercenary an additional chance to parry attacks and provides additional armor resistance against physical damage if the mercenary is wearing heavy leather armor or less. Also passively eliminates penalties to parrying ranged attacks with weapons and allows the mercenary to parry spellbolts with weapons, regardless of activation status. The chance to avoid attacks is based off of Parry and (Reflexes or Strength) depending on the weapon used to parry. The armor resistance scales off of Parry and the better of Reflexes or Strength. This is a primary defensive ability.
Flashing Hands 150 Melee 1 Stamina per 5 seconds Allows the mercenary to attack even more swiftly with the second of its two-weapon attacks, reducing post-swing roundtime for that weapon by 1 second.
Mobility 170 Tactics Passive Passively allows the mercenary to instantly mount and dismount, as well as significantly reduces the penalties for moving while not standing.
Hamstring 210 Melee   Allows the mercenary to attack a target's feet in an attempt to knock it to the ground and hamper its movements. This prevents the target from standing and causes all range-changes to incur additional RT as a penalty.
Physics Scientist Mechanist

These tags are available to Scientist Mechanists. Their abilities may be displayed with the Abilities command.

Physics may be learned from Lars in the Tower of Dhond.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Physics - Passive Allows the scientist to learn other physics tags.
Superior Lockpicker 10 Lockpicking Passive Understanding the inner workings of locks, the scientist learns to pick them considerably faster while losing none of the benefits.
Marksman 30 Archery 1 stamina per attack Through considerable practice, the scientist learns to account for various conditions, increasing its accuracy with crossbows, merchanisms, and firearms. The bonus scales with the Mechanisms skill and the Reasoning stat.
Reactive Efficiency 50 Mechanisms Passive The scientist applies its understanding of the capabilities of its own body to respond to threats in the most efficient manner possible, granting it a passive physical bonus to the Reflexes stat. This bonus scales with Mechanisms skill and the Reasoning stat.
Adrenal Stimulation 70 Mechanisms 10 willpower The scientist uses its superior understanding of the body to willfully release adrenalin, restoring some stamina.
Mechanical Advantage 110 Mechanisms 1 stamina per dodge By understanding the mechanics of bodily motion, the scientist learns to anticipate incoming attacks and respond accordingly, granting it a second chance at defense using its Mechanisms skill and Reasoning stat. The scientist also gains an increase to its resistance to physical damage that scales with Mechanisms and Reasoning, but is disrupted by any armor heavier than scale. This is an armor resistance effect.
Analytical Mind 130 Mechanisms 20 willpower The scientist focuses its mental faculties upon enhancing its capacity to understand the physical mysteries of the world. The bonus to skill gain scales with the Mechanisms skill and the Reasoning stat.
Fastload 150 Mechanisms 1 stamina per regenerative cycle The scientist pushes its physical limits to reduce the reloading time of autocrossbows and firearms by 1 second.
Kel's Theorem 170 Mechanisms 5 Willpower The scientist imposes its understanding of the mundane laws of reality to dispel magickal effects on its person.
Grit Grit Mercenary

These tags are available to mercenaries that have taken the grit specialization. Their abilities may be displayed with the Abilities command.

Grit tags may be learned from Klyin in Kaezar or Hegnus in Kaezar.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Vicious Blow None 1 Stamina per swing Provides the mercenary with a bonus to damage with power or hybrid weapons that scales with Tactics and Strength.
Clotting 20 Conditioning 5 Stamina The mercenary focuses its will on holding itself together, causing it to bleed less.
Parry Breaker 30 Melee 1 Stamina per swing Provides the mercenary with a bonus to attack opponents in parry stance that scales with Tactics and Strength.
Another Pint 40 Conditioning Passive Passively provides a bonus to the mercenary's maximum stamina and vitality that scales with Conditioning and Endurance.
Knockdown 50 Melee 1 Stamina per swing Allows the mercenary's attacks to have a chance to knock down the target and give it roundtime. This does not work with precision weapons.
Shield Bash 60 Shields 5 Stamina The mercenary bashes the target with its shield, knocking it prone and stunning it. Larger shields result in greater damage and stun. Secondary Grit mercenaries also gain a bonus to attempt this attack that scales with tactics.
Shield Block 110 Shields 1 stamina per block Grants the mercenary an additional chance to block attacks with its shield and providing additional armor resistance against physical damage if the mercenary is wearing scale armor or less. The chance to avoid attacks and armor resistance both are based on Shields and the better of Reflexes or Strength. This is a primary defensive ability.
Challenge 150 Tactics None The mercenary issues a challenge to the target, attempting to get it to focus only on the mercenary and providing a mental penalty to offense that scales with tactics and will.
Rally 170 Tactics None Gives the target a mental bonus to Tactics that scales with Tactics and Will. Also calls the target to the mercenary if the target is in the mercenary's group and is able to move.
The Best Defense 210 Armor Passive Passively gives a bonus to unarmed if the mercenary is wearing plate or scale on the limb used for the attack and allows the mercenary to wield a two-handed weapon as though it were a one-handed weapon in its dominant hand. The bonus scales with Armor.
Wilder Martial Martial Wilder

These tags are available to Martial Wilders.

Name Requirements Cost Description
Animal Specialization Martial Training None Allows the wilder to learn Animal Specialization tags. This is mutually exclusive with Hunter Specialization.
Hunter Specialization Martial Training None Allows the wilder to learn Hunter Specialization tags. This is mutually exclusive with Animal Specialization.
Herb Lore 9 Alchemy Passive Passively allows the wilder to use herb lore formulae in alchemy.
Venom Lore 27 Alchemy Passive Passively allows the wilder to use toxicology formulae in alchemy.
Snipe 60 Stealth None Allows the wilder to snipe a target that cannot see it, stunning it.
Predation 130 Outdoorsman 8 essence Allows the wilder to ignore a percentage of armor for its melee and ranged attacks for a brief period of time when activated. Predation requires charges to activate, gaining them over time as the wilder kills foes. The duration and amount of armor ignored scales with Outdoorsman and Wisdom.

Crafting Tags

Crafting specialization tags (GOOD) can only be learned with the crafting skill set as an innate, and one may learn only 3 crafting specializations ever. Crafting mastery tags (VERY GOOD) can only be learned with the crafting specialization tag known, and one may have only one crafting mastery ever.

The trainers for these tags are scattered throughout Kaezar.

Tag Name Requirements Description
Field Dresser Innate Skinning, 320 Skinning Changes one's base skinning skill to Good class.
Foundry Adept Innate Metallurgy, 320 Metallurgy. Changes one's base metallurgy skill to Good class.
Inventive Scavenger Innate Foraging, 320 Foraging Changes one's base foraging skill to Good class.
Master Refiner 720 Metallurgy, Foundry Adept Changes one's base metallurgy skill to Very Good class.
Practiced Botanist 720 Foraging, Inventive Scavenger Changes one's base foraging skill to Very Good class.
Trawler Innate Fishing, 320 Fishing Changes one's base fishing skill to Good class.
Virtuoso Skinner 720 Skinning, Field Dresser Changes one's base skinning skill to Very Good class.
Wise Angler 720 Fishing, Trawler Changes one's base fishing skill to Very Good class.

Innate Tags

These tags are automatically given to certain professions.

Tag Name Profession Description
Lyrics Bard Allows the bard to compose its own lyrics for the following spells: vmz01, vmz04, vmz10, vmz12, vvz02, vvz04, vvz09, vvz12, and vvz15.
The Gathering Channeler Allows the channeler to control its summoned creatures.
Well of Souls Channeler Allows the channeler to store souls for use in its spells.
Regeneration Empath Provides passive regeneration of wounds and increased vitality recovery.
The Forest Walks Wilder Religious Allows the wilder to control entities of the forest.

General Tags

These tags are non-profession-specific.

Tag Name Requirements Description
Arcane Firearms Training 250 Mechanisms Allows one to use arcane firearms.
Kinetic Weaponry Melee of Normal or worse (ignores innates) Passively provides a magical bonus to melee weapons regardless of skill needed to use it. Scales with Kinesis.
Mastery Level 100 Allows for the accumulation of mastery points.
Mechanical Firearms Training 250 Mechanisms Allows one to use mechanical firearms.
Tactical Magic Not Berserker Primary Passively provides a bonus to effective skill at using magical items that one is untrained in using that scales with Tactics. Magic skills that one is rated as Normal or worse in are considered untrained magic skills.
Thematics None Allows the caster to customize messaging for some of its spells and spell effects. Currently, only ap13 can be customized.
Whiskey Sponge 300 Conditioning Passively increases the rate at which you recover from intoxication.