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The goddess of revelry and parties, Leta is the troublemaker of the gods. Her inclination to practical jokes and irresponsibility has earned her the nickname "The Mad Jester." She enjoys taunting the other deities, especially Duvan, who is particularly annoyed with her antics. Though often her games have a hurtful nature, occasionally she promotes merrymaking for the pure benefit of fun. Many festivals and informal dances are held in her name. Sometimes more like a troublesome child, Leta can also be pointedly underhanded and sly when she chooses to be. The followers of Leta are often flighty and active, and detest any form of work. They prefer to celebrate, and will invent their own cause for celebration. They love to cause trouble for ordinary people, and can laugh at the misery of others, treating everything like one large joke.

Leta was, unlike the rest of the pantheon, born upon Thrael as a mortal. She is rumored to have lived in Bijapur, which would seem to be supported by the flavor of her Holy Book, the Churaiy'aa, though some settlements in Rhe'Yubla swear she made her home there. In any case, she was a comely young maiden, with a voice and personality as captivating as her lithe dancer's body, and was well known for dressing in the garb of a jester and prancing about balls and festivals, spreading joy and merriment in her wake.

Often was the time when adolescent Leta was asked to take the stage at events to perform a dance or acrobatics or just tell jokes and generally improve the mood of her audience. As she grew older, the attention of her fans grew more ardent, and she took lovers on whims and impulses, discarding them just as quickly. Women and men showered her with gifts, usually silks and ribbons in shades of purple, orange, and yellow; often she would whirl through town in a furious, dervish-like dance wearing little more than silk draperies, which revealed her beribboned body when she dropped them.

Word of her charisma and talent in any type of performance she chose to take up spread, and wealthier people came to her, offering diamonds to watch her dance. Yet she was easily irritated, and more than one lover found themselves tossed from her favor for saying something that bothered her for a moment or being unable to fulfill her insatiable appetites.

It is said she requested that her wealthiest lover, a shah whose name has been lost to time, fetch her what she alternately called a 'tumbling star' and 'my own gems'; unsure how to comply, the shah gave her permission to utilize the citizens of a wealthy, educated town not far from where she lived, thinking that with all the coin and intelligent minds a solution could surely be reached.

Yet Leta was lazy and did not care to listen to the scholars and scientists talk; she found herself growing bored with the happenings and eventually refused to attend them, waiting for the people to arrive at a conclusion while she rested in a luxuriously decorated marble room at the very top of a noble's lofty home. With gauzy curtains and pillars forming the walls, Leta spent much of her time lounging on a divan and listening to murmuring winds pass through the room, which had bells strung from the ceiling.

After a week, a scholar from the committee, which had been trying to figure out how to catch her a falling star came to her and said that they had not thought of a way to achieve her wish. Leta pulled him down beside her, stroked his cheek, and said that the wind had told her how. So saying, she lead him to the edge of her chamber, where they stood looking out over the city; without warning, she pushed him from the dais and out into the open air, where he fell to his death.

Going down to the place where the rest of the committee was gathered, she ordered the construction of an immense and bejeweled catapult. They protested, knowing that the coin would come from their own pockets, but the Shah quelled their disagreements with grave threats.

Leta soon emptied the entirety of the city by launching them into the nighttime sky with the catapult, at first out of hope that they would catch a star and then out of frustration and anger that they could not. Though he was discomfited to see so many die for a fruitless reason, the Shah was happy with Leta's amusement at her own mischief, and so allowed the spectacle to proceed.

It was this event, which attracted the attention of Taqe, likely due to the utter savage efficiency with which she sent an entire city of wealthy, educated nobles to their violent deaths. Not long after, she had abandoned the Shah to spend wild days and nights with Taqe, who came to her in the form of a handsome man of her own age. Together, they lied to and deceived many people, endangering and ruining lives, delighting in shared hallucinations and insanities; it was during one of those vivid times that Taqe revealed his identity as a god.

And Leta went mad with the thought of eternal celebrations, of endless masquerades, of everlasting depravities and perpetual merriment. She begged Taqe to let her join him, and while those of the pantheon who chose to speak on the matter told him not to, he told her that all she needed to do was impress him.

She sang and told stories and made him laugh helplessly, both through humor and tales of cruel jokes played upon people, but it was not enough. She pleasured him time and time again, but still he said it was not enough, that he could get that from any woman without needing to make her a goddess.

So she danced for him, a dance whose details have been lost, but it is said she danced for days, sweat pouring down her body, nude beneath the stars and the eyes of the pantheon, never once meeting Taqe's gaze. And on the eve of the fifth day, the god walked over to her and bade her to stop, then reached out to brush his fingers over her cheek.

When they touched, Leta's mortal body died; her spirit ascended to the ranks of the Onu pantheon. And so charismatic and popular was she amongst the people of Thrael that she quickly gathered enough spiritual energy from her worshippers that Taqe's deification of her could not be undone without grave consequences; thusly did Leta become a goddess.


AliasesThe Reveler, The Mad Jester
PortfolioFestivals, Celebrations, Masquerades, Revels, Balls, Merriment, Madness, Delusion, Craziness, Idiocy, Patron of Lunatics, Procrastination, Sloth, Laziness, Irresponsibility, Dancers, Dance, Acrobatics, Expression through Dancing, Movement, Joy, Happiness, Freedom, Laughing, Clowns, Jesters, Jokes, Mischief.
Corporeal DomainsFestivals, Open Spaces
Central ThemesIrrationality
Physical AvatarBlack Panther, Dancing Colors
SymbolDancing Figure
Animal SymbolThe Cat
Color(s)Yellow, orange, purple
Material AffinityMerieje
Gem AffinityDiamond, Valadrian Orb
Holy BookThe Churaiy'aa (Jester's Revelations)
Temple/Shrine StyleOpen, airy, beaded/gauzy curtains in doorways, always have an ampitheater!
Magic SphereVedic
Primary DominionBody
Secondary DominionThe World
Tertiary DominionDark (negative)
Conceptual FamilyPresent
Spell User TypeHybrid
Spell StyleDuplicates astral effects through vedic magic.
Time of Day2pm - 4pm
Month(s) of the YearRaine
Religious HolidaysCarromario or the day of the Fool, Raine 1
Seasonal Holidays 
AlliesGhent, Lyra
EnemiesAorre, Duvan



Lesser Power of Festivals, Celebrations, Masquerades, Revels, Balls, Merriment

Jyniver appears as a bramble sylph female in her 40's.


Lesser Power of Madness, Delusion, Craziness, Idiocy, Patron of Lunatics

Valadrius appears as a dark elf male in his 100's.


Lesser Power of Procrastination, Sloth, Laziness, Irresponsibility

Bruniver appears as a sylvan male in his 50's. He is the brother of Rallona.


Lesser Power of Dancers, Dance, Acrobatics, Expression through Dancing, Movement

Rallona appears as a sylvan woman in her 50's. She is the sister of Bruniver.


Lesser Power of Joy, Happiness, Freedom

Merenois appears as a re'hari male in his 20's.


Lesser Power of Laughing, Clowns, Jesters, Jokes, Mischief

Carromario appears as a halfling male in his 70's.