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The Twenty Precepts of Duvan


Considered by his followers (and many other scholars) to be the most intelligent of the gods, Duvan delves into the arts of the mind. Nicknamed The Mage Lord, he considers knowledge, especially knowledge of the arcane arts, to be the best weapon. Very formal and eloquent, his facets sometimes seem aloof, though often their minds are simply on other, higher subjects. His followers include a great variety of scholars, ranging from historians, to architects, to powerful magic users. All are united by the same passion Duvan shares; the quest for knowledge. Often, they are from the upper class, since high education is something only the wealthy can afford. That and their proud, haughty demeanor sometimes alienates them from the rest of society, though it is not always the case. They look down their noses at the followers of Leta and their foolish ways.

The nativity of the god Duvan is a subject argued by the scholars and logicians of the civilized world. Many credit Kel as the unintentional father of Duvan, believing that His most logical thought took form and conceived the god, while many other theologians follow the tenet that Duvan was a mortal man whose devotion to learning and the pursuit of wisdom cause him to self-deify when he reached the point of total saturation of idea. This theory completely disputes the beliefs of the Letaians who uphold that their goddess was the only one with mortal beginnings.

The Twenty Precepts of Duvan

These Precepts are credited to the facets Fustille the Philosopher and Innoq'Id the Academic and scribed by the facet Wystulla the Amanuensis.

  1. Receive the Lord Duvan's instruction, and not pearls; and His Knowledge rather than siege gold. For Understanding art preponderant over black diamonds; and all the things that one may desire in rapaciousness art not to be compared.
  2. Harken to the Word of the Lord: It is a Divine Truth that Knowledge belongs to whomsoever ascertains and acts respectively, so that his righteous doings art consistent with his Understanding. There shall be those who shalt keep this Knowledge to themselves, and it will be given to show that their thoughts shall be contrary to their actions.
  3. Grief beseteth the Lord to see Knowledge wasted in idleness; an infinitesimal amount that is used and acted upon doth please Him greater than all the other things of this world.
  4. Acuity of mind is preponderant over rapaciousness, for the acuity of mind maketh thee sovereign over thy destiny, and to be swayed by the latter maketh thee bondservant of thy rapaciousness.
  5. If thou criest after discernment, and raisest up thy call for apperception; if thou seekest the Wisdom of the Lord as purest Naje, and search for It as for hid treasures -- then shalt thou know and find the Knowledge of Duvan.
  6. Boundless is the power of the Word, for the Word is the lifeblood of the soul and of the mind. As the Lord hath taught thee it is in the mind that all powers lie.
  7. Behold, the nature of a Lie. Lies are a disease and a canker unto the perpetuation of Knowledge. The perpetuating of these obfuscations shall not be brooked.
  8. The Enemy desireth only to excite incongruity and vexation between thee with inebriants, and hinder thee from the remembrance of the Lord Duvan's Precepts.
  9. The likeness of this world is that of a dance careened by Leta, the Mad Jester: it is pleasing to witness for the nonce, yet if observed for too long a time; deadly in its beguiling and cunning nature. The ignorant man is distracted and enthralled by it, whilst the one with understanding and judgment is cautious of it. Shun what seeketh to cast a glamour over thee, or useth thy greed as an instrument in this world of Thrael, and be mindful of how short a time the benefits remain with thee.
  10. A true sage is one that is understanding of his own ignorance compared to the great Vastness of the Unknown; and in his Understanding, increaseth his efforts in excogitations and lucubrations tenfold.
  11. The enigma of arms is as follows: Arms are strong, the intellect is stronger still. What are arms juxtaposed with the mind that directeth the blows? Turn thy gaze inwards and assayest thou the strength in thy mind; the discernment of thy soul, I give thee this.
  12. Cerebration is master and characteristics are its slaves, so if it is weak in commanding them disorder doth take place. As such, man's cerebrations become ostensible through his workings, and a man's character is known by the way he exerciseth his prerogative.
  13. It is more palatable to live an arduous life amongst like-minded intelligent people, than a pleasant life of indolence amongst the inane.
  14. Age is a two-edged sword. Know thee now that the person who obtaineth intellect and wisdom is a person of many years. Know thee now that the person of many years is closer still to falling into that atramentous place of Shaellisian enfeeblement, that nebulous and senescent purgatory.
  15. Those who are possessing intellect shall inherit glorification: but opprobrium shall be the promotion of foolish men.
  16. The man of intellect cannot help but note how indolence wasteth the hebetudinous body, as potable water is defiled unless it is moved.
  17. To be blessed by Lord Duvan, thou shalt aspire always towards illumination; yet the brightest light casteth the darkest shadow. It is better to be mindful of that principle and be vigilant against the caliginous threat; yea, rather than to be blissful and nescient.
  18. Strive for reason! Reason is the sole thing that must arise from the man of intellect's cogitation, for if he doth not, he is no man of intellect. Reason is superior to all things, ipso facto, it must be the only lens that man useth to scrutinize the past and to understand the present; for in this scrutiny lieth the key to the gates of the unknown future. For man to be but a cipher, doing things by rote and refusing to use the mind given him at birth to scrutinize the knowledge available to him, is the highest of sins.
  19. It is in the well-disciplined scholar that Duvan finds the comportment He favoreth most.
  20. Obtain knowledge, because he who obtaineth it, performeth an act of veneration; who speaketh of it laudeth the Gods; who questeth for it, adoreth Duvan, who dispenseth instruction in it, bestoweth generosity to the unknowing; and who imparteth it to its fitting objects, performeth an act of devotion to all of man. Knowledge enableth its possessor to distinguish what is taboo from what is not; lighteth the way in darkest times; it is our companion in isolation, our comrade, when bereft of friends; it guideth us to happiness; it sustaineth us in misery; it is our ornament in the company of friends; it serveth as a buckler against our enemies. With knowledge the creatures of the world rise to the heights of goodness and to noble position, associate with kings and emperors and attain the perfection of true happiness.


AliasesThe Mage Lord, The Thinker, The Eternal Scholar, Messenger of the Gods
PortfolioLogic, Mathematics, Academics, Scholars, Teachers, Colleges, Education, Spellcraft, Theurgists, Magic Users, The Magickal Arts, Engineering, Architecture, Construction, Roads, Bridges, Elemental Lightning, Speed, Messengers, Scribes, Historians, Information, Record Keepers, Clerical Work, Libraries, Librarians, Philosophy, Thought, Thinking, Critics, Criticism, Abstractions.
Corporeal DomainsLibraries
Central ThemesRationality
PersonalityDuvan doesn't learn from mistakes, he is a thinker in the abstract. Pragmatism rules his behavior. Academic knowledge vs. practical knowledge.
VirtuesManners, knowlege for knowledge sake, discipline.
SinsInformality, unscientific thinking, sloth.
Physical AvatarOwl, Talking Book
SymbolAn Owl, A Book
Animal SymbolThe Owl
Material AffinityNaje, Platinum
Gem AffinityMetisine, Skyfire Topaz
Holy BookThe Precepts of Duvan
Temple/Shrine StyleLibraries, Museums, Colleges
Magic SphereVedic
Primary DominionMind
Secondary DominionAir
Tertiary DominionLight (positive)
Conceptual FamilyPresent
Spell User TypeHybrid
Spell StyleDuplicates arcane effects through vedic magic.
Time of Day4pm - 6pm
Month(s) of the YearThistle
SeasonEarly Fall
Religious HolidaysCha'Tyeka, Thistle 21 – A time for gathering to celebrate the magical arts at Kemstead Abbey
Seasonal HolidaysAutumnal Solstice
AlliesJakob, Thine
EnemiesLeta, Shaellis, Vaen



Lesser Power of Logic, Mathematics, Academics, Scholars, Colleges, Education, Teachers

Innoq'Id appears as a venerable daun in his 90's. He is tall and lean with sharp features and an implacable blue-eyed stare.


Lesser Power of Spellcraft, Theurgists, Magic Users, The Magical Arts

Tyeka appears as an ancient sylvan female in her 600's.


Lesser Power of Engineering, Architecture, Construction, Roads, Bridges

Haggulum appears as a middle-aged dwarven male in his 200's.


Lesser Power of Elemental Lightning, Speed, Messengers, The Messenger

Evarithis appears as a young Kivian woman in her 20's.


Lesser Power of Scribes, Historians, Information, Record Keepers, Clerical Work, Libraries, Librarians

Wystullia appears as a elder dwarven female in her 400's.


Lesser Power of Philosophy, Thought, Thinking, Critics, Criticism, Abstractions, Wisdom

Fustille appears as middle-aged il'lthye male in his 400's.