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Fame Rewards
Credit Rewards
Fame & Credit Reward List
This list contains the current costs for fame and credit reward items as of January 2014. Please review it carefully when making a request!
All rewards that can be redeemed in game using the convert <fame/credit> to <reward>
are permanent. All rewards that cannot be redeemed in game using the convert <fame/credit> to <reward>
command are subject to staff approval.
Fame Rewards
Titles are titles that can appear before (pre) and after (post) your character's name in game, adding a bit of flair to your appearance and giving other players a better OOC feel of who you are.
Once you have at least 5,000 fame points, you can find a titler NPC who will give you either a general title or one that works for your profession. Kaezar has titlers by profession in Filk's Museum, and Koje has a Vashan titler in the Qai Monastery. As you accumulate more fame, you are able to receive a higher title. The titles available to you are based on your lifetime fame, and do not decrement your current total.
Another way to earn a title is to be in an organization. Simply by having a position in an organization, you will be granted a title that you may add to your name.
You can manage how or if your title(s) appear by typing title <pre|post> <list|choose #|clear|delete #>
To complement the Fame Reward System, each player will be allowed to claim one item from the section below for a cost of 0 fame.
- Customize your character's description, subject to staff approval. Your character's new features must remain within racial guidelines and may not be unnatural or mystical in origin. Allowed: rewording of features and the overall description flow, addition of tattoos or scars, eye or hair color changes (provided they are suitable for your character's subrace). Disallowed: Magically glowing eyes, demonic horns, mystical auras, wings on a race which is not normally winged, etc.
- A simple roleplay prop that is without verbs and nonmagical. Weapons and armor are not included. Staff has discretion in deciding whether a requested item qualifies as a freebie fame reward or would be more appropriately purchased with fame or through the merchant system.
- 20% of a non-monster language with provided backstory with Dyari absolutely excluded.
- 100% of a non-monster language with provided backstory and at the sacrifice of a current starting language down to 0%. Dyari absolutely excluded.
250 fame
- 10 minutes of instantly soaked experience at level. To do this, type:
convert fame to experience
. - 1 skill point. To do this, type:
convert fame to skill
. - Increase the item limit in a saving room by 1. To do this, type:
convert fame to capacity
500 fame
- Increase the item limit in a pocket dimension by 1. To do this, type:
convert fame to capacity
. - Lock down a container or piece of furniture in a room so it cannot be moved. To do this, type:
convert fame to lockdown <object>
2,000 fame
- A simple look alteration of an existing item. The item must be purchased and provided at the time of the alteration. The item's short and long (look) description may be changed. The base material and item type of an item may not be changed: a linen cloak may not be altered into a pair of silk pants, but it could be changed to a linen cape or a linen mantle. Embellishments such as gemstones, trim, etc. must be provided by the player, either in raw or crafted form: for example, a linen cloak may become a pearl-trimmed linen cloak if the player provides a pearl necklace or a bag full of loose pearls. If the player is a crafter making an item for another player, the fame cost may be paid by the crafter, the recipient, or split between both characters.
- One custom verb added to a pre-owned clothing, jewelry, container, weapon, or armor item. Additional verbs may be purchased for 2,000 fame per verb, to a limit of five verbs per item.
5,000 fame
- Customize your character's description, subject to staff approval. Your character's new features must remain within racial guidelines and may not be unnatural or mystical in origin. Allowed: rewording of features and the overall description flow, addition of tattoos or scars, eye or hair color changes (provided they are suitable for your character's subrace). Disallowed: Magically glowing eyes, demonic horns, mystical auras, wings on a race which is not normally winged, etc.
- Customize one of your character's limbs, such as a hand, foot, back, neck, tail, etc. You may change the short and long description of the limb. The same restrictions apply as for description customizations, above. Allowed: changing your character's right hand to "a tattooed right hand" and adding the description of the tattoo to the hand itself. Disallowed: Limbs which are non-standard for your character's subrace, adding additional limbs, removing standard limbs (at this time we cannot support mechanically missing limbs).
- Customize your character's mount's or pet's appearance. Changes to your mount or pet may make the mount or pet into a different breed or variety of the same general animal, but may not change it into a completely different species or add new features outside the range of standard features for the animal, nor will it change the animal's diet, verbs, emotes, limbs, or abilities. You may not significantly change its weight or size. Allowed: Changing a dove into a pigeon, or one breed of dog into another breed of dog. Disallowed: Changing a cat into a duck, adding magical auras or adding wings to a non-flying animal.
- Customize your saving room's appearance. Note that items in your saving room should be reflected in the description.
- Custom scent triggered to
on your character. - Custom pre- or post-title that fits your character's roleplay.
- A basic tier 1 elemental flare added to a pre-owned weapon: earth, fire, ice, lightning, or water, with stock messaging for that type of flare.
- Customize or add three messages to a permanent weapon flare. Additional messages may be purchased for 5,000 fame per set, to a limit of six messages on a flare.
- Convert non-entrance rooms in your instanced land area to saving rooms with a capacity of 100 items, with an additional monetary cost of 100,000 sovereigns a room. See instanced land guidelines for additional information.
- Upgrade an instanced land saving room's base capacity by 50 (to a limit of 200), with an additional monetary cost of 50,000 sovereigns per upgrade. See instanced land guidelines for additional information.
7,500 fame
- Upgrade a tier 1 permanent weapon flare of any type to a tier 2 permanent weapon flare of the same type.
10,000 fame
- A completely custom created non-weapon, non-armor, and non-magical item: clothing, jewelry, containers, etc. Also see the section on Rare Materials and Quality for limits on materials which may be requested through the fame system.
- Upgrade a tier 2 permanent weapon flare of any type to a tier 3 permanent weapon flare of the same type.
- Change your profession's specialization and repick exclusive spell circles or secondary mercenary tag. To do this, type:
convert fame to specialization
. - Change your stats. To do this, type:
convert fame to stats
. - Reallocate your skill innates. Any points above your new skill cap will be lost permanently. To do this, type:
convert fame to innates
. - Purchase a non-saving room for your instanced land, with an additional monetary cost of 150,000 sovereigns per room. See instanced land guidelines for additional information.
15,000 fame
- For the first 20% of a non-monster language, with Dyari absolutely excluded. Additional proficiency in a non-monster, non-Dyari language beyond the first 20% may be purchased in further increments of 20% for 10,000 fame, up to 80% proficiency. To do this, type:
convert fame to language <nameoflanguage>
. For example,convert fame to language haish
. - Purchase a saving room for your instanced land with a capacity of 100 items, with an additional monetary cost of 250,000 sovereigns per room. See instanced land guidelines for additional information.
20,000 fame
- Purchase a saving room for your instanced land with a capacity of 150 items, with an additional monetary cost of 300,000 sovereigns per room. See instanced land guidelines for additional information.
25,000 fame
- Change your profession, repick your stats, and repick your skill innates. This will reduce your level to half its current value. To do this, type:
convert fame to profession
. - Purchase a saving room for your instanced land with a capacity of 200 items, with an additional monetary cost of 350,000 sovereigns per room. See instanced land guidelines for additional information.
30,000 fame
- A completely custom created weapon or piece of armor. See the section on Rare Materials and Quality for limits on materials which may be requested through the fame system. You may add one flare or up to five verbs to the item, per the fame costs for verbs and flares given elsewhere in this document.
50,000 fame
- Start a new character on the same account as a noble. Lifetime fame must be at least 125,000. See nobility guidelines for additional information.
- Initial setup for instanced land, including one non-saving entrance room and keymaster, with staff approval. Lifetime fame must be at least 125,000, and there is a monetary cost of 2 million sovereigns. See instanced land guidelines for additional information.
Credit Rewards
250 credit
- Increase the item limit in a saving room by 1. To do this, type:
convert credit to capacity
500 credit
- Increase the item limit in a pocket dimension by 1. To do this, type:
convert credit to capacity
2,000 credit
- A simple look alteration of an existing item. The item must be purchased and provided at the time of the alteration. The item's short, long, and look description may be changed. The base material and item type of an item may not be changed: a linen cloak may not be altered into a pair of silk pants, but it could be changed to a linen cape or a linen mantle. Embellishments such as gemstones, trim, etc. must be provided by the player, either in raw or crafted form: for example, a linen cloak may become a pearl-trimmed linen cloak if the player provides a pearl necklace or a bag full of loose pearls. If the player is a crafter making an item for another player, the fame/credit cost may be paid by the crafter, the recipient, or split between both characters.
- One custom verb added to a pre-owned clothing, jewelry, container, weapon, or armor item. Additional verbs may be purchased for 2,000 credit per verb, to a limit of five verbs per item.
5,000 credit
- Customize your character's description, subject to staff approval. Your character's new features must remain within racial guidelines and may not be unnatural or mystical in origin. Allowed: rewording of features and the overall description flow, addition of tattoos or scars, eye or hair color changes (provided they are suitable for your character's subrace). Disallowed: Magically glowing eyes, demonic horns, mystical auras, wings on a race which is not normally winged, etc.
- Customize one of your character's limbs, such as a hand, foot, back, neck, tail, etc. You may change the short and long description of the limb. The same restrictions apply as for description customizations, above. Allowed: changing your character's right hand to "a tattooed right hand" and adding the description of the tattoo to the hand itself. Disallowed: Limbs which are non-standard for your character's subrace, adding additional limbs, removing standard limbs (at this time we cannot support mechanically missing limbs).
- Customize your character's mount's or pet's appearance. Changes to your mount or pet may make the mount or pet into a different breed or variety of the same general animal, but may not change it into a completely different species or add new features outside the range of standard features for the animal, nor will it change the animal's diet, verbs, emotes, limbs, or abilities. You may not significantly change its weight or size. Allowed: Changing a dove into a pigeon, or one breed of dog into another breed of dog. Disallowed: Changing a cat into a duck, adding magical auras or adding wings to a non-flying animal.
- Customize your saving room's appearance. Note that items in your saving room should be reflected in the description.
- Custom scent triggered to
on your character. - Custom pre- or post-title that fits your character's roleplay.
- Customize or add three messages to a permanent weapon flare. Additional messages may be purchased for 5,000 credit per set, to a limit of six messages on a flare.
10,000 credit
- A completely custom created non-weapon, non-armor, and non-magical item: clothing, jewelry, containers, etc. Also see the section below on Rare Materials and Quality for limits on materials which may be requested through the fame/credit system.