Instanced Land

Unwritten Legends believes strongly in allowing characters to affect the world about them. To that end we are offering a new system to allow our players to better invest themselves in our game and its world by creating the possibility for players to actually purchase their own plot of land in the game. This land would be treated as a single character's personal estate with all the rights associated with one who owns that land such as asking others to leave on pain of trespassing and defending that land. The land is likewise under full jurisdiction of national and imperial law as well as under the jurisdiction of the appropriate national and imperial authorities. This is not a fiefdom. This does not grant the right to create your own laws over the land. This does not grant any benefits outside of having a really cool place that your character permanently owns within which to conduct your roleplay.

The cost for the initial setup is 50,000 fame, with a lifetime fame requirement of at least 125,000, plus 2 million sovereigns. A proposal must be sent to the Creative Team via PM on the forums, or emailed to, for where the land will be and what it will entail, and is subject to staff approval.

Once your proposal has been approved, use the in-game fame system to submit your descriptions.

The initial setup includes:

  • One non-saving room with appropriate furnishings/plants/et cetera written by the player and approved by staff. The use of rare materials or items requires that these materials or items be provided upon creation of the room. This room is hereafter referred to as the "entrance room".
  • The ability to add more rooms and expansions, with no limit for additional non-saving rooms and a limit of 10 saving rooms not including the initial. See below for costs.
  • The ability to allow other characters to build off of your special area's entrance room for the same costs as the owner would pay for additional rooms (see below) for that individual character. This privilege is not revocable as the other characters will have likewise purchased their respective parcels of that land.
  • A keymaster created or modified for contained private areas that will allow any character that owns a part of the instanced area as described above to request a key at 500 sovereigns per week, up to a month at a time. This cost is equivalent to rent costs for a top tier inn room with a capacity of 200 items, and is considered "property upkeep".
  • The ability to modify your character's portion of the area with the expenditure of further fame.

Once you have your own area you may:

  • Purchase additional non-saving rooms with appropriate furnishings/plants/et cetera written by the player and approved by staff for 10,000 fame and 150,000 sovereigns per room. The use of rare materials or items requires that these materials or items be provided upon creation of the room.
  • Convert non-entrance rooms in your area to saving rooms with a capacity of 100 items at the cost of an additional 5,000 fame and 100,000 sovereigns a room.
  • Upgrade a saving room's base capacity by 50 (to a limit of 200) at the cost of 5,000 fame and 50,000 sovereigns per upgrade.

The total costs for each additional room are:

Size Fame Sovereigns
1 non-saving room 10,000 150,000
1 saving room, 100 item capacity 15,000 250,000
1 saving room, 150 item capacity 20,000 300,000
1 saving room, 200 item capacity 25,000 350,000