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Minor Crimes
Major Crimes
Vashan Law
Minor Infractions
Public Intoxication
It is stated that no person shall draw negative attention to themselves by being intoxicated or by simulating intoxication in any public place outside of Koje's Gaijin Compound.
Failure to limit excessive public drinking will result in one over-night stay in accommodations provided by Vashan authorities until the offender is no longer considered a danger to themselves or the public.
Disturbing the Peace
It is stated that no person shall upset the quiet and good order of Koje, particularly through loud noise, fighting, or other unsocial behavior that frightens or upsets the populace.
Failure to comply with this order may result in one over-night stay in accommodations chosen by Vashan authorities until the offender is no longer considered a disturbance.
It is stated that no person shall intentionally or unintentionally litter in any public place outside of Koje's Gaijin Compound or in a private place not owned by the offender.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: community service task or a fine in koban, as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Summoning or Control of Magickal Entities in Public
It is stated that no person shall intentionally summon or control an external sentient magickal entity within the limits of Koje's city gates. This list includes, but is not limited to, the following: Mage familiars, spirits, animal companions, demons, or elementals.
Exceptions have been granted to the University and Temple for specific authorized lessons.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: community service task or a fine in koban, as chosen by Vashan authorities
Public Display of Weapons
It is stated that no person shall draw weapons within Koje's gates.
Exceptions have been granted for merchants, and to any person defending themselves from personal danger, as well as Vashan authorities in the pursuit of their duties.
Personal displays of weapons may be done in private.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: confiscation of weapons, imprisonment, or a fine in koban, as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Trespassing / Loitering
It is stated that no person shall enter Vashan places of business, recreation, worship or residence not belonging to them with the intent to inhabit.
Exceptions to this law are inns and other personally rented residences.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment or a fine in koban, as chosen by Vashan authorities and any offended persons.
Public Gambling
It is stated that no person shall publicly gamble within Koje's gates or play games of chance outside gambling halls or teahouses.
Exceptions to this law are Fair contests, Festival competitions or events sponsored by Vashan authorities.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment, or confiscation.
Overt Display of Foreign Religion
It is stated that no person shall publicly orate on foreign religions or attempt to gain converts to foreign religions within the gates of Koje.
Exceptions to this law are University or Temple lectures and rhetorical debates authorized by proper Vashan authorities.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment, or a fine in koban as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Minor Crimes
Failure to Comply with orders to stop Minor Infractions
It is stated that any person failing to immediately comply with Vashan authorities commanding cessation of Minor Infractions shall be deemed do be in deliberate and knowledgeable violation of Vashan authority.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal property or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Theft / Destruction of Personal Property
It is stated that no person shall take or destroy items from another person or place without the owner's express consent.
Exceptions to this law are the confiscation of items or fines assigned by Vashan authorities.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal items or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Non-lethal Assault
It is stated that no person shall strike another with intent to cause personal injury, either by unarmed or armed means.
Exceptions to this law are clear cases of self-defense, sparring sessions, lessons in martial arts, armed or unarmed, duels or challenges properly agreed upon by all concerned persons.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal property or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Use of harmful or obnoxious Magick
It is stated that no person shall cast harmful or obnoxious Magick upon another person without consent. This includes personally cast spells or use of magickal items. The victim of the magick shall be required to state the harmful or obnoxious effects.
Exceptions to this law are authorized lessons at the University or Temple, and use of such magick by Vashan authorities in pursuit of their duties.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal property or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Possession of samurai weapons without documentation or social status
It is stated that no person outside of the social station of samurai will own a katana. The wakizashi or tanto may be owned by those below the station of samurai only with the express written approval of the proper Vashan authorities. These weapons are cultural and national treasures restricted only to those of samurai station.
Exceptions to this law are the crafters of such weapons, and ronin who have the right to such weapons through inheritance or the misfortune of outliving their master honorably.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal property or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Possession of smuggled or proscribed goods
It is stated that no person shall have upon their person items deemed as illegal within Vashan borders. Such goods vary from province to province, and may change due to trade restrictions and allowances. All persons should check with local Vashan authorities to determine proscribed goods before crossing Vashan borders. Foreigners should check with the Vashan embassy or their own local authorities to determine proscribed goods.
Exceptions to this law are merchants with proper authorization to begin trade negotiations, and Vashan authorities in pursuit of their duties.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal property or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Major Crimes
Failure to Comply with orders to stop Minor Crimes
It is stated that any person failing to immediately comply with Vashan authorities commanding cessation of Minor Crimes shall be deemed do be in deliberate and knowledgeable violation of Vashan authority.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: death, imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal property or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
Potentially lethal physical or magickal assault
It is stated that no person shall strike another with intent to cause personal injury, either by unarmed or armed means with the intent to kill or maim.
It is stated that no person shall cast harmful Magick upon another person with intent to kill or maim. This includes personally cast spells or use of magickal items. The victim of the magick shall be required to state the magickal effect.
Exceptions to this law are clear cases of self-defense, sparring sessions, lessons in martial arts, armed or unarmed, authorized lessons at the University or Temple, duels or challenges properly agreed upon by all concerned persons, and use of either physical or magickal means by Vashan authorities in pursuit of their duties.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: death, exile, imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal property or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
It is stated that no person shall willfully cause the death of another person without their consent by any means, direct or indirect.
Exceptions to this law are clear cases of self-defense, properly filed blood feuds, duels properly announced and agreed upon by all parties concerned, and Vashan authorities in pursuit of their duties.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more of the following punishments: death, exile, imprisonment, banishment, confiscation of personal property or fines as chosen by Vashan authorities.
It is stated that no Vashan citizen shall act against the Emperor, Shogun, Daimyo, or their acknowledged master if they are of samurai station. Actively providing information of restricted nature to the enemies of the Vashan Empire during times of war or to non-allied foreign nation at any time is also forbidden.
Failure to comply with this law will result in one or more of the following punishments: Death, exile, confiscation of all funds and properties, loss of Vashan citizenship, titles and honors, an authorized blood feud by any who wish to file it, similar punishments to be carried out upon all relations of the person committing such treason.
It is stated that no person shall actively attempt to overthrow or interfere with Vashan Government, duly appointed Vashan officials, or incite others to do so.
Failure to comply with this law will result in one or more of the following punishments: Death, exile, confiscation of all funds and properties, loss of Vashan citizenship, titles and honors, an authorized blood feud by any who wish to file it, similar punishments to be carried out upon all relations of the person committing such treason.
Conspiracy to commit crimes forbidden by Vashan Law
It is stated that no person shall meet with others to plan the intent to commit any crimes here listed, regardless of whether such crimes are actually committed by all those present.
Exceptions to this law are such agents put in place by Vashan authorities to find such conspiracies.
Failure to comply with this law may result in one or more punishments in fitting with the crimes being conspired.