Teriaslin (Thrushbeard) Druim'dwer
Avg. Height: 3'4" to 4'6" (male), 2'8" to 4'0" (female)
Avg. Weight: 160 lb
Avg. Lifespan: 320
Physical Characteristics:
Eyes: | |
Hair: | |
Skin: | |
Body Type: | |
Clothing: |
Region: Peregorne
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Stat Adjustments:
Strength: | 8 |
Reflexes: | -2 |
Endurance: | 10 |
Dexterity: | 1 |
Reasoning: | 0 |
Wisdom: | 4 |
Will: | 8 |
Intelligence: | 4 |
Special: Racial martial arts.
Poison resist.
Bonus to Conditioning, Lore and Observation learn rates.
Penalty to Archery, Larceny and Stealth learn rates.
Although most of the Druim'dwer aboveground are mercenaries, the second largest contingent are merchants and traders. While mining is the traditional way of obtaining gold and thus wealth, the Teriaslin Clan have focused on removing it from their neighbor's pockets in whatever way seems the most feasible at the time. Some surface dwellers call the Teriaslin the "Magpie" Clan or the Clan of Thieves mainly because of their skill in parting the unwary from their money like a pan removing gold from a stream. These accusations are far from the truth, as any Teriaslin will argue. The Clan's laws against thievery are the harshest of the Druim'dwer communities, dishonest trading aside. Whether a merchant is honest or dishonest, they both have in common a dread and hatred of thieves. Not all take such poor view of the Teriaslin, in fact, a good many Clans depend on the Teriaslin to trade their goods aboveground in order to acquire much needed foodstuffs, the average Druim'dwer community not being much for farming.