Sunjo Daun

Avg. Height: 5'10"

Avg. Weight: 180 lb

Avg. Lifespan: 100

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes:Dark to hazel.
Hair:Tighty-curled to soft and wavy.
Skin:Ebony-colored to honey gold.
Body Type:Physiques vary from extremely tall, lithe and graceful to short, fleshy and stocky.
Clothing:Brilliantly colored batik and block printed fabrics of strong geometric designs; women tend to favor sleeveless ankle-length a-line gowns, men long loose robes of woven linen, sometimes loincloths.

Region: Ziguran

Languages: Common

Stat Adjustments:


Fierce and tribal, the Sunjo people live in the deepest jungles and southwestern coastal areas of Ziguran. Once the usurping rulers of the Naroumbi empire, they were driven back by the Zigurs who regained control and sent them into the wild. The Sunjos formed three great tribes, the Nogoba, the Sandit Sando and the Madai. United under Matika the Just, they built the great city of Doka-Dobao, the first Sunjo city within the Obadabh territories. A proud people, the Sunjos are fierce warriors and are skilled in all manner of animal husbandry and herbalism as well as tribal magicks. They are ruled by the thirteen member, House of Chieftains, in a democracy where a two party system has arisen among the three major tribes. The current ruling party is the Quinta'jo, with the Zaula the secondary party.

Architecture among the sunjos varies greatly with most rural townships consisting of reed-thatched huts and treehouses woven from the local branches and vines, while their more prosperous neighbors are likely to build large stone dwellings of interconnected cylinders with clay tile-covered conical roofs. Still the epitome of sunjo architectural achievement, the tall fantastical shapes of the twisting spires of Doka-Dabao are said to have been fashioned after the dragyn spires, which legends says once dotted the Enninnukei Mountains. Some few tribes still cling to the vine-covered ruins of their ancient Abraxan and Brez'ah predecessors, believing that by living in proximity to the Ancients they inherit a closer spiritual link to the gods.

Chests, furniture and sculpture, all handcarved from the rich exotic woods of the jungles of Ziguran and inlaid in ivory and precious stones and metals, are prized the world round and are the primary export of Sunjo merchants. The smoked guba'ai fish farmed off the coasts of Gui'Ea are famed as a delicacy. It is said that once someone has tasted the guba'ai he will crave it all his life.

Though physiques vary greatly from those of extremely tall, lithe and graceful build to the those of short, fleshy and stocky build, most sunjo tend to have an erect carriage that lends them a slightly haughty demeanor even though they are a generally joyful people. The facial features of the Sunjos can fluctuate from the broad flat noses, dark eyes, ebony-colored skin and tightly curled hair of the tall and handsome Madai to the regal straight noses, hazel eyes, honey gold skin and soft wavy hair of the proud Sandit Sandos, with the Nogoba possessing a wide range of both traits. Sunjos frequently dress their hair with fragrant oils and perfumed waxes to increase its gloss and pliability. The tightly curled texture of the sunjos' tresses lends itself to being styled in the elaborate braided hairdos, often adorned with beads and jewelry, which are favored by some tribes. Shamans among the ruin dwellers or those persons who have experienced a religious epiphany often do not dress their hair at all, allowing the strands to wind together over time, forming dreadlocks.

Brilliantly colored batik and block printed fabrics of strong geometric designs are used to fashion the clothing of both male and female sunjos. Women tend to favor sleeveless ankle-length a-line gowns accessorized with wrapped headcloths and shoulder-draped shawls. Younger unmarried women wear daring backless gowns with a charming coquettishness. Merchants and men of the cities tend to wear long loose robes of woven linen, though in the hot jungle climate simple loincoths are favored by laborers and warriors. Animal furs or whole hides including the stuffed heads are often worn to great effect by both warriors and shamans. Both men and women of wealth wear heavy jewelry that makes bold use of large flat plates of gold, embedded with large gemstones if money allows. Scarification to mark pinnacles in the life achievements of the nobility or among certain warrior classes are common, and these marks are worn proudly.