Progeny of Tallow Vulfen

Avg. Height: 6'2"

Avg. Weight: 210 lb

Avg. Lifespan: 85

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes:Dark browns to rich golds.
Fur:Snow white to pitch black, and everything in between, grays and browns most common; medium-length; different colored markings on bodies.
Body Type:
Clothing:Very loose, animal pelts and wool.
Notable:Black tribal tattoos often received after rituals or rites of passage; brands for great deeds in battle.


Languages: Common, grawlik.

Stat Adjustments:


Special: Racial martial arts.

Bonus to Channeling learn rate.

These are the most common vulfen, possessing medium-length fur that ranges from snow white to pitch black and everything in between. Grays and browns are most common and the average Progeny of Tallow has different colored markings somewhere on their bodies, though the rare solid color is not unheard of. The most common eye colors vary from dark browns to rich golds. The Progeny of Tallow are kind towards the other races and tolerate daun and il'lthye, but live in small dwellings deep within the forests. They dislike cities generally, but will visit them should the need arise. These vulfen are very open and have great ability to adapt to change; though they cling to their way of life fiercely.

The Progeny of Tallow are very spiritual, paying homage to nature and the heavens (especially the moons) over any specific deity. They find it important to separate their beliefs from the beliefs of outsiders, refusing to adapt to the commonly accepted pantheon set, and instead pay homage to the wind, the rivers, the skies, the trees and other aspects of nature through rituals, chants and dances.

Their heritage has become a very rich and diverse one over time, consisting of numerous tribal practices, some very elaborate and drawn out. Above all things, The Progeny of Tallow hold their honor as warriors, as pack members and as vulfen.

The Progeny of Tallow believe themselves to have been sent to this world by their moon for the purpose of safeguarding nature in all its forms.

A pack Alpha will emerge naturally when there is not one, taking control of the pack and determining what direction it goes in. The Alpha is very seldom questioned and almost never disobeyed, but in the event that a pack member completely disagrees with what the Alpha commands, a challenge can be issued. The type of challenge and conditions of victory will be determined by the pack Elders, the three wisest members of the pack. If the challenger fails to best the Alpha, they will either submit to the Alpha's command or leave the pack. They may not challenge the Alpha again until a full phase of Tallow has completed. If the challenger is victorious, they become the new Alpha and are immune to all challenges for the same length of time.

The Progeny of Tallow choose either to live in small crude lodges in the forest, in winding tunnels deep within caves that they often hollow out to make living quarters for each member, or on beds of leaves on the forest floor, often snuggling up to a pack mate for warmth. The young are generally raised by the entire pack, educated and initiated by all members that have the ability to aid them in growing up and learning the way of the Progeny of Tallow.

Tribal tattoos of symbols representing various aspects of nature and spirit are often received after the completion of certain rituals or rites of passage. Placed on the areas of the body with the shortest fur, they are always done with bold black squid's ink, usually freshly caught by the vulfen receiving the tattoo. On the longer furred areas, brands are used. The brands blacken the skin and create a permanent mark. Brands are generally reserved for those who have done great deeds of honor in combat, as the metal is difficult to shape and the process is a very painstaking one.

The Progeny of Tallow hunt for their food, live off of the earth and typically wear only the loosest of garments, usually woven by their own members or stitched from the fur of rabu or other fleecy animals. In the colder climates, they will often make clothing from the lush pelts of their prey. In the warmer climes, it is not uncommon for them wear nothing at all.