Plants & Trees

Banewood TreeOne of the rarest of leafy trees, the banewood is renowned for the strength and durability of its naturally cobalt-tinted wood. The leaves of the tree are shaped like large clenched fists with five individual lobes. Most specimens manage to grow to enormous heights and can be found in the far western regions of the continent. It is extremely difficult to work. The craft of working with banewood remains an ancestoral dwarven secret.
Banjar TreeThe mighty banjar can grow to a height of two hundred and thirty feet with a diameter know to reach eight to ten feet. One of the most magnificent sites to the alpine traveler with its smooth crystalline bark and leaves the shape of snowflakes, this specimen never fails to elicit awe along a snow-covered trail. The banjar can be found in most regions where the average temperature is ten degrees or below. The wood is often fashioned into wands and rods of elemental cold.
Bay'nor TreeA native of the deep swampy regions, the Bay'nor is perhaps one of the ugliest trees to flourish upon Thrael. It has a moist fleshy bark that is prone to shedding seasonally. The sap carries a foul scent and has an acidic value that is generally caustic to the skin. The leaves are deep ochre in color and resemble long serpent tongues as characterized by a slight fork at the end of the lobe. These trees are generally harvested in the making of corrosives as well as minor wands and rods of elemental acid.
Black Death RoseOne of the most beautiful of roses, the deep purple black color beckons one to touch the silky petals. The danger of the black death rose is evident when a thorn pierces the skin, causing the victim to hallucinate and lose their breath. The scent also causes great terrors and panics when inhaled.
Bom TreeThe bom tree is common in mildly temperate coastal areas. It is characterized by large red, diamond-shape leaves and a slender trunk. The wood of the bom is strong and fibrous lending itself well to wicker craft and weaving. The sap has an oily texture and is sometimes used as a massage oil. Varieties of the bom include blushing (pink leaves), fiery (orange leaves) and musk (deep green leaves). The leaf of the bom will heal nerve disorders.
BuskasThe buska is a dark brown potato-like vegetable, which has a long, lumpy shape that is very much like a yam. The buska tastes like a mixture of potato and parsnip and is best cooked in stews or simply boiled and mashed.
Darach TreeFor centuries the choice of dwarven craftsmen, the wood of the darach tree lends itself beautifully to all types of decorative work. Found in regions where the temperatures do not raise much above freezing, the wood has the appearance of being inlaid, as if Beade herself sculpted elegant designs upon it in various shades of brown, tans and black. The thick leathery leaves of the darach make a curative tea that is said to help in the digestion and control the flux. A pale amethyst color, a spiny flower sprouts out of long conical-shaped deep red buds and grows along the branches in Sune.
Datia TreeThis deciduous tree is known by its distinctive lobed leaves which contain seeds. The wood of the datia is extremely strong but has a tendency to warp if not subjected to special enchantments. Normally found in mountainous regions, it is no surprise that datia is commonly used in construction by the green-skinned races. The lumber is not processed easily and resists all but magical steel or dogged persistence. It is widely accepted that the incidence of the datia is somehow connected with the development of early enchantments among certain gharkin tribes.
Drael WillowThe long thin branches of this ornamental tree sweep the ground with their brilliant russet-trimmed golden leaves. Serrated, the picotee edges of the leaves are colored a rich reddish brown and the red branches are easy to weave. Baskets made of the drael branches last for an incredibly long time.
DrellPossessing a smooth skin and a pale apricot color, the oval drell releases flavors that are reminiscent of peaches, plums and apricots when eaten.
Dyrewood or Dyrwood TreeThis is a fast growing, deciduous tree common throughout mild climates. The roots of the dyrwood are very large in contrast to the average size of the tree itself. Its small, arrow-shaped leaves appear in large tight clusters and are most often used ornamentally. The fruit of the dyrwood is a spherical nut. Given the rapid growth of this tree and the size of its roots, it is not allowed to flourish in structured areas. The great snaking roots of the dyrwood have been the bane of many buildings and underground constructs. Acceptable spellings include both dyrwood and dyrewood and tend to vary by region. Varieties of the dyrewood include the purple, ashen and gloom.
Ebonwood TreeAn export of the Bijapuran provinces of the Vashan Empire, the ebonwood tree is as stark black as its name implies. When sanded and polished, the black wood takes on a mirror-like finish, making it a preferred choice in ornamentation. A hardy wood, the ebonwood tree has a profusion of vibrant green leaves that taste slightly of spearmint and are used in tea infusions.
Hinoki TreeReddish-brown bark and a light lemon scent characterize this native Vashan wood. Growing to heights estimated at over one-hundred feet, the hinoki tree is often used as high quality timber throughout much of the Hiroko Island; often found in shrine, shop, and theater construction.
Il'lthye PlantTiny deep pink and brownish-pink flowers spill this way and that, clustering and trailing over the ground. Each individual flower is a perfect bloom yet is so small that unless one looks close they will miss the five-petal blossom.
Keaf treesOne of the rarest trees in all the realms, the keaf tree or "Branch of War" is perhaps the strongest of all. It is said that a single keaf will take root on the ground wherever the blood of a king is spilt in warfare. This the tree is innately resistant to magick and only the combined efforts of priests and the most accomplished essence users can fell it. Left alone, the tree will grow taller than the tallest giant and it is said that there are keaf trees in far distant lands that are commonly mistaken for mountains. The leaves of the keaf are a bright red and shaped like a perfect fleur-de-lis. The fruit of the keaf has been said to heal nearly any deformity or disease, but it must be caught before it hits the ground. This colorful myth is grounded in some truth, Keaf nuts are fragile enough to be destroyed if not handled with extreme care.
Kirche treesThis coastal variety of evergreen pine grows to a height of one hundred feet, with a diameter of about two feet. The trunk is often twisted and gnarled creating an odd silhouettes along the easter coast of Peregorne where it is usually found. Legend holds that Shaellis' facet, Signus, created the kirche after having fallen in love with a mortal highman female. This woman spurned Signus' offer of immortality in favor of a brief mortal life. In his resignation, he created this tree in her likeness and many sailors have mistaken the solitary growing trees for women perched on the edges of many a coastal cliff. The wood of the kirche is extremely strong and almost impervious to warping. Thus, it is a favorite lumber among shipbuilders. The wood is also suitable for essence enchantments.
Lacy-leaf vinesTiny ruffled fingers of green splay out from the center of each dainty leaf on this strange-looking plant, giving the whole vine a weightless quality. The lacy-leaf vine grows wild in shady gardens and loves abandoned areas where it tends to cover all growth.
LuminThis golden brown fruit has a sweet, pear-like texture and a citrus-y tang when ripe. It makes a wonderful ade when pureed and requires very little sugar.
Matsu PineFound throughout Hiroko Island, the matsu pine grows abundantly within Senritsu Forest and is often harvested for its timber or used as an ornamental bonsai. Varying from a reddish-brown to a light gray, the matsu pine has long needles and clusters of pale yellow bell-shaped flowers.
Paulownia TreeRarely found in the wilds of Vash, paulownia trees are instead a cultivated crop in the Tanshui province of the Empire. Yielding a pale-white timber that is soft and hardy, the wood of the paulownia is often used in the making of geta, instruments, charcoal sticks, and the wooden framework for shoji screening. Resistant to rot and flame, the paulownia is often exported to other countries and can be found throughout Thrael.
Moranni FlowerDeep fuchsia with a center of pale lavender, this tiny cup-like flower grows in the shallows of ponds and lakes under the cattails and tall reeds.
Sakura TreeNative to the Vashan Empire, the sakura tree is recognized by its beautiful pink or white blossoms and dark brown wood that turns lustrous when sanded and polished. The sakura blossoms and fruit are often used in Hiroko Island delicacies, generally found during festivals or special occasions.
Sugi TreeThis large evergreen tree grows to heights of two-hundred or more feet and has a spiral-shaped needle-like leaves and red-brown bark that peels in long vertical strips. Lightly scented with a familiar, spicy aroma, the timber is both lightweight and strong; used throughout the Vashan empire for interior and exterior building construction. Commonly found throughout Hiroko Island in shrines and temples, the sugi tree is similar to the cedar tree found in other countries.
Thaenberry BushBright red and poisonous, the thaenberry loses its poison if boiled or processed. The berries cluster on bushes that grow all over Thrael with the tenacity of weeds.
Tolz treesBy tradition, tolz trees can be found in cemeteries and burial grounds. Its twisted, gnarled branches are the favorite perch of carrion crows and vultures. Legend says that the tolz sap, flowing thick in the small, brown oval leaves, can make the unlife remember their former existence although no one has ever tried. The wood of the tolz is completely unsuitable for flux enchantment. At the same time, tolz wood is highly prized by clerics and priests because the rock hard white wood is easy to bless and purify.
VyrewoodThis extremely rare wood is prized for its natural resistance to heat and flame. While not totally impervious to extremes of heat, this rust-hued wood is regularly used in the construction of lesser wands and rods of elemental fire. The black, seven-lobed leaves of this deciduous tree are extremely caustic and are commonly used in the preparation of deadly poisons. The tree is found is remote volcanic regions and in the proximity of naturally occurring hot springs. Many mysteries surround the appearance of this tree in the realms. Rumors speculate that Thine herself created this squat, twisted tree to forest her private orchards amidst the swirling flux. She awarded an especially pious dwarven cleric with a single seed of the tree.
Wintewood TreeA distant cousin of the birch, but found in cooler climates, this deciduous tree has small five-lobed leaves that are the palest green on the undersides and an almost pure white bark. The il'lthye call the tree "S'thaeihs'erhel" due to the fact that when the wind blows and the leaves are in motion, they resemble small shooting stars. Beloved by the smaller races, the branches are very strong, although light and extremely flexible, making them perfect for bows. In the summer months, the tree has tiny round yellow buds that bloom into a five-petaled flower, which lasts only for a day.
Woode RoseGrowing on low thorny bushes with a spreading habit, these hardy wild roses have single pink blossoms with a tuft of orange stamens at the center.