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Baetena — Queen Dussona Griadaur (Ar'dune)
Bristeach Isles — Queen Brianag Hargisdaur (Whale Cove)
Kessia — King Vek MacVahl (Kaezar)
Kitzkannaugh — King Byren Sorrenson (Oustel-on-Sea)
Malakvia — King Tyl'angan MacForend (Tesin'Kai)
Mennailecht — King Tegro Farquartz (Spite)
Nellwyn — Queen Victaea Ryerre (Noogee)
Wessumbria — King Ualraig MacMihail (Kesmoth)
Kingdoms of Peregorne
The Kivian Imperium is ruled by Emperor Anthemian the Just from the citystate of Penthras. The Peregorne Empire consists of the following kingdoms and their sovereigns:
Baetena — Queen Dussona Griadaur (Ar'dune)
Livestock; chickens, cows, sheep, and plow horses are the stock of trade for the Baetena kingdom. Sheep raised over the moors become wool that is exported throughout the Empire, supplementing individual kingdom production and outfitting the entire Imperial army. Woolen cloths range from the rough-combed russet to the expensive saxony and duvetyn varieties. Cheeses, from the mild creamy and delicate farmer style, made from rabu's milk, to the tangy and hearty cheddar wheels, are exported along with the woolen skeins and woven plaids that delight the people of Peregorne. It is said that the emperor favors his Baetena plaid over his robes of state.
Bristeach Isles — Queen Brianag Hargisdaur (Whale Cove)
A whaling community at heart, the Bristeach Isles are lorded over by an informally minded queen who is equally at home on land as she is with a harpoon in hand on the ocean. Fisherman, whalers, merchant sailors, and even some pirates call the Isles their home.
Kessia — King Vek MacVahl (Kaezar)
Home to the lyceum, the imperial city of Penthras and Kemstead Abbey, the kingdom of Kessia is the epicenter of the arts, both magical and cultural in Peregorne. It is also known throughout the Peregorne Empire for its tobacco, plentiful fishing, and shipbuilding prowess. Not a vessel is made within the Empire that does not either originate in Kessia or receive parts and master craftsman from one of the huge shipyards at Kaezar, Port Keyne or Never-upon-Vinre. With plentiful virgin forests and timber, and with a prime location as the premier trade province into and out of the southern empire, the kingdom is vastly wealthy and carries much political clout in the court of Emperor Anthemian the Just.
Kessia is composed of the following within its borders:
Briarbrooke Village, Regent Mayor Samel Stouter — includes the town of Briarbrooke, surrounding tobacco fields, farms, and up to Sunderland Ferry.
Duchy of Helsa, Duke Lann Hawksworth — includes all the land north of Woebegone Point to the Kuthgard border.
Duchy of Kaezar, King Vek MacVahl — includes the city and all of the land west to Kemstead, east to the Kivian Sea, southeast to Lonesome Beach, and south to the northern border of Stormstone Lake and the Fenway River.
Duchy of Kemstead, Duchess Sarafina Alistair — includes the village, the abbey grounds, all the land from the Birchwoods to Rolfh's Marsh.
Duchy of Never-upon-Vinre, Duke Conell Keafwood — includes the city and all the land to the crossroads of Vinre Road and Seton Road.
Duchy of Seton, Duke Duncan MacFarquhar — includes Seton Keep, village, and all of the land from Sunderland Ferry to the crossroads of Vinre Road and Seton Road.
Trapper's Landing, Seneschal Yssilain Rustleaf — includes the town of Trapper's Landing and surrounding southwestern acreage to Grendale's Bay.
Duchy of Urgath, Duchess Shyla Fisher'daug — includes all of the land north to the Syl'wydde forest, west to Malakvia and south to Indrejan.
Duchy of Weynna, Duke Kendrick Michaelson — includes all the land west of the Wy'anne Mountains to the Malakvia border, and south to the Syl'wydde forest.
* Citystate of Penthras — ruled by Emperor Anthemian the Just (Not subject to Royal decree)
* Sylvani Enclave — the ancient ancestral lands of the elves, ruled by a sylvani council in Eg'nadis, (Not subject to Royal or Imperial decree). Includes the entire Syl'wydde forest, and the city of Eg'nadis.
Kitzkannaugh — King Byren Sorrenson (Oustel-on-Sea)
Everything caught by the Bristeach Isles makes its way to Kitzkannaugh for processing, becoming meat, oil, and elaborate scrimshaw. With only small fishing fleets of its own, Kitzkannaugh focuses more on their oyster bays filled with freshwater and oceanic pearls. Marriages often occur between Islander and Mainlander, creating a labyrinth of familial ties that can be difficult for an outlander to follow. Kitzkannaugh leads the Peregorne empire in kirchewood production, supplied by the fine forests of kirche trees that spring up on their cliffs.
Malakvia — King Tyl'angan MacForend (Tesin'Kai)
The vast plains of Malakvia make it the perfect source of wheat, corn, oats, and hay, as well as an extremely fine production of linen. Fields of gold dotted with farming hamlets form a rural agricultural community, ruled by a Pereculsus King said to have the ancient Tain'lan'ara blood, a mix of Tain and Kivian. Combining the best of the Tain sylvani farming practices within the vast open land, the Malakvia kingdom is the prime source of grains for the Peregorne empire, with trafficking heading to all burgeoning kingdoms. The city-state is also known throughout Thrael for the delicate weaving of their linen into cloth and rugs. With so much grain, the brewers of Malakvia are famous throughout the empire for the rich, delicious ales called Malak. *one of two kingdoms ruled by a non-Kivian
Mennailecht — King Tegro Farquartz (Spite)
Mennailecht, a cold and inhospitable land filled with gigantic mountains, vast tundra, and sporadic timberline is ruled by an Indurbra king and advised by a council that includes fellow druim'dwer, Kivian daun, and Nocker gnomes. Many different metals; including high and low steel, and iron are mined from within the many mountains spread across the kingdom. Above ground, Nocker gadgetry and luxurious pelts provide a steady export to the rest of the known world. *one of two kingdoms ruled by a non-Kivian.
Nellwyn — Queen Victaea Ryerre (Noogee)
Enjoying the fine climate of southern Peregorne, the people of Nellwyn are well known for the production of cotton and supply the rest of the country with their goods. The temperate temperature allows excellent vineyards and orchards to flourish, as well, so that the lumins, lemons and limes enjoyed in Penthras in the evening are often picked just that morning from a Nellwynian tree. The warm climate makes it the perfect place for the emperor and his court to summer, and many gracious villas as well as the imperial summer palace line the shores of Lake Muireall. Next to the borders of Indrejan and protected by Wessumbria to the north, Queen Victaea and her court pride themselves on their style and grace, leading the empire in fashion and elegance.
Wessumbria — King Ualraig MacMihail (Kesmoth)
Famed throughout Thrael for their warhorses, weaponry, armor and mercenaries, the citystate of Wessumbria, located on the Talone's Lauridan border, is ruled by King Ualraigh MacMihail, a huge man who controls his boundaries with such an iron hand it is often said of him that if Tempest vulf and Valek gharkin could mate, this warrior would be their spawn. In charge of protecting the other citystates from the dreaded Laurdian orcs across his borders, he trains his citizens in the fine art of warfare and seems to relish the constant battles. The smithies of Caole turn the metals of Mennailecht into the highest grade weaponry and armor in the empire, and when a fine warhorse is viewed, all across Peregorne know he is of Wessumbrian stock.