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Movement & Roundtime

In order to move in the game you usually will be using a room's exits. Each room has exits that lead out of it that your character can go through. There are four types of exits in the game: cardinal, non-cardinal, doors, and hidden.

Cardinal exits (north, south, east, west, northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast, up, down, and out) can be accessed by typing north or just n. The available directions for cardinal exits are always displayed at the bottom of the area description.

Non-cardinal exits are those that are not listed at the bottom of the room description. These are usually alluded to in the description of the area, for example if an area of forest said, "Sunlight streams through the canopy of leaves high above, illuminating a small flower-lined path.", that would be your 'clue' that there is a path exit as well as any cardinal exits that may be listed. To use that exit, you would type go path. Some non-cardinal exits require a different verb to access them, and you might need to type climb, jump, or swim, to name a few.

You can also use the exits command to see what non-cardinal exits are in an area.

Doors are non-cardinal exits that need to be opened before you can travel through them. To open a door, type open <doorname>. For instance, to open a gate, you would type open gate. You may also close doors by typing close <doorname>.

Sometimes doors are locked and must be unlocked before they can be opened. In order to unlock a door, you would type unlock <doorname>. In order to lock the door again you would type lock <doorname>. Note that most locks require a key, which can be on a keyring or in your hands. If you don't have a key, you may be able to pick the door's lock. Picking locks is covered in help lockpicking in game.

Some exits are hidden and can be triggered by saying a magical word or doing an action to something in the room. You may need to push boulder to reveal an opening in the cliff face. These sorts of hidden exits do not show up with the exits command, so you will need to pay attention to your environment in order to find them.

If you get lost, type pathfind <word(s) in room title> to get directions to a destination. Be careful, pathfind will find the shortest possible route, which may take you through dangerous areas. Pathfind will not cross ferries or secret exits.


Roundtime is the time it takes to perform an action. It represents the amount of time you must dedicate to a task before moving on to the next action.

For example, it may take 3 seconds to swing a sword, or 15 seconds to disarm a trap.

While in roundtime you may not do other actions that require roundtime. However, actions such as speaking are still allowed.

Walking does not take roundtime, however you are limited to the number of rooms you can move per second. The number increases if you are on a mount.