There are five economy types in the game, with three being used or seen on a daily basis: Peregornian, Vashan, and Monster Slag. In addition to those three, we have Quesalian questa and Zigurandi nubi that may surface from time to time.
Each major city/town has at least one bank. To transact with any of the financial institutions, simply go to the establishment of your choice and read sign
to get specific instructions.
Monetary conversions and coin names are as follows:
Value | Crown (Peregornian) Coin | Koban (Vashan) Coin | Koma (Sunjo) Coin | Nubi (Ziguran) Coin | Questa (Quesalian) Coin | Slag (Primitive) Coin |
1 | Sovereign | Itome | Sema | Pir | Cobinne | Copper |
10 | Royal | Bu | Kwade | Zakat | Lunete | Bronze |
100 | Imperial | Ryu | Ndate | Beshak | Fiorina | Silver |
1,000 | Gryphon | Wen | Dewede | Tazhak | Estuzo | Gold |
10,000 | Fasul | Celestial | Wriza | Ashak | Rialo | Platinum |
Typing wealth
will show you how much money you have on you.
To get some out you would get <type> <#>
or to get all out of a container it would be get <type>
Example: get imperial 49
or get koban
look coins
or look koban
will show you how much you have of each.
** Remember, you cannot see coins in closed containers. So if you do wealth and see 0, it could be your purse is closed.