-----------==================THE KAEZARIAN EYE==================-----------
Froastmonth Edition Age Of Dreams, 645


Since the arrival in Kaezar some weeks ago of Magus Hazrold Krendeg, representative of the Council of Wizards in Penthras, nearly the entire city had been waiting in guarded anticipation for an Inquiry that the Magus had announced would take place in the near future. This Inquiry, as stated by the Magus himself and as circulated by numerous Declarations posted throughout town, was intended for the Examination and Questioning of certain of the city's more prominent Practitioners of Illusionism, namely Ariano Azor'i, Zanzi Blackmoore, Malo Haithcock, and Jurion Tamerlaine, who were summoned most urgently to the proceedings upon pain of Censure and Arrest. Certain well-known Wizards were also urged to attend to offer their Expertise in the matter, though this came more as invitation than Summons, and all other interested Persons were encouraged likewise to be present.

Prior to the date of the Inquiry, Baigan Vikias and Ariano Azor'i worked closely and in good faith with Magus Krendeg to ensure Civillity between Wizards and Illusionists, and in hopes of encouraging a spirit of co-operation and perhaps even Fraternity between the two parties. In spite of being hampered by age-old Grievances and plagued by appearances of the terrible Assassin of Illusionists who stalked the streets, mages Vikias and Azor'i remained optimistic for eventual Reconciliation. However, the calamitous manner in which the Inquiry played out seems to haf Dashed all such hopes, and with them the very foundations of Reality.

It all started out promisingly enough, with all those summoned and invited being Transported by magickal means to an unusual chamber beneath the House Arcana of Kaezar's Lyceum. Here they were accompanied by Magus Krendeg and two other representatives of the Council, Magus Yeryn Trelor and Magus Daven Littlepage by name.

Magus Krendeg stepped forth to welcome the attendees of the Inquiry, stating that the purpose of the night's activities would be "to investigate the nature of Illusionary magicks in a neutral setting, and to provide once and for all the information needed by the Council to decide upon the legal status of Illusionists in the Empire." He also expressed a wish to put "a few brief questions" to the Illusionists gathered there.

Meanwhile the silent centerpiece of this gathering, which surely drew the Eyes of all present, was a strange Sphere of cunning design, its two halves of sildok and silver adorned with esoteric Designs of interlocking lines and circles. Magus Littlepage, given leave to explain its Purpose, introduced it as a "weave-warding device," intended to stabilize Reality and neutralize all magicks directed at it. Then came the first of many surprises of the night, for in an attempt to assuage the concerns of the Illusionists present, Magus Krendeg stated that the device was not in fact designed by Wizards, but by one among their own ranks: the Council's Magus Littlepage, who appeared quite agitated at being outed for an Illusionist.

With this stunning revelation made, Magus Krendeg gave leave to begin what he termed as the "calibration" of the device. This provoked a series of unsettling perturbations of the kind now familiar to all residents of Kaezar: objects floating free of the ground, small things becoming large and large things minute, the boiling of the Aether, and all sorts of terrible ripples and reversals of Reality. This done, the Magus began to call Illusionists forth to be questioned, and invited any who had not thus far revealed themselves to do so now. Here Miss Sareena Kuroneko, a visiting mage of some renown from the Vashan empire, revealed herself also to be an Illusionist, to the great Shock of many — particularly to Magus Krendeg himself, who seemed to positively Seeth with Fury at the deception practiced upon him, perhaps understandably so as he had since meeting her believed her to be a Wizard of the greatest respectability and Repute.

After a handful of other Illusionists chose to make themselves known, Magus Krendeg began to question all of them quite closely, seeming especially concerned with learning the names of those who had instructed them in their studies. He also inquired whether some of them might renounce their magicks if such were proven to threaten Reality, or if the Council were to vote against them. Unfortunately for the Magus, none there could recall at that moment the names of their teachers, and all were firm in their commitment to their magicks regardless of the circumstances.

The questioning complete, Magus Krendeg now instructed each Illusionist to cast a Rote of their choice at the spherical Device, which they proceeded to do. With each spell cast, a trail of Flux crackled down the armature of the Device and dispersed with no further trace. Next they were asked to aim their Vedic Rotes at it, which again they did. This time, however, strange noises echoed through the chamber, and the air began to take on the feel of a Lightning storm, raising the hairs on the back of one's Neck. Even so, all remained well until the Illusionists were Commanded to all cast their spells upon the Device at once, upon which a terrible burst of Energy escaped from the instrument, briefly blinding everyone in the room with its glare. In spite of this, the Magus ordered them to repeat their Efforts, and as they did, Reality itself seemed to explode within the chamber, lighting up the room, causing the walls to Shudder, and sending people Flying from the benches with the violence of the Sphere's reaction.

Upon picking themselves up from the floor, the Magus and all his guests found that the Device was now no more than a Smoldering molten wreck — and since the very moment of this awful explosion, the Weave has trembled and Reality gone all awry.

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A perilous time indeed it is for the Illusionists among us, for they haf received not only threats to their liberty in the form of Imprisonment if they do not cooperate closely with the Wizard's council, but also threats to their very Persons. Such grave menace came in the mysterious form of a dread shadowy Assassin who has spent the last weeks stalking practitioners of Illusionist Magicks about Kaezar and seemed most determined to put an end to their Lives, before finally being taken into custody by the Royal Guard.

The first of this assassin's targets was the now-a-days well-known Illusionist Ariano Azor'i, known also to many as a mage in service to our good King Vek. He was merely loitering about the Green enjoying the great Yule Tree in company with a few others, when suddenly there appeared out of the air a strange man shrouded in a dark cloak, very menacing of demeanor and intent. Ignoring the other revellers, the sinister man immediately began to assault Guardsman Azor'i with magic, incapacitating all who might try to stop him by throwing everyone to the ground with a spell known as Rip Flux. Luckily for Guardsman Azor'i, the man's competence was less than his aspect suggested, and his attempt to snuff the life of the young mage was easily foiled. However, the would-be assassin fled by teleportation before either Azor'i or Imperial Sergeant Ashinara De'Alera, also present, could do more than defend against his unbidden assault.

Nor was this the last to be seen of the mysterious cloaked mage, for he next appeared in an attempt to cold-bloodedly murder Lord Trantris Esselyon, Regent of Seton Keep, evidently in response to a Proclamation issued by the Regent announcing the Keep as a hafn for all Practitioners of Illusionism in the province. Not long afterwards Lady Zanzi Blackmoore of Never-Upon-Vinre, another well-known Illusionist in the province and a frequent guest at Seton Keep, was the victim of yet another assault.

Neither did these vicious attacks cease, for in the days to come still other Illusionists were likewise attacked by the very same assailant. Only this last week Miss Edyn Sunvirea and her friend Rei, both recently self-proclaimed Illusionists, were attacked on the streets of Kaezar by this menace, and being yet young in their craft fell prey to him. These two fled as soon as the assassin appeared, but being followed once more by teleportation they at last succumbed to their attacker's magicks and weapons. Another woman in their company, who had fled with them and bore witness to the attack, was not only left unscathed but even treated by the assassin in astonishingly Civil fashion, for he bowed with incongruous gentility to her after dispatching her erstwhile companions.

The Official Word had been that this man was a rogue Elitist Wizard wishing to throw negotiations between Wizards and Illusionists into disarray and imperil all hope for reconciliation between the two factions. However, it now turns out that this man was in fact a former Illusionist himself, and moreover an assistant of Wizard Hazrold Krendeg of the Wizard's Council. This killer, a man by the name of Crayne, was finally captured after putting a magickal Pin in the skull of Lady Zanzi Blackmoore and teleporting the poor woman to Royal Guardsman Azor'i himself, presumably with the intent of mocking the guard and applying the same sort of Pin to him. However, Azor'i turned the tables and killed the killer, subsequently arresting him in the Kaezar Ossuary once his Spirit had returned to his body. The vengeful Crayne, who it seems had been murdering Illusionists as a Warning against continuing practice of their magicks, is now being held for further questioning concerning his motives and the involvement of his master Wizard Krendeg.

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Kessia's annual masqued ball, an event eagerly anticipated by citizens high and low, was carried off in high style this 31st of Morde at Kaezar's Malcomb Castle. The grand event was marked by a large turnout of some of the region's most notable residents, including Duchess Sarafina of Kemstead, Lady Ambassador Caritas, Lord Regent Esselyon of Seton Keep, Queen Victaea of Nellwyn, and of course Kessia's own King Vek, among many others of lesser station but equal renown.

All who turned out represented the peak of fashion and finery, the beautiful costumes and magnificent masks drawing every eye and overwhelming them with dazzling detail. The theme of this year's Masque being the Sea, the assemblage produced the effect of a wondrous ocean indeed, filled with creatures as exotic and colorful as one could hope to find in all the world's great bodies of water. Sharks, Sea-serpents, cuttlefish, and lionfish were all in attendance, drifting through a sea of shimmering masks and gowns showcasing every imaginable aspect of the ocean's beauty. Every room of the castle was festooned in equal grandeur, with papier-mache sea creatures, a labyrinthine coral reef complete with cloisonne fish, forests of fluttering silken kelp, and even Globes of Living fish suspended from the ceiling of the stunning ballroom. The rich array of dishes laid out in the Great Hall followed a similar theme, platters of anchovy salads, eel pies, and other watery fare arranged around the room's striking center-piece, an enormous shimmering ice-sculpture created by local artist Niall Blackthorne.

[The article here includes a woodblock print apparently reproduced from an image made by a camera obscura in which King Vek and Queen Victaea appear in all their finery. The king is wearing a gold-trimmed glass reef dragyn mask, a voluminous mantle over a multicolored silk doublet, a signet ring, a studded diadem, some high boots, and an engraved daggercase over some particolored tights. The molten glass of his mask swirls together, forming the sharp pointed snout and maw of a reef dragyn. Victaea, a Kivian beauty, is wearing her hair piled on top of her head in a mass of tightly coiled tresses, threaded through with polished merieje beads and sapphire brilliants. She is wearing pointed-toe beaded slippers, a front-clasped choker of matching pearls, and a shoulder-pinned pewter moire gown, threaded with oceanic serpentine scales. The nacre inlay of her serpentine half-mask creates a scale pattern as it moves across the otherwise stark design of the mask. Jewels wind through the mask in a serpentine pattern, presenting a stylized sea serpent twining throughout the molded face of the mask. The royal couple are standing in a room where whimsical-looking fish swim within their spherical bowls, held aloft high over the ballroom by steelsilk netting. Watered silk kelp forest dangle down from the netting, and intertwined chains of merieje and damask suspend spiraled clusters of fragile glass globes in front of the frosted glass windows.]

[This is a woodblock print of a magnificent sculpture set in the middle of a grand hall. Forming the base of a block of ice roughly the size of a Nocker gnome, the intricately carved skeletons of unlucky ships surround the entrance to a harsh-cut crystalline grotto. Trapped inside the ice of the cave's mouth, a twist of silver wire spirals upwards, culminating in an expanse beveled and polished like a storm-tossed sea. Three fantastical ice ships, a graceful galleon, a fanciful junk and a stylized dragyn-ship, ply the rough sea, their delicate frozen-silk rigging limned with drops of ice. They race from the argent maelstrom towards a sheltered cove, which rises from the rear of the sculpture into a jagged peak, surmounted by a large robustly sculpted daun holding aloft a gold-tinged disc of icy moon. Nestled about the base of the sculpture, a ring of frozen desserts absorbs the chill of the ice.]

If the sight of so many strikingly-dressed people were not enough for the attendee to marvel at, the masque also featured performances by some of the most talented citizens of Kaezar. The first of these performances was an exquisite dance from Miss Beckah Lotheniel, whose expressive jetes and arabesques captured the fluid movement of the currents and captivated the audience with their exuberance and grace. Another stirring piece was put on by the bardic duo of Master Julian Sinomi and his assistant Mistress Sholyl Melior, whose piratical dress combined with the rhythmic melody of the sea shanty to transport the listener to the high seas.

Following this entertainment, the ball itself began in earnest as the musicians struck up a sprightly melody and couples moved out onto the floor to dance beneath the waving sea of kelp fronds and shining steelsilk netting. The high point of the dances came when everyone joined in to whirl through the Noogie Nonesuch, evidently in honor of the capital city of the visiting Queen Victaea. This interesting dance was performed by its participants with varying degrees of skill and co-ordination but uniform Enthusiasm, and the spirited music had even the lookers-on clapping their hands to the rhythm. After the conclusion of the Nonesuch, the guests dispersed to admire the spectacularly-appointed rooms, sample the savory food, and simply enjoy the Masque howsoever they most wished, following the currents of the ball at their whim.

The lone discordant note of the Masque came when news spread that one of the guests, Illusionist Jurion Tamerlaine, had been arrested on accusations of Hooliganism and taken to a Cell within the castle. This incident was the only event to mar what must otherwise haf been for most in attendance the crowning moment of this lively winter Season.

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Froastmonth Edition Age Of Dreams, 645


Anyone who has lived in Kaezar long is sadly familiar with the bizarre Playgues, the awesome spectres and Spectacles, the vicious rampages of orcish and goblin hordes, and indeed the strange Perturbations of the natural order with which the city is so oft beset. In these sad times, however, the very substance of Reality itself seems to be warping itself before our very eyes, making sounds visible and sights touchable, turning everything topsy-turvy and inside-out, and making the very Air seem to boil in distress. These disturbances are not only unsettling to the Eye and Stomach, but even moreso to the Minde, for none can say how long they may continue nor, should they cease at all, what condition the town may be in by the time they do so.

The instigators of these most awful disturbances appear to be a collection of strange runed devices, composed of silver and sildok in the shape of a large Sphere with discs of Ziint, and now coming to light in the muddy alleys and back-corners of town. The first device of this sort was seen at the recent Inquiry into Illusionism, where its powers to distort the shape of reality were demonstrated to quite nauseating effect. The main purpose of this particular mechanism, however, was ostensibly to contain and safely dissipate magickal energies, specifically those of the Vedic variety. Some may recall that Baigan Vikias, a wizard of some reputation, made use of a smaller prototype in his lecture on Illusionism the week prior to the Inquiry.

Unfortunately, the Inquiry's device became, apparently, overcome by the amount of magic being directed at it and spectacularly melted, leaving its Haefdin creator Daven Littlepage seeming quite genuinely distraught and awakening suspicions of Sabotage. Soon thereafter, however, the Haefdin vanished, and since that time very similar contraptions haf sprung up all around Kaezar, leaving the question of Littlepage's innocence or involvement in some doubt.

These new devices are not quite identical to that first seen at the Inquiry, differing slightly in materials and in some aspects being more like a Mirror-image than a replica. As the device at the Inquiry was supposed to nullify Vedic magicks and stabilize the Weave, so these new contraptions seem meant to absorb magicks with which to Disrupt the Weave. Mysterious as they are, they danger they pose can barely be exaggerated, as in addition to their unnatural twistings of Reality, any casting of magicks at the sphere provokes a potentially lethal backlash, as aptly demonstrated by Royal Guardsman Ariano Azor'i, who was at one point witnessed to lose bits of his Ears to the violent reactivity of one such device.

The wizard Vikias himself opined that these devices were, "In one way or another, directly responsible for the failure of the demonstration" at the Inquiry. Whatever else they may be, and whatever the motives of their Inventors, they clearly pose a great Menace to our city and to the substance of the Weave itself.

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The Winter Solstice is ever a time of merriement and mirth, the better to keep at bay the dark and cold of the year's end. This Solstice was no exception, and in fact provided even more Diversion than in years previous, this in great part thanks to a festival brought to our city from the chilly highlands of Mennailecht.

This interesting festival revolves in great part around the purchase of lovely glass ornaments created especially for the Season. Such ornaments are then bestowed upon one's friends and relations, each bauble meant to signify some aspect of the recipient's personality. This exchange of gifts is supposed to defend against the growing influence of Vaen which waxes as daylight wanes in the approach to the winter Solstice, for by liberally bestowing their coin upon the glass-blowers and their marvellous creations the people of the Highlands hope to appease the dark goddess's greed. The city was even presented by King Byren of Kitzkannaugh with a beautiful evergreen to hold the ornaments of the townsfolk, this special Yule tree being set up by a band of merry workers to grace the town Green.

Further excitement was provided by a scavenger hunt taking place in Kaezar over several days, with the aim being to find various special glass ornaments cleverly hidden throughout the city. Any person so fortunate as to discover one of these treasures was rewarded not only with their very own custom-made ornament from local glassblower Bemli but also with his or her choice of another prize provided by one of a number of Kaezar's most esteemed merchants.

The entire celebration culminated in what was possibly the most magnificent event of all, the burning of the great festival tree. This was carried off in spectacular fashion, and included a symbolic clash between the hopeful message of Thine and the bleakly despairing one of Shaellis. As the priests of these two deities raised their voices to cry above the din of the streets, people from all over town flocked to the Green to set upon parchment their hopes and dreams, their regrets and sorrows, and tie them to the branches of the Yule tree. Thus laden with ornaments and the thoughts of the entire city, the glorious tree was set ablaze, the flames towering towards the heavens and glass baubles exploding in the heat, their shards settling to the ground like flakes of sparkling snow.

And thus another Yule season came to end, giving the land up once more to winter and the distant promise of spring.

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Froastmonth Edition Age Of Dreams, 645

by Reporter Grace Fonteyn

As a young girl, I remember costumed revelers descending upon our house, filling it with their larger than life antics. They would often depart as abruptly as they arrived, leaving the children breathless with laughter, my father lighter of coin, and my mother's table bare. I remember asking my father about them once, who they were, and he told me "Those, my little Grace, are the Mummers. Nobody knows, perhaps they are our neighbors, farmers, merchants, maybe even a noble is to be found amongst them in disguise."

Even at a young age, I was not one for mysteries, and haf since endeavored to get right down to the bottom of it all. I would study them closely every year, but they still seemed quite a mysterious group. For a while, it was rumored Master Delaven was one of them, it was quite the scandal, he went so far as to make a very prominent appearance at one of their performances attempting to dispel any whisperings. It only increased them, naturally. I had asked my mother once if I could join them, and she replied quite shocked, saying it was not a proper or respectable thing for my father's daughter to go running about the countryside begging for money. This year, I fina ly got my chance.

It was with some effort I infiltrated this secretive group, the Mummers, to learn more of their ways. Some of you may haf gotten a chance to see a performance by these bell bedecked pot wielding characters. Out of respect for our adventures together, I will not identify them, lest they be embarrassed by their more respectable acquaintances, but I haf gotten to the bottom of their motivation. In short, money and ale. Quite a lot, of both. It is, to be sure, not a dignified thing. I was dubbed The Fool, accepted as one of them, and journeyed to Seton Keep to cajole coin and wassail the orchards of Lord Esselyon. As the Fool, I had a minimum of lines, and was thankfully spared from the dancing at the end, by lack of expertise surely would haf blown my cover as a True Mummer. My chief duties seemed to be begging for money from any soul we came across and drinking a great deal more than was good for me.

These guisers are characterized primarily by confusion, yelling, generally being exuberant, and on occasion witty. We had a harrowing journey to Seton, avoiding many an orc on the way, barely arriving with our lives at the gates of Seton. While received with some skepticism from the sentries posted, we were received quite warmly by his Lordship and Steward, who were also most generous with their drink and coin. I will not go into details, but, let me suffice to say mumming is not a shabby way at all to raise some funds on short notice. After the performance, which is ridiculous, we were too the orchard to "wassail" the trees. It is a practice I had heard tale of, but never seen myself. We sang, poured our drinks, and made enough noise to frighten anything away, from birds to the intended evil spirits. As for how well it may or may not haf worked, we will all be sure to keep an eye on his Lordship's orchards this coming harvest.

The return trip proved much more dangerous, there were even a few casualties, but the Mummers banded together, yelling and brandishing wooden swords and iron pots, taking care of their injured until arriving safely back in Kaezar. Their dedication to their craft and each other should be commended, and I look forward to many more years of mumming.

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If threat of assassination were not enough to make any Illusionist shudder, they now haf further Threats and Intrusions upon their Persons to deal with. A few suffered imprisonment in the local gaol following Warrants of Arrest issued by Magus Krendeg, wherein they had placed within their Skulls a Pin of subtle and pernicious design. Inscribed minutely with the legend "Mar an vis miras," with the meaning of "to permanently negate knowledge of illusions," this Pin prevents those inflicted with it from casting any sort of Vedic spell.

Of those who haf had this anti-magick Pin forced upon them, most prominent were Lady Zanzi Blackmoore and Miss Zedyn Sunvirea, both victims of assault by the recently-unmasked assassin Crayne. This Crayne, assistant of Magus Krendeg, was also responsible for inserting the Pin into the head of Lady Blackmoore prior to his capture by the Royal Guard. It is uncertain what measures may be taken to remove these sinister instruments, but Miss Sunvirea asserted that they were most likely to be painful. How the Wizards' Council might respond to the removal of the Pins is not known.

As if these dreadful Torments were not sufficient, other practitioners of Illusionism haf been shipped off to the penal island aptly named Despair, usually reserved for only the most hardened of criminals, guilty of the most heinous offences. One who has been sent there is not even a native of the Empire, but rather a citizen of Vash, where Illusionist magicks are not Condemned as they are in these lands. The repercussions of such a blatant offense to the Vashan nation are as yet unknown, but certainly cannot be taken lightly, as indeed is the case with all these latest Provocations to the city's Illusionists.

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Froastmonth Edition Age Of Dreams, 645

by Reporter Rei

On one Runestag, the twenty-seventh of Plade, many large turkey-birds were spotted in the Kaezar area. Several people witnessed these birds running amok in Kaezar. Some even hunted down the creatures for food. Royal Guard lady Suede when asked, stated that the birds leg she was eating was chewy, yet tasted pleasant to her. Miss Datari Amari stated that she had killed four of these birds herself though did not comment on their taste. Another man, one Zwyx, was heard to say they tasted "great."

I myself encountered one of these birds that appeared less than appealing to my eyes. I felled the bird and gave the leg to Miss Amari which she kept. I haf been told these birds haf come around in the past around this time of year. Perhaps those who haf not seen these majestically ugly birds will haf a chance next year around this time.

By B. Vikias, Wizard in Good Standing, A Friend of Dialogue

Recently, the Wizard Council has come to Kaezar to ask an important question. Most would wonder, "Why should I even care that they are here?" much less, "What question are they asking?" I believe everyone should know a bit about this matter, if only so that the average individual realizes how much is at stake for not only them, but the way they live their lives.

The Wizard Council is an imperial entity with vast powers. It can command the imperial guard, inquisitors, and strip any unsuitable individual of magic as punishment. Even the average individual, who does not directly use magic, benefits from wizardly pursuit. Magical lights, magical fire, and even teleportation as transit. Wizards haf done all of this, and wizards will soon be able to do even more. The wizards are asking a new question and exploring a new territory: "Should illusionist magic, a special kind of magic that came out of the fundamental principles of wizardly magic, be allowed?" The question is highly complex. How to consider it?

Illusionist magic deals with what is not. It creates falsehood and manipulates the Weave, the fundamental stuff that binds the world together, in a different way from conventional magic. Despite the radical stance the council has taken against illusionist magic — a total ban on its use — the council's inquiry and my own research haf indicated that there is a fundamental connection between wizardly magic and illusionist magic, and that both may obey similar rules. Machines that cause the two types of magic to interact haf been built, and more research is underway. For any of the public who are curious about this exciting question, please don't hesitate to ask me. To investigate. To wonder. To attend future hearings. To support any illusionist friends you may haf. The way to a brighter future is through the unity of magic, the spirit of cooperation, and rational thought.

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Being a Brief Account of the Queere and Improbable Happenings There These Last Months.

In her graciousness in granting this publication a Report, the Lady Ansivrien Ferisiingen, Steward of Seton Keep, affirmed to this reporter that the past severall weeks had been most dull and uneventful ones for the denizens of the Keep, and, what with the almost inconsequentially minor plagues of Witches, thievery, Serpents of loquacious bent, and Water-Rats of unusual size, hardly worth conveying to the jaded citizenry of Kaezar. Nevertheless, I hereby produce this account, leaving the Reader to judge for himself.

In the unlikeliest of twists, all the latest incidents at the Keep were set into motion by a dog — and, mind you, not just any dog, but a dog of the small, bright-pink, and hairless variety, the likes of which are not very probably seen by many. But this dog may be forgiven for being so overly tiny and hairless, because it was in fact the victim of a most cruell prank by a Vashan fox-spirit, and no one, not even the most formerly-majestic of hounds, may defend themselves well against this. The residents of the Keep were, however, most understandably distraught by the poor canine's change of fortune, and after some time procured the services of a Witch of some reknown to remove the curse laid on the unfortunate creature. This Witch arrived with a retinue of large Serpents given to occasional speech, who were, the Steward said, "actually quite mannerly creatures, for large, intimidating, venomous snakes."

But alas! for the promising scheme did not fall out so well as planned. For the Witch had not long put in an appearance on the scene before the dog suffered another unexpected blow and was spirited away to Koje and fates Unknown. Little more may be said on the matter, for the circumstances surrounding this event are veiled in shrouds of the deepest mystery, but the reader may rest assured that it doubtless involved some sort of entirely improbable series of actions perpetrated by some entirely improbable personage.

In any case, by the time the Witch had readied all her preparations for the removal of the dog's affliction, the victim of the curse itself was gone. Here the old woman fell straightaway into a Fury dreadful to behold, for her precious time, in which she could haf been stewing Eyes of Newt, speaking in serpents' Tongues, and doing whatever other fell things it is that witches do in their leisure moments, had been expended for naught in this now pointless expedition. This being the case, the crone threatened to bring a NEW curse down upon the entire Keep, and stormed out.

Soon thereafter two large swarms of uncommonly vengeful Water-Rats swept through the Keep, rabidly gnawing upon all that came within reach of their merciless jaws. Unfortunately for the Keep, this included the residents themselves as much as (or indeed, far more than) the woodwork, grain stores, and hapless scullery maids that one might consider the more usual objects of rodentine wrath. Luckily, however, the people of Seton managed to pull themselves up to the challenge, and succeeded in pushing back the hordes of rats at minor cost to themselves, thereby restoring peace within the Keep.

Very little else of note has occurred lately, the Steward noted: the renegade imperials recently running amok in the area are presently nothing more than a few bands of tattered souls skulking suspiciously in the hillsides, and the Steward also hastened to assure me that a certain be-tentacled and many-eyed monster once responsible for dissolving random objects and blinding the occasional person was very old news and had not in fact been seen in many weeks.


As of this morning, this reporter hath heard that Seton Keep is sinking into the Marsh! More on this as Our facts are checked for validity.

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By Auntie Anony.

Hello Hello Hello — Hafe you hearde!

Oh Aunty's been a busy bee this month, but who can help it with all the groping and cuddling going on! The very streets of Kaezar sizzle under the snow.

First, Aunty asks, with Master Tamerlaine being just this side of the noose, one can only wonder what John the playwright is doing with the poor Mistress Tamerlaine? Rumors are a buzz as he has on more than one occasion been seen 'consoling' the almost widow and very lovely Sinjinn. Methinks Master Jurion should pay more attention to his bride and less to his eggs.

Aunty is also wondering about the very quick nuptials of Imperial Guardsman Emirikol De'Sainmhini and his new wife, the former Sariah Kashaa. The happy couple met and were married all within a week so that should dispel all rumors of her bring enchante. Perhaps she is trying to one up her cousin's recent engagement to Glaedyr? There is a question that arises, who is the little Byra half-blood that the new groom has been seen canoodling with all over town and does his lady know?

My spies were on the job when they saw the very elegant Sareena Kuroneko slapped the heck out Royal Guardsman Ariano Azor'i, who stood there stoically and took it like a man, in the courtyard of the Plum after it was revealed that her former pupil was outed as an illusionist! Right after that, we found out Ariano's one-time mentor is an illusionist herself! Are all the wizards of Kaezar in the closet? Deliciously naughty of them all. Aunty approves!!

And who exactly are the sister and brother Wethrin'aer? They haf been seen arguing with the Muir half-blood named Rei. A regal pair as Aunty has ever observed, yet there is something there that She just cannot put her finger on. This development bears watching for sure!

Lastly, we haf heard that our fair citye's favorite flower child has been asked to try out for the job of Royal Bard! We haf seen her dance and whole heartily approve, but can she carry a tune? Imagine, a royal bard who croaks like a frog! And could the faire Beckah be the reason for the rumor that the Imperial's dashing Lieutenant Shadowlight is going to hang up his cloak? Is he joining the ranks of the unemployed to further his courtship with the blossom strewn maiden? Aunty will be on the watch for further developments!

Auntie sees all and tells moste!

-----------==================THE KAEZARIAN EYE==================-----------
Froastmonth Edition Age Of Dreams, 645




Help Wanted: Stronge Type To Acte As Bouncer and Crowd Control. Crossroads Inn is seekyng a Stronge sort Who is handy Wyth a Blade as welle as Hys Fysts to mayntain Crowd Control and Safetye for Its Patrons. - See Breen, Proprietor.



Seamstress Wanted! Muste be Handy wyth all manner of Laces as well as Dexteroys wyth silken fabrycs. Spinnyng Knowledge would Be Apprecyated. — Inquyre at Madame deSharlet



If you are in the dog house for being neglectful of your sweetheart, now is the time to bring home something delicious from Cherillan's Sweet Shop located on Harrow Road.



Thraelian Performance Night! The best talent Thrael has to offer, Dance, Music, Song and Poetry. At Ten Bells past Noon on Witchespax, the eleventh day of Storme. Held in the Ghent Center of the Arts, Filladuro Rehearsal Theatre. Admission: One Imperial. Presented by Beckah Lotheniel and Lilt Elondriel.



Horses Bought! We Pay Gud Pryces for Olde Horse and Mule Flesh. Get Ryd of Dobbyn Here! See Beil at Beil's Meat Market



Do you haf an ear for gossip? An eye for the Unlikely? A nose for NEWS? The Kaezarian Eye is now hiring Reporters! All Reporters will receive a monthly salary and will haf the chance to write on some of the most Fantastic and important Happenings in the Empire! The Eye also welcomes unsolicited submissions of interesting articles on topics of Divers Sorts. Authors of all accepted articles will receive recompense befitting their Efforts. All interested Persons should contact Siovanhe Starsong, acting manager - The Kaezarian Eye



-----------==================THE KAEZARIAN EYE==================-----------
Froastmonth Edition Age Of Dreams, 645


Thanke you for purchasing, or Otherwyse obtaining, our newspaper.

Until the streets of Kaezar are paved, May the Publick Be Wary.

Minerva Sartchilde, Owner and Chief Editor.

Siovanhe Starsong, Head Reporter and Acting Manager.