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Eyssa has the largest following among the gods, and by far the most priests. She sits in the very middle of both pantheons, working to keep the balance of the scale even. Goddess of death, rebirth and everything in the cycle of life, her priests were the first to discover the power of resurrection and are still the dominant religion of restoring life to those who have died. As the sole deity responsible for balancing all of the essential forces in the cosmos, Eyssa is rather schizophrenic and distracted. She often appears to be whimsical and flighty as she tries to keep her attention divided upon all that happens in her domain. While not actively involved in the day-to-day workings of individuals in Thrael, she definitely takes an interest in events or objects that effect the greater workings of the cosmos. In addition to being widely worshipped, Eyssa is also the most recognized of the deities. This is most likely due to her clergy's resurrection capabilities, although followers of other gods have since discovered this ability. It is safe to say that most homes in Thrael will offer up a prayer to Eyssa as well as their patron deity.
A complex blend of the naiveté and hope of a child mingled with the pragmatic realism from immeasurable experience, Eyssa is a study in balance. And to understand balance is to begin to grasp the key to Eyssa; birth to death, beginning to end — these are the things that fall under her purview. Obviously, the immensity of such a task is incalculable by mortal reckoning, and even the immortals struggle without success to comprehend just how much responsibility presses down upon the slender shoulders of Eyssa.
Her unique position has given her a perspective so all-encompassing that she must, by necessity, focus on the tapestry of existence rather than concern herself unduly over the specific placement of individual threads. With an understanding of the complexities and "rules" of the universe that far exceed the minor needs of the individual, Eyssa is rarely if ever swayed by pleadings from the mortal plane.
Her sphere of interest and in fact, her domain is that of a smooth-running cosmos, and while she has been said to grieve over particular injustices, only an event of cataclysmic proportions that threatens to upset the stasis of the universe will cause her to intercede in a manner clear enough for corporeal entities to perceive.
This is not to imply that she turns a blind eye to any birth or death, but simply that she does not intercede or make direct changes to specific lives. By the very nature of her duties, she oversees the conception and demise of every living entity, deriving satisfaction from both of these necessary tasks. Her presence throughout the universe is absolute, pervading every nook and cranny of existence.
Struggling to keep the universe in harmony necessitates that she strives for neutrality, although her natural inclinations appear to lean towards goodness and right. Given the amount of evil that exists and her endless labor, one can only speculate that she must view the world with vast patience commingled with spurts of indignation and wrath.
Although never receiving clear acknowledgment of her blessings or for that matter, even her existence, most followers of Eyssa seem to be satisfied with the belief that their assistance is appreciated, even if unrecognized in any tangible manner.
While it is admittedly pure speculation, many attribute her with having a rather irreverent sense of humor. She is thought to possess a wry sense of wit, and there are many occasions when, upon hearing of some ironic twist of fate or a delicious bit of poetic justice, a follower has been known to shout, "Ah, Eyssa!"
Aliases | Mother Life, Lady of the Circles |
Portfolio | Death, The Dead, Burials, Undertakers, Reincarnation, The Mystery of Life and Death, Clerics, The Priesthood, Beginnings and Endings, The Afterlife, The Cycle of Life, Balance, Continuity. |
Corporeal Domains | Ubiquitous |
Central Themes | Death, Life, Rebirth, Balance |
Personality | As the sole deity responsible for balancing all of the essential forces in the cosmos, Eyssa is rather schizophrenic and distracted. She often appears to be whimsical and flighty as she tries to keep her attention divided among the entire goings on in her domain. While not actively involved in the day-to-day workings of individuals in Thrael, she definitely takes an interest in events or objects that affect the greater workings of the cosmos. Eyssa is somewhat the administrator of the rules of the universe and hence has a few bureaucratic tendencies. Arguing about why something is so with Eyssa is fruitless, she will merely insist on the reason because it is what it is. Without Eyssa's constant attention to the details of running the universe, everything would grind to a halt. Thus, she is incredibly busy and not prone to attend to the whims of other deities, let alone mortals. |
Virtues | Harmony, Inner Peace, Acceptance |
Sins | Discord, Wrath, Contrariness |
Symbol | Three entwined rings of thread |
Color(s) | White |
Material Affinity | Lanakin |
Gem Affinity | Opal |
Holy Book | The Codicil of Fusion |
Temple/Shrine Style | Starkly simple yet well appointed. |
Magic Sphere | All |
Primary Dominion | Life/Death |
Secondary Dominion | Balance & Harmony |
Tertiary Dominion | Order |
Spell User Type | Astral |