Account Confidentiality
Unwritten Legends is committed to maintaining high standards of privacy and confidentiality for our players. You'll notice we don't have an account-based posting system on our forums, or an account-based who list in the game. We could easily implement a system in which accounts were visible and all information associated with a given account was publicly available to everyone, but that's not a design choice we want to pursue. We don't tell other players who your characters are. We don't discuss customer service issues with uninvolved players, or post public notices of violations, warnings and punishments. We don't disclose donations, either, and we absolutely do not give out your email address or any other contact information, up to and including your real name.
We take all these measures very seriously, and we expect our players to respect our privacy as well. We want to make everyone aware that, from now on, disclosing private information about another person's account is a bannable offense, whether that account belongs to another player or a member of staff.
What does this mean for you?
- If we learn you are disclosing information about another person's account, we will ban your account. Whether this ban is temporary or permanent will depend on your previous customer service history.
- If you discover information about another person's account, we expect you to keep it to yourself.
You may always discuss concerns about account privacy with staff, and report policy violations to, particularly if you believe a banned player has deceptively opened a new account under a new identity, or a current player is multi-accounting. Such information should be reported directly and only to staff and should not be discussed with any other person or persons.
Requiring our players to shield themselves from accidentally learning anything at all about another player's account is unreasonable, and it's not the intent of this policy. We realize it's human nature to gossip, and it's exciting to play the game of "Who's that alt?" or "Is that a staffer's character?" However, where we draw the line is when the information is maliciously or thoughtlessly distributed, especially with the intent of "outing" someone's alts or revealing which PC might be played by a staffer.
Many players have concerns about privacy and want to keep their information confidential, whether they are new to the game and are worried about issues following them from another game, or are previous players rejoining the game after a long absence who want to "start over." And the staff of Unwritten Legends play Unwritten Legends too. (Shocking, we know!) We're motivated to volunteer our time to work on Unwritten Legends because we enjoy playing the game, and that enjoyment is seriously damaged when players refuse to respect our privacy or the privacy of their fellow players. A lot of wonderful, creative, and fantastic people — players and staff alike — have suffered when otherwise private information has been widely disseminated, forcing "outed" players to reroll or leave the game entirely and forcing staff to quit or retire their PCs.
We don't like this, and we want to stop it from happening any more. Previous incidents were handled under our policies covering harassment and nuisance or disrespectful behavior, but after a great deal of discussion, we believe Unwritten Legends needs a more specific policy to clearly address this issue.
This new policy is effective immediately. Violations should be reported to
Questions and comments regarding this new policy are welcome.
We'd like to thank you all for playing Unwritten Legends, and we hope to make this a great game for years to come.